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 Is Advanced Calculus useful? And was it ever useful? (23)

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SupremeLord(44) pic

Is Advanced Calculus useful? And was it ever useful?

Advanced Calculus meaning stuff taught in college like Intergration Techniques, Multi-variable Functions.






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3 points

Yes it actually can be very useful depending on what job you decide to make a career out of.

My grandpa told me a story once. He told me that he saw one of his students that had complained day in and day out about the subject at hand. My grandpa asks him ' so ya ever use what I taught ya? ' to which the man groans ' every single day of my life '

The man was an architect.

Side: Yep
3 points

I hate Calculus... Haha. I find it difficult to find real world applications for most things. Of course, optimization and other things like that are useful. But series analysis? Polar Coordinates? Parametric equaions? Get real... :)

They are only useful if you want to teach calculus.

Side: depends
2 points

You know Windows?

You know Myspace?

You know basically any computer program, server, service and ect?

Calculus powers the algorithms behind them all.

Fuck yeah.

Side: Yep
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

yeah, but you don't need to know calculus to pick a password and write "Hi! I'm (insert lame emoticon) today! Hit me up!

... jesus I hate myspace...

Side: Yep
Warlin(1213) Disputed
1 point

But myspace wouldn't be all that myspacish if the people behind it didn't you know... know calculus.

Everyone with a brain hates myspace though, so it's cool. Calculus is useful, just not to the masses.

Side: Yep
2 points

Well, I took Calculus 2 in highschool, thinking I was cool, and I've used it exactly 0 times in my entire life. Even in college the only math I took was required Algebra 2. On the plus side it made Algebra 2 a breeze, but I would have been better served to have taken geometry (that's right, I skipped geometry, wtf? why the hell did they let me do that? you use geometry like everyday)

Anyway, take it if you have any plan to even maybe pursuing engineering or something similar, but unlike algebra and geometry, there's not that much use for it at the super market or when you're installing cabinets.

Unless you just like math, which would be weird.

Side: depends
1 point

It's meaningless.

It's outdated.

I bet u 300$ that 85% of the Calculus textbooks do not have a single picture in them.

Side: depends
im2nic2(33) Disputed
1 point

I'll take your money! You can't make a good textbook without pictures.

Side: Yep
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
0 points

I don't know, my ex left some of her dental texts, a couple of them weighed like 8lbs and had 0 pictures, totally pissed me off when I had to move.

Side: Yep

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, then it wasn't advanced incubus we were studying?

Side: Yep
1 point

If you never find a specific use for Calculus it is still useful. Simply having the knowledge is useful. Why not learn it?

Side: Yep

Calculus is used a lot in physics.

But the point of learning something is that it exercises a different part of your brain, or rather, by learning a new subject you are learning how to think differently about things.

Calculus is a tool and by learning it you sharpen your logic skills.

Colleges attempt to produce well rounded individuals. Individuals that know different things and that are not one dimensional thinkers. If you're well rounded, then you can do some free association and come up with some funny stuff ;)

Side: Yep
SupremeLord(44) Disputed
1 point

I disagree 95%.

You said "the point of learning something" as if everybody is willing to learn it. The reality is nobody wants to; they are all being unknownly jammed into the mind slaughtering machine.

Absurdity breeds absurdity, I knew something wrong would pop up somewhere in some form.

And this time, it popped up as Calculus

Side: Yep

So are you saying that calculus is not useful or that calculus is not useful for the reasons I've given?

Side: Yep
1 point

Reading from the comments above, oh lord.

Wow, they sure did a god damn good job masking the reality, and sinisterly re-directed government's force to do its own sneaky bidding.

Side: Yep
1 point

no, all you ever need to know is how to buy groceries and pay bills. you dont need calclus for that.

Side: Hell NO
1 point

Depends on the job you go into. I'm sure it's useful for engineering and physics type jobs at the very least. I was expected to take Finite math for an accounting major... and I failed the awful... haha.

Side: Hell NO
SupremeLord(44) Disputed
0 points

Well you failed it "so awful", I think that explains your wrong statement - "I'm sure it's useful for engineering ..."

Side: Hell NO
0 points

I'm confused with what you're talking about. I said advanced calculus would probably be useful for engineering. My failing "finite math" was an example that advanced math classes are easy to fail (and I've only failed 3 classes my entire life) and naturally, it's awful I failed it. But that has nothing to do with advanced calculus...

Side: Hell NO