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Is Globalization a form of Neocolonialism?

Although formal colonialism came to an end during the 20th century, there continues to be ongoing debate about whether colonialism still exists in other forms, mainly globalization. Globalization affects all corners of the planet, and some countries seem to benefit from globalization than others. This debate is to argue whether or not globalization is a form of colonialism. Please provide support for your arguments.


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 7
1 point

A good book to read (at least the first half) - although it's old -1995 is

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin

"They own these countries already. Have you ever wondered what's going on there at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank? ... Congress at the insistence of the President authorized another $100 billion for the International Monetary Fund. And then the article tells you that this money will be used to make loans to underdeveloped nations or grants to them to raise their standard of living. Do you believe that? ... If the money is to be used to raise the standard of living of these countries they're not doing a very good job of it because after all of these decades, after all of these hundreds of billions of dollars, you cannot point to one country that has had its standard of living raised one iota by that. In fact in most cases it's the other way around and that's not an accident because the money has not been used to raise the standard of living. The money does not go to the people in those countries. It goes to the politicians of those countries, to their governments and the money is designed and spent to strengthen their power structures, their ability to control their populations. They usually start off as inefficient dictatorships but by the time they get all this money from the IMF, they are now efficient dictatorships."

Side: yes
1 point

One example that Globalization is a bankers' form of Neocolonialism is the Somalia Starvation & the IMF connection:

The recurrent famines " of the 1980s and 1990s are in large part the consequence of IMF-World Bank "economic medicine"."

IMF-imposed economic policies " that emphasise cash crops for export, to generate funds to pay off loans owed the West instead of food crops"

IMF & World Bank " saddled the third world countries with debts that were in some cases many times the size of their GDP."

And for those who display tactical ignorance regarding why would creating a failed state is profitable:

... nearly two-thirds of Somalia " was allocated to the American oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips in the final years before Somalia's pro-U.S. President was overthrown and plunged into chaos .. In 1969, a post-colonial government was formed [and] significant social progress was achieved. .. Ten years of IMF SAP & Somalia spiraled into ... chaos from recurrent "austerity measures" imposed by Washington consensus."

Side: yes
1 point

Globalisation promotes ideas of multiculturalism, but instead propagates western culture at the expense of all others. The result is a "conversion" of alternative cultures, or "assimilation" in the name of globalisation. While in the past this was done with military force, it is now done with economic control, where international banking is done with the headquarters in western financial hub cities. Globalisation has failed to improve the lives of those it has promised, and instead has confronted societies with western mass media, resulting in increased discontent, alcoholism, and suicide. Comparison without the means to advance standing in society i.e. increasing westernisation can be highly damaging to a traditional lifestyle and societal structure. Globalisation has manifested itself as the consumerist consumption of "ethnic" goods (i.e. import shops and world music CDs) and the installment of TVs which display western culture alongside local shows or bollywood hits in slums, where the inhabitants have little control over their situation and whom Globalisation of a market economy has failed to help.

Side: Yes
1 point

Globalization refers to the increasing unification of the world's economic order through reduction of such barriers to international trade as tariffs, export fees, and import quotas. [1]




Neocolonialism is a term used by post-colonial critics of developed countries' involvement in the developing world. Writings within the theoretical framework of neocolonialism argue that existing or past international economic arrangements created by former colonial powers were or are used to maintain control of their former colonies. [2]






Being that Globalization is not an economic arrangement created by developed Nations, but rather a general shift in the world economy which is not driven by any particular nation. Furthermore Globalization is much more beneficial to developing nations because the elimination of tariffs increases demand. Globalization is actually detrimental to some wealthy nations because now their citizens must compete with the world rather than just against their own citizens.




Side: No

Yeah, something that we can both agree. This debate is almost laughable.

Side: No
SophieS(22) Clarified
1 point

How so? And why would questioning anything be laughable? That's really not in a spirit of debate and free thought.

Side: Yes
ptosis(243) Disputed
1 point

"Not driven by any particular nation."

True, international banking is borderless. I.E. the privately held federal reserve took Amercian $$ to finance European wars - without the consent of Congress. The hidden tax called inflation that is funded by a lower standard of living for future American generations is the source of the $$.

"Globalization is actually detrimental to some wealthy nations"

True, "worldwide financialization of capitalism was the role of the dollar as the hegemonic world currency, allowing the U.S. economy essentially to print dollars as needed and to borrow on an unprecedented scale from the rest of the world. This turned the U.S. economy into both the consumer of last resort and the center of debt buildup for the world economy as a whole."

The IMF gives loans to countries that can't service the original debt interest which in turn creates more debt. It's like have a second, third or fourth mortgages on the house you live in.


"IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world."

The IMF only gives loans

"conditionality. If a superior private banker considers a loan to a family, corporation or country, it will be most interested in the prospects that there will be sufficient growth in the borrowing unit so added revenues will be able to service the debt. Not so with the IMF. The conditions are always such that the first consideration is getting the money for Citicorp, Chase or the B of A. The economic model deployed for that purpose leads to an insistence that Y devalue its currency, so it can improve its export prices to earn hard currency, and that it raise taxes to balance its domestic budget. This is evil advice, as you know, which is why I have called the IMF an “Evil Empire."*

Side: yes
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
1 point

I'm not sure what in my post you're actually disputing...

Side: No