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 Islamic extremists just beheaded many Christians and still Obama cares more about Climate. (44)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Islamic extremists just beheaded many Christians and still Obama cares more about Climate.

If there were ever a poster child for the extremism of Liberalism, Obama would be it. No matter the atrosity, he always finds reason to go to fund raisers or golf courses the next day. Could there be any better picture of the misplaced priorities of Liberals?

Four men and our Ambassador die from terrorists in Benghazi and Obama goes to Las Vegas the next day.

12 people murdered in France and Obama sends no one of importance to take a stand.

The President of Israel is coming to speak in Congress over the dangers of Iran nuclear capibiities and terrorism and Obama and Demcrats want to boycott.

I coud go on and on but it is so obvious what makes up the priorities of Liberals. Their theories of global warmng are much more important even though most of their models are proven wrong.

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3 points

Isis temporary issue Climate potentially permanent issue. Dang Obama not having his prioritys straight! Heck I bet he's Muslim too!

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You think because proven liars claim climate change is real, we are all suppose to believe them? These same liars told us all about global warming and the false models they pushed on us all. When a group is proven to be liars, an intelligent people laugh at their future claims!

Gee you did not throw out some lame insult and actually made an attempt to address the argument. Hence I did not ban you. GET IT?

3 points

How do you figure they are "proven liars"? I really hope you aren't referring to "Climategate", because that has been addressed ad nauseum. Though if you need it, I can provide you with some reading regarding the actual implications of "Climategate", as opposed to the talking points repeated by "certain" media outlets.

Firnen Disputed
2 points

As usual you're the first to insult. Classic Liberal.

1 point

You think because proven liars claim climate change is real, we are all suppose to believe them?

No, what he is saying is that ISIS can only kill a small portion of the population where climate change can kill everyone. Obama would be picking the correct priority in that case. That's all he is saying.

Climate change can destroy the entire world, ISIS surely won't. That being said, Obama's actions against ISIS are laughable at best.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

That were if climate change were not just a political movement to secure environmentalist campaign money. Climate change is the new name that was once called global warming. These people are laughable extremists, they change the name when their theories are complete jokes.

1 point

Climate change is different from global warming, as it addresses both increases and decreases in temperatures, though due to the same factors. Now I ask again: Why is it in your opinion that the overwhelming majority of the scientific community, including those who have no ties to "campaign money" or government funding, recognize this?

1 point

It is true that Obama is the poster child for the extremism of Liberalism but if I were playing Devil's advocate I would say that, in his defense, the beheadings did not put a dent on the total number of people on this planet (Christians or otherwise).

1 point

No, Obama is not the power child of extremism of Liberalism, at ALL. Obama is far from the most Liberal president we have ever had (seriously, compare him to FDR), he has just been liberal during a more politically polarized time.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

So you base your concern for humanity by the number of people butchered by Islamic extremists? Get real.... Obama is indeed the poster child for Liberal extremism and he has a responsibility for all Americans butchered no matter the numbers.

1 point

So does every president have complete responsibility for all American's who are killed under their presidency? Not meant to be a straw man or extreme or anything short of trying to understand your thoughts on this.

1 point

I base my concern for humanity by how bad rush hour traffic is.

1 point

Emotive, knee jerk speeches after such a diabolical outrage could incite the start of a 'tit for tat'' reaction among certain types of hotheads. One thing for certain is that this latest I.S, atrocity will be the subject for serious and urgent debate among the political leaders of all civilised nations. The continuing I.S, threat will have to be dealt with in a way which will have a lasting outcome and can enlist the support of the Muslim nations and all the ordinary, hard working Muslims throughout the world. I have noticed on other sites that regardless of the savagery of an incident, or national sponsored criminality a lot of people demand President Obama to respond immediately, either verbally or demonstratively , ( send in the marines & B52s). From where I sit,( Ireland), President Obama tends to ponder on problems before deciding on a course of action.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

From where we sit here in America, Obama ponders mostly on how to push his extreme Liberal agendas and hopes that terrorists and Putin and Iranian nuclear weapons just go away. He is truly the worst president in our history.

1 point

How can you say he is the worst president in history, compared to Andrew Jackson who committed genocide? Yes, Obama is bad, but do you TRULY believe that what he has done is worse than genocide?