
Debate Info

Yes, religion is good No, religion is not good?
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Yes, religion is good (6)
 No, religion is not good? (4)

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pirateelfdog(2654) pic

Is religion of any kind good if science can supply answers?

Is religion of any kind good if science can supply answers?

Does religion have no use if things can be explained through science? Or is religion a nessecity no matter what? 

This is not a atheist or not atheist discussion, it is a question on wheter religion would still have a use if there are other explanations.

Yes, religion is good

Side Score: 7

No, religion is not good?

Side Score: 9
1 point

Even if we had all the answers science had to offer, we'd still be assholes in need of spiritual enlightenment. Even Einstein thought they were both useless without the other.

Side: Yes, religion is good
1 point

How about referring to consumerism as a religion? After 9/11 we were told to go shopping to cope.

Side: Yes, religion is good

I would say that religion is good for one reason, and that is hope. Sure science can give you that, but there are times where it can't and that's where people (if they're believers) seek god i guess

Side: Yes, religion is good
2 points

Yes exactly right. Having been a theist in my recent past, I clearly see the strength, perseverance!, courage and peace that religion provides to millions of people. Religions are in my current opinion human constructs, that are used to present moral values to people. In most if not all religions there is to be found a punishment / reward system to encourage compliance to the morals that the religion promotes.

Side: Yes, religion is good
6 points

Well religion is useless no matter what in my opinion because by definition it is a belief in something that lacks evidence. Sure it would be great if it were backed by science but then it wouldn't be a religion now would it? It would be accepted scientific evidence. There wouldn't be a lack of evidence to ignore and believe because it would be true.

Side: No, religion is not good?
1 point

this is extremely true, that is a very good way to get it across

Side: No, religion is not good?
Goolihan(47) Disputed
1 point

No that's faith. Religion is doing the same thing over and over. So by definition you're incorrect. I'm confused as to why you would expect a practice concerning inner consciousness to answer your questions about the external world. I think you missed the point of all the great religious teachers.

Side: Yes, religion is good

Religions are obsolete, they suppose to answer fundamental questions like where thunders, rainbows, diseases works, also it was used to build huge cheap armies.

Religions, especially Christianity hold as for more than 1500 years in a "dark age". We would be in year 3513 and I instead of writing this post would be in spaceship in some distant Galaxy... :)

Side: No, religion is not good?
Goolihan(47) Disputed
1 point

I think we're confusing organized religion and the opportunists that run them with the mystics who provided the teachings.

Side: Yes, religion is good
1 point

religion is a very obsolete, and has been obsolete since the dawn of man and is not needed. logical thinking and religion don't mix and the reason is if you are truly logical then you wouldn't down right believe in something that has no scientific, physical or natural evidence behind it, if there was scientific, natural and physical evidence supporting that religion(s) actually exist it would long be considered valid and furthermore one would think that things would happen today to show that it is something real, but its not. no supernatural force or being exist especially since they don't try or even attempt to derive themselves from scientific, physical or natural law. they derive themselves from nothingness, only the thought processes that went on through some ignorant persons head back thousands of years ago

Side: No, religion is not good?