
Debate Info

Israel was justified Israel was not justified
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:38
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 Israel was justified (11)
 Israel was not justified (7)

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khurram(32) pic

Israel's attack on aid flotilla

The other day, Israel attacked in international waters on a 'peaceful aid flotilla' going to Palestine. 9 people died.

Israel was justified

Side Score: 23

Israel was not justified

Side Score: 11

The world was informed that a blockade was in effect.

Aid ships were given a route by which they could travel.

The aid flotilla ran the blockade anyway.

Israel enforced the blockade.

If you run a blockade, after being warned it was in effect, how can you be surprised when it is enforced? Many argue the blockade is inhumane, but the U.S did the same thing to Cuba when they considered it to be a missile threat.

Side: Israel was justified
3 points

Peaceful????? Did you see the tape?

I guess the daily rockets are peaceful also, fireworks??????

Side: Israel was justified

Videos are unreliable.

They can be doctored, they often don't start at the beginning (especially when being shown on the news), etc.

Side: Israel was justified
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
1 point

The truth does hurt and videos don't lie...................

Side: Israel was not justified
1 point

Whether or not you believe the blockade was justified, there was a blockade! If you are willing to risk attack and try to run the blockade you can expect to be boarded.

If this had been any other country no one would have complained about the measures the Israelis used, they could have blown the ship out of the water but they didn't.

It doesn't matter if you protest or don't agree with something, being an activist doesn't give you immunity to do something considered illegal by the guy with the big gun, he will shoot you anyway.

Side: Israel was justified
0 points

Israel, under the protective support of the US, has long been committing heinous crimes against Palestinians. But this uncalled for cold-blooded attack was one of the most condemnable. The fact that Jews were the victims of Holocaust does not mean that they have got carte blanche to kill whoever they want. Attacking an aid flotilla boarded by peaceful activists, and shedding blood in International waters can by no means be justified. It was the meanest act if there was one.

Side: Israel was not justified
victor01(146) Disputed
2 points

To blame one side for this on going war is not right. Both sides are at fault and since Israel has tried to make a peace treaty with Palestine, and they refused, they have created a mess for themselves. And these cold blooded crimes, could you please tell me which ones they have committed that Palestine has not.

Side: Israel was justified
khurram(32) Disputed
0 points

Don't tell me you think both are equally at fault. Palestinians are fighting for their land, that has been occupied by Israel. Israel's occupation of Gaza is condemned by even those who normally side with Israel. Israel's forces, using latest tech and fighter jets to kill innocent civilians is more horrible than the 'crimes' Palestinians commit to free their land. Try to discern the fine line between state terrorism and freedom fighting.

Side: Israel was not justified