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 Jesus had a wife, thus he could not have been the messiah. (45)

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Emperor(1340) pic

Jesus had a wife, thus he could not have been the messiah.


If this turns out to be real, not only does it indicate the Jesus may have been a real person, but that he also had a wife! This would mean that he's not divine, and that he was only a preacher and a human like everyone else.

What do you guys think?

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2 points

I did not read the article, because I do not believe that one article could possibly contradict the entire Bible. As a Christian, I strongly believe that Jesus never had a wife, because his purpose was not to start a strong relationship with some woman, but to save all of us. He did not have time for such "human" distractions.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

It's not one article.

It's written evidence of Jesus himself telling people that he had a wife, Mary Magdalene.

This ancient document has been confirmed to be real, and thus, you must now either choose to believe in a false image of Jesus, an idea of a man who never was, or you must conform to the evidence, and of course, you may still worship this man if you wish, but when Jesus himself, in this article talks about his wife, then it would be wise to accept this, or you may be worshiping the wrong god.

BookBird101(572) Disputed
2 points

I cannot access the article, so I can't see if it's written evidence from the Bible or not. If it is, which book, chapter, and verse?

Emperor(1340) Clarified
1 point

I guess it really comes down to willful ignorance and deceit, as sooo many atheists on here have been saying, it's accepting the truth for what it is.

It's up to you to believe, but really, you christians have always preferred lies to truth, from Galileo's Earth around the Sun idea to evolution, to holy wars and prophecies to oppressing people.

If you can't handle direct evidence, then you're just being silly.

BookBird101(572) Disputed
1 point

It's not about not being able to handle direct evidence, because in my opinion, that's a piece of evidence that contradicts larger "evidence" (the Bible). I understand that most people don't count the Bible as evidence, but I do.

You can't say that we prefer lies, because there is no evidence saying that what you believe is the truth. I don't even really understand how whether or not Jesus had a wife is important. It won't change what he did for us, it's just a random (still debatable) theory.

Why does it matter? This fictional story is getting better by the fictional events. What next? Jesus was actually an astronaut from a distant planet

1 point

Clearly you didn't read the article because it says right in the article that He was married to the Christian faith not to a woman. Here is the thing from the article that you said in the link.

Scroll down until you go down to update and there it will tell you that Jesus didn't have a wife and it has meaning.

Read before you post something.

UPDATE: 4:28 p.m. -- Speaking on a conference call Tuesday from Rome, King said that some people who have read about the discovery have asked if the papyrus fragment was describing Jesus as being married to the Christian faith, not to a woman.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Perhaps YOU did not read the article, because it says THIS: "but in the context where he's talking about 'my mother' and 'my wife' and talking about 'my disciple,' the one thing you would not say is that the church would be 'my disciple.'"

He is talking about Mary Magdalene, not the church, as we can see from context.

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I did clearly read it but they don't know for sure that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. Also Jesus never had a wife because if He did then they would have recorded it in the Bible but they didn't so that means He doesn't have a wife.

Jesus could have said He was her disciple and what does a disciple mean?

Disciple means one of the 12 personal followers of Christ.


one of the 70 followers sent forth by Christ. Luke 10:1.


any other professed follower of Christ in His lifetime.


any follower of Christ.


( initial capital letter ) a member of the Disciples of Christ.


a person who is a pupil or an adherent of the doctrines of another; follower: a disciple of Freud.

Those are all definitions of a disciple and a disciple doesn't mean automatically that Mary is Jesus's wife.

1 point

How can Jesus be married to the Christian faith if it is based on him, and the faith was worshiped until after he died?

There are a hundred new theories thought up every year on the subject of Jesus being real or not, every one of them as ridiculous as the last, and all of them un-provable. So I'll take this with a handful of salt.

1 point

i agree, holy people cannot marry so he could not have been messiah

1 point

Huh... Interesting. Perhaps this'll be actual proof for the atheistic position. Although, I doubt many Christians will EVER accept this to be true... even if evidence is found.

Although, I remain doubtful until the document gets verified.

1 point

It was verified.

This piece has been known by King, the translator for awhile, but once translated, she didn't think it was legitimate until after she had talked to several other people in the field.

This is certainly legitimate. It's ancient, written in the language, and has dialogue from Jesus speaking about his human wife, as the context specifies.

1 point

Wait? So Mary Magdalene wasn't a slut? Damn! Well her family should sue the Bible for defamation of character.

1 point

Jesus always claimed to be a man, correct? Although, he was believed to be the Son of God, the trinity and all that, however, he was fully a man, and not just claiming to be fully a god. So, he could have still been their messiah and was a man.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

No, that was Buddha. Some regard Buddha as a god, or at least a VERY holy and sacred person worthy of worship, but Buddha, or Siddhartha was only a man, and only ever asked to be called a man and nothing more. Perhaps a wise man, but that is not so great as wishing to have people follow your path, and thus go to heaven.

Buddha was humble and wise, and said wise words, but Jesus was not so humble. Wise, perhaps, but as for actually being a god, he was crucified for his blasphemy. If he rose up, great, but we now know that going up leads to outer space, not heaven, so the tale of "physical ascension" is likely not true, for it's a bit silly. People can't fly, especially dead people. Only in stories, perhaps where they wish to bring a person to life to establish a religion, but don't want to keep writing it.

It's a great "cliff hanger" or something, isn't it? He comes back, but disappears right after. Very suspicious.

Lynaldea(1227) Clarified
1 point

I know for a fact some christians view Jesus as being godlike, just as some buddhists view buddha as being godlike. Their stories and their philosophies are very similar in my opinion. Jesus was born from a virgin, so was Siddhartha. Jesus healed people, so did Siddhartha. Jesus claimed enlightenment, as did Siddhartha.

Jesus was celibate and pure. He did not choose marriage because he knew that celibacy was the closest thing to being in unison with God, His Father.