
Debate Info

Yes, only in America. No, this fantasy is global.
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 Yes, only in America. (5)
 No, this fantasy is global. (7)

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Miocene(707) pic

Is the ''White Privilege'' myth peculiar to America?

Can the achievements of whites who live, or lived in countries where there are, or were very few, if any blacks, be attributed to the colour of their skin?
If the answer is yes, then this infers that whites are indeed superior to blacks.
If the great white inventors and industrialists, past and present were responsible for almost all modern technology upon which the global economic and commercial systems are based without ever having clapped eyes on a black person how could any non-racist claim that their achievements were a result of *white privilege*? 

Yes, only in America.

Side Score: 5

No, this fantasy is global.

Side Score: 11
1 point

Any myth which is aggressively promoted and professionally marketed can be made to seem realistic.

1)Blacks will gladly accept this cockeyed social construct as it represents a ready made excuse for their culture of under achievement.

2)Some radical left wing anarchists, white and black, will adopt this myth as it suits their agenda of violent civil disorder and mayhem.

3)The grandstanding celebrities who go along with this myth only do so to enhance their own image among their gullible fans and therefore increase their earnings.

Side: Yes, only in America.
2 points

Any myth which is aggressively promoted and professionally marketed can be made to seem realistic.

Right. Like the myth that black people have never invented anything. Like the myth that Osama bin Laden masterminded the 9/11 attacks. Like the myth that poor people deserve it.

Side: No, this fantasy is global.
1 point

A "White Privilege MYTH" would be VERY peculiar to America,..... since it's an actual FACT.

Side: Yes, only in America.
2 points

I don't think that's what White Privilege means. Though it's a bit confusing, at least I know that the world doesn't revolve around me.

Anyway, it's white privilege that keeps white people from getting strangled to death by a war crazed police officer, or sentenced to life in prison for simple possession of non harmful drugs. It has nothing to do with the achievements of white people over those of black people.

That was because of the setbacks they have faced throughout history, not laziness or incoherence.

Side: No, this fantasy is global.
Miocene(707) Disputed
0 points

I am of the opinion that all racial/ethnic groups and nations have faced tremendous ''set-backs'' over the centuries most of whom have used these countless disasters to develop advanced counter measures that have successfully annulled their effects.

I would also attest that apart from medially prescribed drugs there is no such thing as ''non-harmful drugs''.

Possession, use of, or dealing in illegal substances are all crimes and those who have been caught, tried and found guilty of these crimes are criminals.

No one is above the law and should not engage in the dangerous game of cherry picking which laws to follow or ignore.

I am am unaware of anyone who has been sentenced to ''life in prison for''simple possession of non-harmful drugs!! and would challenge you to provide full details of dates, locations and names of anyone who received such a sentence.

The accepted meaning of White privilege is that their achievements and positions of seniority are due, not to their abilities, but as a consequence of their white skin.

This of course implies that the lack of achievement by blacks is due to bias and prejudice by whites.

Ask yourself these questions;-

Are all the inventions/discoveries made by whites in countries which have few, if any blacks due to their white skin?

For one instance, the first programmable computer was made at Bletchley Park, England during WW2 when there wasn't a black person to be seen.

Was this scientific breakthrough due to the colour of the inventor's skin?

How could any sane person attribute the countless inventions which include;-

The computer,




The light bulb,

The telephone,

Nuclear power,

The automobile,

The internal combustion engine,

The diesel engine,

The jet engine,


Space going rockets,

The fountain pen,

The ball pen,

Penicillin etc. etc., to the colour of their creator's skin?

Side: Yes, only in America.
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
2 points

I am of the opinion that all racial/ethnic groups and nations have faced tremendous ''set-backs'' over the centuries most of whom have used these countless disasters to develop advanced counter measures that have successfully annulled their effects.

That is true, but some racial, ethnic, religious and other groups have faced, and tend to face a specific type of oppression or setback in the modern world. Do you believe that inventions are the only method of describing a race's successes?

Possession, use of, or dealing in illegal substances are all crimes and those who have been caught, tried and found guilty of these crimes are criminals.

These rules have been used in the past (in American history) to suppress votes from coloured people. The number of cases in which the duration of sentences has been more for people of colour than for whites would take years to count. The idea of white privilege, as I've said before, is a social construct, but it doesn't mean that it's not present. We don't have badges that denote this, but if we were caught with marijuana, as white people, the likelihood of us getting a long sentence would be much less than if we were coloured. Therefore, we have the privilege of perhaps feeling more immune to this certain law. It's not simply drug use. Look up the Central Park Five case. There's a documentary on Netflix about it.

The accepted meaning of White privilege is that their achievements and positions of seniority are due, not to their abilities, but as a consequence of their white skin.

The accepted meaning is:"Inherent advantages possessed by a white person on the basis of their race in a society characterized by racial inequality and injustice." (merriam webster)

For one instance, the first programmable computer was made at Bletchley Park, England during WW2 when there wasn't a black person to be seen.

Once again, with all due respect, I believe it's blind to judge a society, and the social interactions of a people based on who invented what.

Was this scientific breakthrough due to the colour of the inventor's skin?

Yes, but indirectly. Surely you'd agree that the people in that room could've all been Black (following your example), but there are many other factors at play such as:

-education for ethnic and racial minorities


-Lack of support in a white-centric system

The third on the list is the most important, because with a white-centric system comes the consequence of white privilege.

Side: No, this fantasy is global.
1 point

Space going rockets

I'm literally reading a webpage right now which lists three black people involved in the Apollo 11 missions, including one with a PhD in mathematics from Yale.

Side: No, this fantasy is global.
2 points

There is no white privelege for a very long time. I don't know where does this come from and it only makes it more difficult for us whites...

Side: No, this fantasy is global.
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

I don't know where does this come from and it only makes it more difficult for us whites...

It comes from your sense of entitlement and your related belief that, after enslaving black people for over 400 years, you should be regarded as the victims.

Side: Yes, only in America.
1 point

All we have to do is appreciate the 1000s of invaluable inventions and scientific discoveries blacks have made in countries such as South Africa, Zimbabwe, the D.R.,. Congo or Ethiopia where whites are very much in the minority and not at all dominant.

''Proof Positive'' that left to their own devices blacks can, and will outshine the achievements of the white man.

Side: No, this fantasy is global.

Is the ''White Privilege'' myth peculiar to America?

So now there is no white privilege, but earlier you were telling us how white people invented everything. Have I about got that right?

You are one of the most brazen examples of white privilege I can personally imagine. You sit here all day calling black people bongos and putting the text in bold print. The creep within just oozes out of your every word.

Side: No, this fantasy is global.