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Debate Score:10
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DevilDolly(14) pic

Is Christianity Pro-incest?!

Accorfding to the bible,God made only 2 people on earth in the beginning.

Adam and Eve.

Eve was born from Adam's rib,which would make them related/sibilings.

So didnt they have to have sex together to populate the earth??

Therefore we are all "brothers and sisters?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 3
1 point

If Jesus is God, and God is Jesus' father, then Jesus is his own father. If that's not the textbook definition of incest, I don't know what is.

Side: yes
1 point



Side: yes
1 point

if tere were only two humans to begin with, then everyone would have to be closely related, especially if the great flood happened. but of course, the whole bible is full of it

Side: yes

This is a perplexing question because the offspring from Adam and Eve would have to marry each other and have children.

Side: Yes

I've also considered the whole "two humans somehow populated a thriving Earth of six billion people" a flaw in the theory of Christianity/Creation, but to call Christianity pro-incest is absurd.

Side: No
Cerin(206) Disputed
2 points

On the other hand, it would explain why there are so many hill-billies around...

Side: yes

OK, I didn't see that one coming and it made me lol ;)

The pancake hat helped a little too ;)

Side: No
1 point

NO OF COURSE NOT! you must have good disernment and must understand the time periods when this occured. Understand the culture in the old testimate. Christianity came to be after jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins. Also it clearly states that incest is wrong written latter in the jewish law, in the old testimate. God was just being tolerent of our dispicable behavior.

Side: No
1 point

You see we are brothers and sisters this is true. He planned this from the very beggining of time. Number 1 love God. Number 2 love people. Now to me those who have not been saved and cleansed by the holy spirit are lost brothers and sisters, for surely in this world lies satan a lion waiting to devore the soul. We are one. But some of us have seperated ourselves from others breaking apart the complete unity because of our decision to be rebelious towards god and eat the forbidden fruit.

Side: No