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Racist Asians No jihad for Japan
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Racist Asians (4)
 No jihad for Japan (5)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Is Japan racist or just using common sense?

Racist Asians

Side Score: 4

No jihad for Japan

Side Score: 7
1 point

The two are not mutually exclusive.

1- Muslims are not a race, so grouping all Muslims together, and then excluding them cannot be racist, despite being discriminatory. A set of beliefs is not an immutable characteristic. Moreover, while it is nonsensical to say that two races/gene pools are antithetical to each other, it is possible for two sets of ideas to be mutually exclusive. For example, a religion whose core set of beliefs include the conversion, killing, or enslavement of all who do not believe in that religion cannot be reconciled to a society's belief in, and value of its own religion and culture.

2- The Japanese are indeed using common sense. Because the tenets of Islam (per the orthodoxy of every Muslim sect) dictate the conversion, killing, or enslavement of all non-Muslims, it is self-destructive for non-Muslim countries (that want to remain non-Muslim) to admit large numbers of Muslims, or to allow Muslims to establish communities within their borders.

3- There is a strong streak of racism in Japanese culture. It is not mean-spirited or unkind, in my experience, but it is there. Japan is an ethnically and genetically homogeneous society, and many Japanese, especially older ones, separate, people into Japanese and everybody else (gaigin), and believe the Japanese are intrinsically better.

Side: Racist Asians
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

Muslims are not a race, so grouping all Muslims together, and then excluding them cannot be racist, despite being discriminatory.

I agree you are correct, Marcus. However, as a counterpoint I would like to offer that Jews are also not a race. Semites are a race, but not Jews themselves. How strange it is that most Americans recognise one as a religion and the other as a race!!

Because the tenets of Islam (per the orthodoxy of every Muslim sect) dictate the conversion, killing, or enslavement of all non-Muslims

Marcus, this is simply absurd. The tenets of Christianity (and Judaism) say precisely the same thing, yet we do not see this behaviour among Christians (or Muslims) in developed nations. Both the Koran and The Bible are considered -- for the most part -- allegorical to Christians and Muslims of these nations. How exactly do you reconcile your theory of ubiquitous Jihad with the fact that there are presently 3.3 million Muslims living in America?

Side: No jihad for Japan
marcusmoon(576) Disputed
1 point

I agree you are correct, Marcus. However, as a counterpoint I would like to offer that Jews are also not a race. Semites are a race, but not Jews themselves. How strange it is that most Americans recognise one as a religion and the other as a race!!

It is strange, in a way. However, Judaism is generally tied to the Jewish gene pool, with very little in the way of conversion to Judaism. The word Jewish can mean the religion, the gene pool, or both. By contrast, Islam is not tied to genetic inheritance, but to the religion only.

The tenets of Christianity (and Judaism) say precisely the same thing, yet we do not see this behaviour among Christians (or Muslims) in developed nations.

Judaism is not at all a proselytizing religion, but rather it discourages it in many ways.

Christianity does include the explicit instruction to convert, but does not have, even in the most extreme forms, the instruction, explicit or implied, to enslave or kill those who do not convert.

That is not to say that Christians during the conquest of (now) Latin America did not kill or enslave those who did not convert. They did. They also enslaved those who did convert. The orthodoxy of the religion, and the religious texts, however, did not mandate this behavior. The Conquistadores were just greedy and sadistic.

Please bear in mind that I specified the orthodoxy of the sects, not the average Muslim dictate the conversion, killing, or enslavement of non-Muslims. Clearly, as in every religion, people do not necessarily adhere to the mandates of orthodoxy, and there are always many who patently reject it.

However, surveys around the world, particularly one survey of Muslims in Britain, indicate that almost half, and sometimes as much as 95% of Muslims surveyed advocate for imposition of Sharia on all people in every society where there are Muslims.

Sharia is the problematic aspect of Islam, and in Europe, (France and Britain, particularly) we can see in action the difficulties it inserts into any culture that has a significantly large population of Muslims.

When large numbers of one culture/religion move into a nation with an incompatible culture, there is guaranteed to be some percentage of immigrants who refuse to assimilate. The larger the immigrant pool, the larger the percentage, and the more influence that culture can impose on the host culture. If that influence is one of intolerance of aspects of the host culture, then there will be conflict.

The US is a melting pot that seeks to assimilate immigrants while simultaneously creating a syncretic culture. We actually have cultural mechanisms, unlike Japan (or most of Europe) to help accomplish this over the course of 1 or 2 generations. Granted, political correctness has made many of these mechanisms less effective, especially in the face of an unprecedentedly large wave of immigration. (Some US government estimates are that 14-16% of the US population are permanent legal residents or naturalized citizens)

Japan, like Poland and Hungary, (and for that matter many other nations in Europe, like France, Greece, Turkey, & the Netherlands) does not want to be a syncretic culture. They specifically want to maintain their national and cultural identities. Given that, it makes sense to exclude people who want to import their own culture (including their religion) as they immigrate.

Side: Racist Asians
3 points

The governments of many nations, including Japan of course and China are too clever to permit their citizens be slaughtered in their own country by Muslims.

Only the reckless western politicians, as epitomised by Germany's mad Merkel, open the gates to the hoards of flea ridden, black hearted Muslims with their pots, pans and semtex.

Side: No jihad for Japan
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello K:

Aren't you the guy who REFUSES to search a thread to see if your opposition is telling the truth???

You ARE, aren't you?? Why would ANYONE believe ANYTHING coming out of your right wing mouth????


Side: Racist Asians
1 point

So tell us Con. Are the Asians a bunch of racist bigots, or do they simply have common sense and take pride in their own people and their own culture? And if they are simply the latter, what makes them any different than Western Conservatives?

If they are just a bunch of racist bigots, please explain why.

Side: No jihad for Japan
Kalamazoo(333) Disputed
1 point

My dear boy, you accredit yourself with too much importance.

Now, had you been anyone of substance whose site activities warranted respect I probably would have responded in a more profound and considered manner.

However, as the fact of the matter is that you are no more than a jumped up little guttersnipe I've no intention of wasting my time on you.

Shoo, go away.

Side: No jihad for Japan
1 point

The mayor of London said EVERY major city has terrorists. Well, Tokyo needs to do their part and start importing terrorists. No sense having stupid white countries hoarding all of them. Liberals in the USA truly believe the more Muslims you let in the better the USA will be. Senator Tammy Duckworth wants to let in over a quarter of a million Syrians. It makes no sense to me.

Side: No jihad for Japan
1 point

The only one it might help are those selling burkas and turbins at the mall. Maybe libs are in the Islamic garb selling business underground...

Side: Racist Asians