
Debate Info

It IS The Dems LIE
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 It IS (1)
 The Dems LIE (3)

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excon(18262) pic

Is job growth the best in 50 years?


If you listened to right wingers, you'd think a depression is about to smash us to smithereens..  But, in reality, THIS is happening:



Side Score: 2

The Dems LIE

Side Score: 6
2 points

The total number of jobs now is far less than the total number of jobs under Trump. You're welcome to explain how that's a good thing.

Side: It IS
2 points

You still don't understand how job growth works. If you destroy the work force with lockdowns and grow the workforce back to 50% of what it was, saying "look at our job growth" still ends in a huge net loss. They hope you're stupid enough to fall for the shit, and you are.

Side: The Dems LIE
2 points

Does EVERYONE on this forum notice how Excon ALWAYS runs away when he get's schooled?

Anyway, under President Trump we enjoyed record low unemployment rates for women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, gays, military veterans, etc... Americans under President Trump also enjoyed real wage growth that was not hindered by this INSANE Biden Inflation. Look at current gas prices under Biden and recognize the staggering effect it has on employees. Workers are deciding whether to put gasin their car or food on their table. And speaking of food, under President Trump we weren't talking about food shortages or WWIII, under Biden we are having those conversations.

Side: The Dems LIE
2 points

Totally agree

Side: The Dems LIE