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Lightmasher(51) pic

Is going to war something you should be proud of

I personally want to know your opionnions because this is my first debate and would like to know everones opions because to me there is a very fine line between being proud of your soilders sacrifice and just being proud of the war itselfUndecided


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 19
1 point

I belive you should be proud because depending on the reasons you went to war you risked or gave your life fighting for something that you thought was meaningful

I am preapared to die but there is no cause in which I am prepared to kill

Mahatama ghandi

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

War is killing, if you don't kill it isn't war, but a massacre.

Also, most soldiers are just following orders, some may be generally idealistic and seek out justification but most only have a vague idea of what they are fighting for, like "national security" or some other thing.

Side: No
wrestlerii(57) Disputed
1 point

Whatever your fighting for, whether its clouded in government corruption or not, does not matter, your risking your life on a day to day basis to fight for the country that provides to you, a country where i believe it is still worth fighting for. Now, that being said, it is not my place in the military and i will not be on the front lines. But i do support our troops, whatever they're fighting for, whether the US supports it or not, i do, i support the men and women who will be forever traumatized in they're fight to keep me safe at night. I agree, that there is killing but, its they way it is. There is no peace, it is kill or be killed in this world. So i appreciate that we arent getting killed, but the people trying to kill us are. granted there are civilian casulties, but there is still human error in war. in the end, im proud of our soldiers

Side: yes
1 point

For the right reasons yes. If I'm going to war for backdoor deals for private companies then obviously no...

Side: yes
1 point

It depends on the war I suppose... for example I was proud that the first Bush took us to the first war with Iraq in order to get free Kuwait from Sadam, the second Bush and the second war in Iraq, not so much.

Side: yes
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

Your proud of that fact that your country killed 250,000 Iraqis all because the leader you backed decided to disobey them and invade one of the countries where you had installed under puppet regime.

Side: No
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

You prefer that we did nothing and allowed Sadam to steal Kuwait's wealth and Sadam's troops to rape the Kuwaiti women... You're one sick bastard aren't ya Gary.

Side: yes
0 points

Of course you should be proud of going to war! You are fighting for your country and risking your life. It should be something that you are very proud of and no one should be able to reason with you about that.

Side: yes
Nautilus(629) Disputed
3 points

Would you be proud of a Nazi? They risked their lives fighting for the Fatherland. Risking your life means nothing if you risk it for the wrong thing. 38 people in the Heavens Gate Cult risked their lives and committed mass suicide to board spaceship travelling behind a meteor that would be passing by earth, does their risk or sacrifice legitimize their cause and make it noble? No, they were still retarded and should not be venerated simply because they were willing to act on their stupidity.

Side: No
4 points

Depends on what side of the spectrum you're on.


Side: No
2 points

I find analogies helpful whenever thinking of anything mired in politics, social norms, and emotion.

Pretend its not war but a fire. This is accurate and fire actually kills less people.

Sometimes a fire is unavoidable, in this instance it is not to be proud of, but one should be proud depending how they act in the midst. If you have an escape plan, if as much as possible human life is spared, etc. You know, make the best of a tragedy.

Other times fire is avoidable. Still you should not be proud it happened naturally, it was avoidable after all.

What you can do though of course is learn from it, and still feel free to be proud of how you reacted while in the midst of it.

This is going to get odd, but try to keep two ideas in mind at once. Say it's not your place on fire but your neighbors. Who do you help? Why? When? To what extent?

You'll find the situations where you're proud to help your neighbor, or specific members of your neighbor's household, correspond eerily to war. Do they want help? Did they start the fire? Was a fire their only way out?

Maybe I'm just drunk.

Side: No
1 point

Good job on your first debate, there will be more..... many more. Anyways I think this really depends on the reasons why you go to war, and how much the public knows. I mean the US government might tell you that they just recently launched tomahawk missles and helped established a no-fly zone in libya to help rebels overthrow a brutal dictator, and you would be proud of that. But if you know more about it, as in the US doesn't really care about the civilians or rebels and just wants to secure the Libyan oil fields which massive Multi national corportations have a vested interest in. The thing is, would you rather be blissfully unaware of why the military does what it does or do you really care about the truth.

There obviously are instances of war to be proud of where we fought for a real cause, like fighting nazis in WW2 to save millions of lives and prevent the nazis from global expansion, I just find those instances of brave and righteous intervention to be rare nowadays.

I have a nice little video that shows how American foreign policy and military has a side most people don't see, it's not so much as the valiant freedom fighting troops, i highly recommend you watch it, its only a few minutes and I apologize for the bad quality, I couldn't find the original.

I read you're not American, but Australian, I am just using America as an example since they are the current world superpower and a model of the neocolonial world we live in. I just don't know much about Australian conflict and policy.

American Foreign Policy
Side: Depends on Reasons

No it shouldn't be something you are proud of, you should be proud you are returning without injuries but war is bad though in my opinion but this corrupted government got to do what its got to do to keep this nation where it wants to be which is in a big hole.

Side: Depends on Reasons

War is no good. It is horrible and only causes death and destruction. Definitely something not to be proud about.

Side: no