
Debate Info

Yes, it is good No, it is not good
Debate Score:160
Total Votes:191
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 Yes, it is good (59)
 No, it is not good (22)

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hhioh(450) pic

Is homosexuality good for society?

Are homosexuals benefitting society? Does their sexual preference even have an effect on a community as a whole?

Yes, it is good

Side Score: 117

No, it is not good

Side Score: 43
5 points

In no measurable way could we say that it is "good", but I find it good for the sake of chaos.

You see, society likes to create rules. These rules will often not make much sense, but hey, it's morality, so who cares?

Homosexuality is one of the many lifestyles that has challenged the tyranny of the moral majority. While for so many years the monotheistic religions have kept gays in their place, we finally find it that maybe these moral rules are doing more harm than good.

To me, I find it great when the majority are challenged for something they've been doing for centuries. and now, we have a huge following going after those who don't tolerate homosexuality. What was once just seen as an immoral minority is all of a sudden seen as an abused and sympathetic minority.

Chaos is winning. DOWN WITH ORDER :)

Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

I would prefer a rebuttal following a down vote... but what can I expect from stupid people?

Side: Yes, it is good
Sonjay(2) Disputed
1 point

This seems like a counterargument more than anything. Society is, in effect, just the coalescence of accepted morality, no? Without a moral code that everyone agrees with, society can't function. Therefore, something that undermines that moral code would be bad, not good, for society. Yes, change can make a society stronger, but it is also the only thing that can destroy it, so I wouldn't consider this a strong argument.

Side: No, it is not good
2 points

Society is, in effect, just the coalescence of accepted morality, no?

No, you're wrong. According to the OED, "society" refers to "he state or condition of living in association, company, or intercourse with others of the same species; the system or mode of life adopted by a body of individuals for the purpose of harmonious co-existence or for mutual benefit, defence, etc." This is vastly more complex than the adoption of an "accepted morality". Perhaps having an "accepted morality" might be part of adopting a "system or mode of life", but these terms are not synonyms.

Therefore, something that undermines that moral code would be bad, not good, for society.

Your argument is very weak at this point since this statement contains very ambiguous terms. What are you referring to when you say, "something"? How does that undermine the "moral code"? Moreover, what is the "moral code:? And is something that undermines the "moral code" necessarily bad?

Yes, change can make a society stronger, but it is also the only thing that can destroy it

Again, you've used very ambiguous terms here. What do you mean by "change"? If there is no point of reference given in your statement, how can we tell what has changed? And are you sure that "change" is "the only thing that can destroy it"? If you are sure, then why don't you explain that?

Side: Yes, it is good
ectf(3) Disputed
1 point

Without a moral code that everyone agrees with, society can't function.

This society you imagine, that has a moral code everyone agrees with, does not exist. We are discussing a minority, you see the irony?

Side: Yes, it is good
egga(106) Disputed
1 point

Firstly, I disagree with you that homosexuality is a lifestyle. That implies choice. It is not a lifestyle, but a preference. You can't choose what you like!

Also, the homosexuality is mentioned little in The Bible. If you read some of the passages carefully, you can see they were added later (probably around the 16th century). By the way, the Bible also says that eating shrimp is an abomination!

I would say that it IS good for society. Just think of it. Gay men are the link to the feminine world that us straight men need! They can often make good non-threatening friends to the opposite sex too.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

A down vote within the hour but no valid argument against homosexuality.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

Exactly..What is the definition of "Good" for society mean? Is it good for the earth for us to blow up 1,000 nuclear bombs? HELL YES!!!! If we were to kill all humans, in about 20,000 years, the earth would be so much better off without us around. Stupid question.

Side: Yes, it is good
4 points

Wtf? On the other side, precisely how many fake accounts has Srom set up for himself?


1. There are too many people. Homosexual couples allowed to live their life as they like means less pretending to be straight and having kids they may or may not want just to keep up with the Joneses, plus more stable couples available to adopt the thousands and thousands of kids wasting away in orphanages.

2. The general hypocrisy of claiming to be "the land of the free" and all that whilst the religious looney tunes are allowed their blatant government supported discrimination cannot possibly be good for the shared psyche of our society.

3. From a free market perspective, there is an entire homosexual industry being surpressed just as much as individuals sexuality. Set it free and see new industries pop up for a literally richer society.

4. It wouldn't matter if it weren't good for society, letting people live their life is the right thing to do... it is good for society, but that's not the main point. Doing the right thing is the main point.

Side: Yes, it is good
3 points

"Is homosexuality good for society?" and "Are homosexuals benefitting society?" are two COMPLETELY different questions.

Are they good for society? I don't see why not. From a societal perspective, are they not the same as other people? What differentiates them? Because they don't have kids? -They can have kids, simply not with each other.

Are they benefitting society? Of course. They are no less productive than their straight, bisexual counterparts.

Does their sexual preference even have an effect on a community as a whole?

To an extent. They promote equality and add diversity to the community.

Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

Who is down-voting all the 'Yes; arguments without leaving any type of response.

I guess the pyg is right...stupid people.

I think I will up-vote all the comments of out spite :)

Side: Yes, it is good
3 points

Y'know animals display homosexual behavior? Animals like Giraffes, Elephants, Dogs, Salmon, Chicken etc...

Supporting Evidence: Wikipedia source (
Side: Yes, it is good
Sonjay(2) Disputed
1 point

This isn't evidence for it being good for society, just for it being natural. Many behaviors, such as theft or murder are observed in animals but aren't good for society.

Side: No, it is not good
3 points

1) For a population with a tendency towards overpopulation, homosexuality provides a natural check which helps to keep our numbers at a more reasonable argument.

2) Because they don't have any of their own children, homosexuals can fill the void left by deceased parents. Take for example homosexuals who adopt kids: they are effectively providing parenting to kids who wouldn't have it otherwise. A healthy homosexual population provides a safeguard to a certain amount of parent mortality.

Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

It is not good nor bad, it just is. Just because it is good or bad for the society wont change it (some people are born gay, just like some people are born straight, i have witnessed this).

One of the many reasons i put this under yes is because love is love, how can love be bad for society?

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

the thing is God says don't judge anyone so that's like if u don't like homosexuals you can't judge and say they r bad.if you think in general let's say there was no homosexuality, our society would have been very strict and boring but with homosexuality people do whatever they like so if they want to get bambed by another man fuck dem do whatever they want and i don't see gay people as bad they r harmless and this coming from 100 % straight guy coz God tells us to not judge others.

Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

Wow, somewhere in your horrible spelling and nearly indecipherable grammar I think you used god for a positive argument. That's a rare thing, congratulations.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

listen mate why don't u come to visit me in my gym i might not spell like u but i am sure i can lift more weights than u so keep ur skinny light weight ass shut.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

and then u wrote god instead of writing with a capital letter God so i suggests that u look in the mirror first and judge ur own rubbish grammar spelling.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

yes, or it is nutral. it is not negative though. I know plenty of gay people and the only negative element to them or their lives is the intollerance they have to deal with because some people hate them for their ascribed sexual preference. Being gay is totally normal, its a part of gestational variation in fetal development due to the changes in chemical gradients in both the mother and the child. Homosexuality is good/nutral. intollerance of homosexuality is unnatural (ignores trends in nature) and is bad for society.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

It's not bad, anyway. I'm actually neutral about it. Nature made it so that some people are attracted to people of their own gender, there isn't really anything we have to say about that. We are overpopulated, so the argument that they cannot reproduce is basically unimportant. It is a bad thing that not a lot was known about STDs and condoms were only used as anticonception. Nowadays, heterosexuals are just as likely to not use a condom and spread disease as homosexuals are.

Side: Yes, it is good

Gays play an integral part in the betterment of the world. Plenty of Gays give to charity and they are active in Broadway and just have a positive influence in the world.

Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

Well first off I would like to say hello to everyone, I am new to the site and this will be my first post. I guess I will look at three possibilities in regards to this topic. This is why I have stated that this will depend. This is a moral question and thus one must ask the question "Are there objective moral values and duties in the world?" the three possibles of this are;

No, there are only subjective moral values and duties in the world.

Yes, there are objective moral values that are ordained by God.

Yes, there are objective moral values that are ordained through the social evolution of our species.

I will now adress the issues on each of these answers.

If you answered no, there are only subjective moral values and duties then the question becomes irrelevant and creates the "it depends" element. You see if we only have subjective values then what we believe personally has no weight and thus is no better nor worse than anyone else. And because what we believe personally is not a concensus of the whole then there are no objective values of good and bad and thus what is good or bad for society becomes impossible to answer with any rational objective basis.

Now if you answered yes, there are objective moral values and duties that are ordained by God then it would depend upon the religion, however in the general homosexuality is seen as a regression of the human state. With a regression of the human state would inevitably include the regression of society thus it would be seen that homosexuality would not be good for society.

If you answered yes, there are objective moral values and duties that are ordained by social evolution then it turns more into the way in which society deals with homosexuality and the evolutionary and biological implications of homosexuality. In terms of society it would depend on the society, if you believe that objective moral values come from the social and evolutionary development of people then it could be stated that religion, being the majority of the world would mean that it is wrong or seen as wrong socially considering religion would be considered a social construct under this model. In terms of evolution and biology the purpose of us having moral values as a species is to work together and to propagate the species. In almost ever society the rate of homosexuality usually hovers at around the 5% area. Also to note is that under natural circumstances homosexuality does not contribute to the overall propagation or survival of the species, rather as being a burden, taking resources with no return (Same could be said of heterosexuals who choose not to have children). So by this we can make a rational conclusion that homosexuality is a mistake of biology, a probability of error that sits at around 5%. Considering natures only purpose is propagation then the existence of homosexuality is only a strain on society by the ideal of evolutionary morality.

In conclusion the answer is that by a two thirds rationale it can be asserted that, assuming there are objective moral values and duties then homosexuality is not beneficial or "good" for society, rather that they are a strain and a mathematical error of biology. if morality is subjective then this topic would never have been started because the topic would be no more than someone saying homosexuality is good or bad for society based on thier own merit.

Side: It depends
2 points

I respect that you have taken the time to go into such a deep analysis of moral subjectivity and objectivity, but whilst you use deep philosophical terms, you seem to have zero understanding of these terms.

And because what we believe personally is not a concensus of the whole then there are no objective values of good and bad and thus what is good or bad for society becomes impossible to answer with any rational objective basis.

From this above statement that I have quoted, you seem to assume that "objectivity" refers to "agreement by society" (in summary). This assumption is wrong which undermines your entire argument. When philosophers speak of "objectivity" or "objective beliefs", they are referring to beliefs that are "mind-independent" (i.e. beliefs that are true independent of the human mind). To put it in lay terms, when a philosopher says that a belief is "objective", he/she is saying that such a belief is true (1) regardless of whether anyone believes in it or not and (2) it is inherently true but not derived from any human mind and/or thought. Thus, according to the philosophical definition, I don't think that your argument has any force whatsoever.

Side: Yes, it is good
Vaan(167) Disputed
1 point

Except the problem here is that you were drawing this from my first point which is "No there are not objective moral values and duties". So my rationale was from the human level and not from the philosophical level. In this sense I was stating that if you do not believe in objective moral values then the only way for you to be able to soundly stand in your beliefs are through a concensus where everybody agrees with you, in this sense it is a culmination of subjective beliefs that form a common belief which could either be then converted into some form of failed objectivity.

So I believe that my arguament has ultimate force. Because a point is not perfectly illustrate does not make an entire arguament wrong, this is wishful thinking to a good arguament and it does not work that way. So I compell you to try to dispute my entire post instead of assuming that an improper illustration of a point is grounds for dismissing an entire arguament.

Side: No, it is not good
1 point

Homosexuality is not good for society because most of the people in this world are made by male and female having sex and the baby being born. Homosexuals can not have kids. If a male and a male have the same body parts they can't have sex because its the same body parts and you won't have a baby.

Also Homosexuality is wrong. The Bible even says its wrong.

Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable

Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads

You will also not inherit the kingdom of God if you are a homosexual here is a verse from the Bible that states that homosexual are not entered in heaven.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

Side: No, it is not good
Conro(767) Disputed
5 points

"Homosexuals can not have kids."

Yes they can, there are many options. Surrogates, adoption, sperm donors, etc.

"If a male and a male have the same body parts they can't have sex because its the same body parts and you won't have a baby."

"Having a sex" and "having a baby" are hardly the same thing. Homosexuals still have sex, it just cannot result in pregnancy. So in a way, abstinence isn't the only way to prevent unwanted pregnancy; the Pope should be advocating homosexuality as a way to stop people from having abortions!

"Also Homosexuality is wrong. The Bible even says its wrong."

Yes, the Bible says it is wrong. You say "even" as though you have another source justifying why homosexuality is wrong. What would that other source be? What makes the Bible right on this issue? Where is the independent verification that says "We may trust the Bible's authority in this subject"?

Side: Yes, it is good
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
5 points

Homosexuality is not good for society because most of the people in this world are made by male and female having sex and the baby being born.

Because that's what we need, more people than we already have. I think 6.8 billion is plenty.

Also Homosexuality is wrong. The Bible even says its wrong.

The bible doesn't just say that homosexuality is wrong, the Bible says that you should KILL homosexuals.

“‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death" Leviticus 20:13

Srom, how many gays have you murdered in the name of God? Do you think it's right to murder gay people? I eagerly await your response.

Side: Yes, it is good
Srom(12120) Disputed
3 points

Srom how many gays have you murdered in the name of God?

I don't murder gay people. I respect them but I don't really like it when they choose to be that way. Plus the verse that I quoted from Levitcus is for the Jews not for the modern day Christians.

Do you think its right to murder gay people?

Right now I don't think we shouldn't kill gay people because we live in a society where killing is not an ok thing so I don't I would kill any gay people

Side: No, it is not good

Leviticus 20:13

Let us exercise a bit of class and use the King James version.

'If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.'

Side: Yes, it is good
zombee(1014) Disputed
4 points

Homosexuals can have kids, just not with each other. They are perfectly capable of raising children from adoption, surrogacy or previous relationships. Even if everyone in the world was heterosexual, some of them would choose to be childless and that's nothing you should concern yourself with.

You might be surprised to learn there are plenty of people who couldn't care less what the Bible says about homosexuality. A book that advises you to oppress an innocent demographic shouldn't be an authority in matters of government or civil rights.

As for AIDs, you're in desperate need of some basic sex ed if you think the act of homosexual sex magically creates the virus. This magnitude of misunderstanding is seriously dangerous.

Side: Yes, it is good
Srom(12120) Disputed
4 points

Well I posted the Bible verses because its wrong and also homosexuals will not go to heaven because its an abomanation and its wrong and detestable. We are here to populate the world with male and female not homosexuals.

Side: No, it is not good
4 points

Homosexuality is not good for society because most of the people in this world are made by male and female having sex and the baby being born.

No. Everyone in this world is made by a male and female having sex. Do you even study biology? You know, the proper scholarly works of professionals and not the warped "evidence" from the Bible?

If a male and a male have the same body parts they can't have sex because its the same body parts and you won't have a baby.

First, this has been said before, homosexuals can have sex. Second, so what if you can't have a baby? This debate is not advocating for the spread of homosexuality. It is merely trying to boost acceptance for homosexuals. What is wrong with that? Are you so hypocritical that you can even accept others for who they are? If so, then I don't think you should be surprised that few people give you respect as a debater.

You will also not inherit the kingdom of God if you are a homosexual here is a verse from the Bible that states that homosexual are not entered in heaven.

I don't think anyone wants to inherit a delusional fantasy.

Side: Yes, it is good
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

lmao. Perhaps Catholics were right circa 1500's or so, the common rabble truly should not be allowed to read the Bible because they are too dumb to understand it apparently.

"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable"

It's also impossible since men have penises and women do not. Problem solved. Fuck, just not the same way you would a woman.

"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads

Again, the whole penis vs. vagina loophole. I know how much you Christians love killing people but looks like your Bible doesn't want you to murder any gays.

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God"

... so "homosexual" offenders are actually no worse than say "drunkards"? That's a pretty liberal stance. I can almost accept that... didn't Jesus get a bunch of people drunk at a wedding? What a fag ._.

Side: Yes, it is good
cwongie(60) Disputed
3 points

Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads

So are you saying we should go around and kill every homosexual around the world?

If a person is born homosexual, they can't help it if they're more attracted to the same sex. You can't blame them. So why would it be right to murder an innocent person for something he/she cannot control?

Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

That is exactly what god wants. It's all in accordance with his 6th commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

But gays don't count obviously...

Side: Yes, it is good
egga(106) Disputed
3 points

They (shellfish) shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination." (Leviticus 11:11)

Where are the mass protests against eating shrimp!!!

Side: Yes, it is good

And also homosexuality creates aids..........................

Side: No, it is not good
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
3 points

Um, no. Homosexuals did not create aids, and anyone can spread it or contract it.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

Yep it does because if men and men have or even try to have sex then they will get HIV/AIDS

Side: No, it is not good

Personally I'm quite indifferent.

I believe homosexuality is unnatural and is wrong in that sense (and not because the bible says so, the bible can go burn in a hole), but it is definitely not wrong for any two people to love each other. Put it this way; do what you will because I don't mind, just don't go around preaching homosexuality around me ;)

EDIT: This may be the first time I've supported srom...the world is gonna explode :/

Side: No, it is not good
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

... I'm sorry. Which Universe is this where you've heard people preaching homosexuality?

A group of people wishing to be accepted for who they are is a completely different set of circumstances than a group of people demanding you become who they are.

It is as if you said "I don't believe in god, I should be allowed to not believe in god."

Than someone said to you "That's unnatural. I don't care just don't ever talk about it."

I believe homosexuality is unnatural and is wrong in that sense

What do you mean by unnantural? There are all kinds of wild animals who display homosexual traits, in just about the same percentages as found in humans. That would lead most to believe it is natural for a percent of a species to be homosexual I'd think.

Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

And this is the first time we've disagreed on something. lol

But I understand your point about it being unnatural, due to the fact they can't have children and their parts don't match and all that jazz.

But we've evolved to a point that we don't NEED everyone to reproduce and actually it's best that everyone doesn't. Also love is love, I don't think anything else matters in that case, and people can't help who they're attracted to :)

Side: No, it is not good
vandebater(443) Disputed
1 point

wow the bible even says its wrong! guys he's on to something we should base are morals completely on the bible which was made centuries ago. thats backwards man. how is it wrong? are they hurting anyone? ignorant. also who says the bible is right? they said we should put gays to death!

Side: Yes, it is good
Maplecat(69) Disputed
1 point

Your "biggest defense" ("The Bible even says its wrong") DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING. I don't care what the bible says, i am not religious. Therefor your "ace in the hole" is nothing. Why can't the religious people in the goverment and you guys understand this??

And about the making babies thing. The world is hidiously over populated. We do not need more babies! Maybe this is God saying "Stop having babies! The world I made you has exceeded its limit!"

Side: Yes, it is good
Nick91983(266) Disputed
1 point

How is the inability to have children bad? We have no need for more children than are already being born. We are overpopulated. Homosexuality could actually be seen as a good thing insofar as it would reduce population. Population arguments have no weight in the anti-homosexuality argument.

Also, the bible has no weight in the argument because the question is not about the opinion based on a 3000 year old book of morality. The bible has no weight because most people that appeal to the bible as a source for morality already hold your opinion. Use a more objective source for valuing in this forum. you can hold your religious beliefs but in terms of motivating a reason-based argument, religion has no weight, especially for people who think that religion is one of the worst moral systems (like me). Your opinion on how moral or not moral the bible is is not important. what is important is to motivate the opinion - thus you must go outside the bible. Most of the people on this site, like I do, probably know all about what the bible says, bringing it up is ineffectual, really only works on believers and small children.

Try talking about the objective effects that homosexuality has on our society, and be objective about this, really search for unclouded effects (i.e. dont quote religious leaders and the like) use statistics and motivate, through argumentation, why those statistics validate your opinion.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

1. Every single person who argues for the goodness of homosexuality was created by heterosexual parents.

2. In general, homosexuals tend to act savage and unmoral. This can be seen by examining the gay parades in San Francisco and elsewhere.

3. Psychological studies show that children need a male parent and a female parent; not two male parents or two female parents.

4. It is unnatural. This is seen by two things:

a) homosexuals can't have sexual relations

b) there are no other animals who have homosexual tendencies

5. If everybody turned homosexual, the human race would be wiped out.

6. The question states "Is homosexuality GOOD for society?" (my emphasis). This doesn't just mean "should it be accepted" or "should people be free to practice homosexuality" or even "is homosexuality not bad". The fact that it says "good for society" puts the burden of evidence and proof on the affirmative side; they're struggling to argue that homosexuality should be ACCEPTED.

Side: No, it is not good
2 points

1. Every single person who argues for the goodness of homosexuality was created by heterosexual parents.


2. In general, homosexuals tend to act savage and unmoral. This can be seen by examining the gay parades in San Francisco and elsewhere.

This is a hasty generalisation.

3. Psychological studies show that children need a male parent and a female parent; not two male parents or two female parents.

Where is the evidence then? Where are the psychological studies? Produce the evidence.

a) homosexuals can't have sexual relations


b) there are no other animals who have homosexual tendencies

False again. But then again, you have no proof.

5. If everybody turned homosexual, the human race would be wiped out.

And so? The debate is on whether homosexuality is good for society or not. It is not asking if homosexuality should be encouraged, which is a totally different debate. Neither is it asking if homosexuality is good for the human race. Get your facts right.

Side: Yes, it is good
1 point

The purpose of a species is to reproduce and pass on their genes. How can we survive with an ever increasing number of homosexuals. They add to an already too high population and will not have children to contribute to the next generation.

Also, homosexually has become a fad. Now it is hip to be gay. Notice how there are much more homosexuals than in previous generations. The society(pop music and terrible movies for example) has transformed normal animals into homosexual monsters, because if you need a word for them, it's monsters.

Side: No, it is not good
0 points

It's not good for society at all. It disturbs what has been our natural life cycle for thousands of years.

Side: No, it is not good
ectf(3) Disputed
3 points

You bring an Appeal to nature fallacy that appears often in this discussions. Homosexuality is observed in animals, to start with, you can't argue that what is natural is good because it's natural nor you can even argue that homosexuality is not natural. It's not up to the bible or to the morals religion imposes into society to judge what is natural and what is not.

Supporting Evidence: Same-Sex Behavior Seen In Nearly All Animals, Review Finds (
Side: Yes, it is good
2 points

It disturbs what has been our natural life cycle for thousands of years.

Homosexuality has existed for thousands of years. It is a perfectly natural phenomenon.

Side: Yes, it is good
Nick91983(266) Disputed
1 point

wrong. it hasnt disturbed the natural life cycle since it doesnt influence the natural life cycle at all - homosexuality is non-participatory in heterosexual activity (by definition). According to religious and other historical documents, as well as observation and scientific research, homosexuality has been around since at least the dawn of animal life, and probably for as long as sexuality has characterized life (when sexual reproduction emerged). Most animals dont distinguish between gender when they get horny, they attempt to mate with any and everything (think of dogs, or cows, or chimps, etc...) they are only sucessful when it is with a female of the species but the character of most species entails at least some degree of homosexuality.

Homosexuality is normal and natural and doesnt disrupt anything in "the natural order" or "natural life cycle".

Side: Yes, it is good
0 points

If we planted another Adam and Eve in another planet like Earth, to start the human race, and Adam suddenly decided to go homo, and stopped or never had sex with Eve, there would be no babies, hence no human race, the human race would end in that planet with gay Adam and sexually frustrated Eve!

Side: No, it is not good