
Debate Info

Yes, very annoying No, it's okay
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:31
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 Yes, very annoying (11)
 No, it's okay (4)

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shoutoutloud(4303) pic

Is it annoying when people downvote arguments?

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I don't think it is annoying when people downvote my arguments, what I think is annoying is when they downvote without leaving a reply on why they think my argument sucked so bad.

You can of course say, that if you force the downvoters to leave a dispute, you'll also have to force the upvoters to leave a supporting argument.

I don't think so myself, if I upvote someone it is because I support their view. If I downvote someone then I think it is very important for me to dispute the person to tell him what is flawed with his argument.

Do you think it is annoying when people downvote without responding to your argument?

Yes, very annoying

Side Score: 13

No, it's okay

Side Score: 7
1 point

Only when the Down vote isn't explained otherwise it's not so annoying.

Side: Yes, very annoying
1 point

Exactly. A down vote implies that someone has a counter argument against me. In the case that such a counter argument isn't given I can only think of three possible explanations. Either the down-voter thinks I am not worthy of response which is fair enough, but reflects a pretty weird idea about what debate is. It could be the case that the down-voter simply didn't have a counterargument, yet thought that by merely having a contradicting opinion were enough reason to down-vote. This again reflects a pretty far out conception of what debate is. Finally it could be that the down-voter might just be bored, feeling like teasing / being a prick, etc which I don't think should belong in a debate.

Side: Yes, very annoying

I seem to get downvotes from people just because they're on the other side of the debate, or they're having a bad day. I want to know who is downvoting and why, so we can debate it instead of just doing a cowardly downvote.

Side: Yes, very annoying

Thank you for the example, anonymous cowards. I just got two downvotes, with no explanation at all.

Side: Yes, very annoying
addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

So, are you suggesting that we remove the anonymity of voting?

Side: Yes, very annoying
1 point

It would be an original system for sure! .

Side: Yes, very annoying

My preference would be to eliminate downvotes altogether. Removing the anonymity of voting would be my next choice.

Side: Yes, very annoying
-1 points

Yes its annoying when someone out of the blue just down-votes for no apparent reasoning and even if its a really good argument they still down-vote you.

Side: Yes, very annoying
Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

Like just now someone out of the blue just down-voted me for no apparent reasoning.

Side: Yes, very annoying

Yeah, it just happened to me too. I wonder if they would still do it if we could easily find out who they are.

Side: Yes, very annoying

It is used to rate arguments. But if you downvote and dont leave a comment as to why you did then it becomes a problem. Or when the person downvotes and says "That is a stupid argument" and it truly isnt it becomes a problem.

Side: No, it's okay
1 point

No, i don't. If they disagree, they just simply do, i have no problem with that and if you think that people up-vote because they support the argument then people down vote on just because they don't support you. And people up vote not always because they agree, they sometimes just want their side to win so badly.

Side: No, it's okay
1 point

Nah.... when I get down-voted I just search everyone's reward points to figure out who it is... then I down-vote the hell out of them while they sleep. :D

Side: No, it's okay