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Debate Score:13
Total Votes:15
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GenPaulus(96) pic

Is hunting justafyable?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 11

Animals don't have rifles, so, animals are rendered helpless.

Side: no
0 points

I think hunting is used incorectly. Hunting is wrong if done for so call FUN. If you were shot in the neck and hurt and had to try to run hoplessly away from a creature lossing more bloodand suffering that for 5-6 minutes that Would be horable. However hunting is ok if you need the food, otherwise I think it is somwhat cruel to kill for fun. Plus hunting is for people who like guns and shooting but are to pathetic, panzys, and scared to fight in war... hunters are'nt big and bad and ALL THAT. Their rather pathetic. So if your ahunter and you want to shoot a gun, then challenge me I'll even paint your house... pink with your brains!

Side: No
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
2 points

So you're saying that it's better to kill a fellow HUMAN BEING for nearly no reason at all then kill an animal for food?

I don't know anyone who doesn't eat their kill when they go hunting, it's a good way to feed your family for cheap and it becomes a good family event to hunt, skin, and fix the food.

If you have ever been hunting, you'd know that no one shoots hoping that they don't kill right away and make the animal suffer. They don't find that amusing. They want the first shot to create a quick death.

Side: yes
UrsusMagnus(2) Disputed
2 points

There are hidden contradictions in the minds of people who "love Nature" while deploring the "artificialities" with which "Man has spoiled 'Nature.'" The obvious contradiction lies in their choice of words, which imply that Man and his artifacts are not part of "Nature" — but beavers and their dams are. But the contradictions go deeper than this prima-facie absurdity. In declaring his love for a beaver dam (erected by beavers for beavers' purposes) and his hatred for dams erected by men (for the purposes of men) the Naturist reveals his hatred for his own race — i.e., his own self-hatred.

In the case of "Naturists" such self-hatred is understandable; they are such a sorry lot. But hatred is too strong an emotion to feel toward them; pity and contempt are the most they rate.

As for me, willy-nilly I am a man, not a beaver, and H. sapiens is the only race I have or can have. Fortunately for me, I like being part of a race made up of men and women — it strikes me as a fine arrangement — and perfectly "natural" Believe it or not, there were "Naturists" who opposed the first flight to old Earth's Moon as being "unnatural" and a "despoiling of Nature."

Robert A. Heinlein

Side: yes
Republican2(348) Disputed
1 point

If you were shot in the neck and hurt and had to try to run hoplessly away from a creature lossing more bloodand suffering that for 5-6 minutes that Would be horable.

Yes it would. That's why you don't aim for the neck, you aim for the chest. A good hunter knows to wait and stalk until they can get a good shot. It's no picnic for a hunter either when they have to hike several miles to pack out their kill.

However hunting is ok if you need the food, otherwise I think it is somwhat cruel to kill for fun.

I always eat what I kill, and I've never known anyone not to. It's a complete waste and it's frowned upon amongst hunters. Something you would know if you cared to educate yourself on common hunting practices. Furthermore, hunters do more to conserve U.S. land and wildlife than all the U.S. environmentalist groups combined.

Plus hunting is for people who like guns and shooting but are to pathetic, panzys, and scared to fight in war...

Would you like to support that claim with some sort of credible information?

Side: yes
2 points

Absolutely. Where I live there are way too many deer around that cause car accidents and deaths. So hunting is a good way to keep the population down.

The only way I'd see it wrong if they don't eat the deer and use its body.

It's extremely justified.

Side: yes
1 point

When will it be open season on leftists? And here, for the character commies, are some more characters.

Side: yes
1 point

What's for dinner?

Side: yes
1 point

For food. It's more hygienic, more ethical (assuming one subscribes to any ethical doctrine), and more dignified than supporting mass-production of meat.

Side: yes