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Yes it is true No it is not true
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:30
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 Yes it is true (10)
 No it is not true (10)

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lotsoflove(24) pic

Is it true that - "God created man and man created all the religions"? And Why?

Can't it be possible that if God exists , He created everything , but Humans started creating Religions.

Is is not true that God is one person and all the religions are simply different versions of the same person?



Yes it is true

Side Score: 11

No it is not true

Side Score: 14
1 point

Yeah, I do believe god exists and is every single god or gods that have ever been believed by a person, they just call it a different name, or do different traditions and rituals. Either way you look at it, people have been and will continue to believe in god, or gods, yet we're all striving to understand the same thing, the same god.

Side: Yes it is true
1 point

I believe all religions are true or at least partially true(I don't mean stuff like don't tell lies and stuff that's already universal) They all were sent through prophets of God or messengers ( they had many prophets who came after Moses without changing the Jewish faith cause of no need.) I'd like to believe that all life ,including even dead matter will go to heaven and be re-incarnated till they do so. Try merging beliefs of all Abrahamic , Dharmic and pagan religions, then you ought to reach the truth( make sure to take monotheism as a dogma then try to fit in other stuff like if a certain 'god' ain't The God then he must be a subordinate like an angel or something above or below that rank. also try merging some ideas like reincarnation and heaven or that heaven is static and in 1-D (Buddhism) while the earth(including this universe) is 4D and will eventually die or that souls exist but in different strengths or parts or that were shards of one collective being punished to the material world( Maya :Hinduism) due to atheistic beliefs etc.)

it would be cool if we all had a greater purpose awaiting us after "moksha"(Buddhism) rather than just procreation and death till we all die when the world ends(again talking about our membrane[ quantum physics term])

Would it be cool if we could harness our souled like Vulcans(ref. Star Trek)

Side: Yes it is true

This is an interesting question. Perhaps it did take man to create Religion.

Side: Yes it is true
2 points

How did god get here? Who gave birth to it? Did it just pull itself into existence? That's silly. It sounds nice, but how is that possible in reality? It just doesn't make sense.

We know the big bang happened and evolution happened. It's clear that the universe is simply a natural process and mankind's intelligence is the result of evolution. We invented all gods.

Side: No it is not true
lotsoflove(24) Disputed
1 point

When I was saying about God I was saying based on Theism. So the answers should be based on what would happen IF God existed. The debate was not at all about Atheism.

Side: Yes it is true
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Yes, but it is not a matter of opinion.

There is no reason to think a god exists, except for what people tell you.

If you've been camping, or anyplace far from civilization, you will never even think of a god unless another person says it first.

Gods are not natural. There's no reason to think that they exist as long as you are sane. Lightning has a known cause, tornadoes, earthquakes, tides, the sun, they are all natural. Unless you are on drugs or insane, you will never see a god speak, just as it is in real life.

My point is valid because there is no "if". Gods simply do not exist in reality. Only in people's imagination.

In a debate of hypothetical and assumptions, it is important to state that these things aren't actually real. Otherwise we would see gods and angels interacting with real life, rather than these subtle, chancy and random effects, as if they were not there at all.

Side: No it is not true

No, it is false. Here is why:

The formation of a single cell roughly 3.6 billion years ago gave rise to all the life we see today. Homo sapiens are the process of evolution through natural selection. As humans became increasingly curious, they attempted to understand the world around them and came up with a bunch of ridiculous ideas in the process, some of which are called religion.

It is this innate desire by humans to understand the world that gave rise to religion.

Side: No it is not true
lotsoflove(24) Disputed
1 point

But if science is so correct, then why is it not so absolute in anything. All the theories in science become correct when they are accepted more. But with time many theories have proven useless and other theories have replaced them. So what I am saying is that 'God' is what we speak about. But it can be anything or anyone which / who created everything. That is why it / he is also known as the 'Creator'.

Side: Yes it is true
Emperor(1340) Disputed
2 points

Yes, but before evolution, it was God who made all life. Everyone accepted that.

Same with before the big bang.

Same with before we knew what lightning was.

Same with earthquakes and tornadoes and nearly everything we didn't understand, from the sun to the moon, EVERYTHING was a god.

The more we know, the less gods we see.

What makes you think a god actually exists? Where do you see this god? Or do you only feel it or wish it was real? You believe it's real, but what you are saying doesn't convince me the slightest bit.

Why do you think I am not convinced?

Side: No it is not true
1 point

But if science is so correct, then why is it not so absolute in anything.

Science is never absolute. It prides itself on being open to new evidence. Some theories have so much evidence though that it is so unlikely that new evidence will be brought forth that would refute the theory. Two examples of theories that meet these conditions are the theory of Evolution and the heliocentric theory. Both theories have so much evidence behind them that to say it would be extremely unlikely for them to be proven wrong would be a understatement.

Side: No it is not true
lotsoflove(24) Disputed
1 point

Even Stephan Hawking has said that - 'Some questions will remain unanswered.' Why would he say that?

Side: Yes it is true
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Because the universe is vast and not every question can be thought of.

What gives you the right to say that the only unanswered question is a god though?

We already know the greek gods aren't real. Same with the egyptians. None of those are real. I don't think that Jesus or Yahweh are real either.

I don't think Allah is real. Why should I think ANY god is real? You are insisting that they are, but why? It makes no sense.

Side: No it is not true
1 point

Is it true that - "God created man and man created all the religions"? And Why?

Probably not. Why? I don't have evidence to conclude that a deity exists, let alone what religion it did originally create.

Can't it be possible that if God exists , He created everything , but Humans started creating Religions.

Certainly, yes, it's possible.

Is is not true that God is one person and all the religions are simply different versions of the same person?

Assuming a god doesn't exist: Wouldn't know. Historically it's hard to tell. I'd argue that many simply came to that same superstitious conclusion on their own.

Assuming a god does exist: I don't think it's possible for a deity to be all deities believed to be real and they all have different versions.

Side: No it is not true
monkeybrain(22) Clarified
1 point

They could all be the same entity or subordinates turned into god to explain stuff (I don't know just saying stuff) :`

Side: Yes it is true
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Do you know how lies or rumors spread?

By people saying things that aren't sure is true.

You know what's true? Lightning happens.

You know what we don't know is true? If Zeus is causing it.

Who made up the myth of Zeus? It was clearly a person who had no idea and wanted to invent an answer.

Same with this entire debate.

We don't know who invented all gods, or if there is a god at all, yet people are still claiming there is a god.

They seem to not realize that if they want to make a claim to an intelligent person, they need to back it up, especially concerning things on the level of the very purpose and reason for existence for all life and the universe.

Side: Yes it is true