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Yes because... No because...
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Yes because... (7)
 No because... (9)

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Vermink(1944) pic

Is revenge a good thing?

Does it actually make you feel good? Does it actually achieve anything? What's your view?

Yes because...

Side Score: 8

No because...

Side Score: 16
2 points

Revenge is sweeter than honey. If someone fucks with me, they will pay.

Side: Yes because...
Vermink(1944) Disputed
1 point

It's fair enough if that's your view but I think revenge is hollow and doesn't really make you feel good. If someone where to say kill my brother and in revenge I kill their brother it puts me in the wrong as well. What I do to that person wouldn't bring my brother back. All it will achieve is time in prison and no emotional or physical gain.

Side: No because...
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

I am just tired of being hurt. .

Side: Yes because...

It makes me feel somewhat better to bring pain to those who have crossed me. To see the pathetic piece of trash break under the pressure of their stress and commit suicide to escape is pleasing to me.

Side: Yes because...

I won't say it's a good or a bad thing, that's too subjective. Yet I can say that if you want something done, but nothing is being done revenge is the best option.

I believe in comeuppance if it will actually solve something. Like the case with bullies that vexed me in school, if I had to I would get revenge by popping their tires or putting tacks on their seat. Eventually they realized that when they did bad things, bad things happened back to them so they no longer bullied.

Yet if the revenge only makes things worse, or does no physical effect it's not worth it. Such as if a person who wants revenge for their child being killed accidently, so they kill the accidental killer's child as if that will bring back their kid or prevent the accidental killer from killing again.

Side: Yes because...
1 point

Two phrases spring to mind "don't get mad get even" and "revenge is a dish best served cold", I would not advocate revenge for everyone and it is not always right or wrong but it's always worked for me, I was bullied badly at one school I went to and I realised that things were not going to get any better unless I did something about it, next time someone treated me like shit I found his bike and put a pin through the tyres both front and back multiple times after doing this a few days in a row I then asked the guy how he'd enjoyed the walk home and told him not to fuck with me. I planned it and it was calculating, could've battered him whilst I was angry but that would have gotten me into trouble for fighting if caught or if he grassed on me, this way I caused him a large amount of discomfort (he lived about four miles away from the school) at minimal effort to myself and he also couldn't prove it was me that did it. Small acts of sabotage done with a mind unclouded by anger got my tormentors off my back and taught people not to fuck with me.

Side: Yes because...
2 points

Because saying " you did something bad, and I want to make you, and everyone else realise this by also doing something bad, but somehow this time it's good" simply doesn't work. Revenge I think is a sick thing which malicious people who promote the death penalty and go around carrying 6 pistols think. But tis juts my view :)

Side: No because...
2 points

Whilst I agree with most of what you have said I have found that revenge has normally worked for me, so my view falls somewhere in the middle ground I don't think it's good or bad sometimes its the only choice you have. I am also anti the death penalty mainly due to mistakes and innocent people being executed but also because it is just state sponsored revenge, for instance a lot of people call for the death penalty on those that have killed their family etc, if that's the case pull the lever yourself don't pass your dirty work onto someone else, if that was the case I'm sure it would not take long for the death sentence to be stopped.

Side: No because...
2 points

No revenge isn't a good thing because if you get the revenge you wanted you probably aren't going to be satisfied after.

Side: No because...
2 points

This is a very good point. Some people get so caught up in revenge they don't think about how things will be after they get it.

Side: No because...
TheAshman(2299) Disputed
1 point

Not necessarily, if done right revenge can be very satisfying, get it wrong though and it can be soul destroying, like any action in life you have to be prepared for the consequences

Side: Yes because...
TheAshman(2299) Disputed
1 point

Not necessarily, if done right revenge can be very satisfying, get it wrong though and it can be soul destroying, like any action in life you have to be prepared for the consequences

Side: Yes because...
2 points

"An eye for eye will make the whole world blind" -Gandhi

Forgive and forget, we've all made bad decisions in our life.

There are some exceptions to this rule, but I've noticed it's a lot easier to hold your head up when you're not carrying grudges wherever you go.

Side: No because...
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I know that's just a quote but I heard this on a movie recently and couldn't resist replying.

"An eye for eye will make the whole world blind" -Gandhi

Not true. Let's say there is two people on the world. One guy poke the other guy. That's one eye gone. The guy who was poked, poked the guy back. That's two eyes gone. Now the guy who just got poked, pokes back. Now that's three eyes gone and one person blind. That blind person couldn't find you and poke your eye out, run and hide!

Side: Yes because...
hannah165(523) Clarified
1 point

Hahahahahaha that's actually really funny...

but you're assuming that the Person A only poked out ONE person's eye. All of us have made mistakes, and most of us have made more than one. So Person A pokes B and C. B gets mad and pokes one of A's eyes. Likewise with C. Therefore A is completely blind, and may not get to B and C's other eye, but it's almost guaranteed that B and C have wronged or gotten revenge on someone else. Or maybe A has a lot of friends, and they may go after B and C. In the end, there will always be someone who isn't blind, and is mad at you. :)

Side: Yes because...
2 points

2 wrongs does not make a right. Revenge is the heart speaking without sense. Rationality leads to the feeling of fulfillment

Side: No because...
2 points

Define the word "good."

I bet at the moment of getting sweet revenge, you will feel bliss. happiness. A lift of both cheeks as you smile. However, does that mean for long term? I guess it depends on the person you are.

Lets say you disliked someone so much, you killed him or her. Would you regret going to prison for the rest of you life? If yes, then revenge isn't always a good thing. If no, then maybe you are the type of person that sees revenge always a good and blissful thing.

It depends on who you are. I never been presented with the choice of going to jail or prison. But i believe, if i do, i would regret whatever decision i made. I got to catch up on pokemon and i bet the prison inmates won't let me see my saturday morning cartoons. xD

Side: No because...

Revenge possesses someone with evil in his/her heart. Take the advice from the song in "Frozen" that says, "Let It Go."

Side: No because...