
Debate Info

True False
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 True (6)
 False (4)

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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

Jesus is Awesome

Super Jesus




Side Score: 9


Side Score: 6
2 points

My proof is below.

Supporting Evidence: Jesus is Awesome (
Side: True
1 point

Jesus definitely existed and there is proof of that.

Regardless of whether or not you believe in miracles, he has done many good things in his life; what he has done may not have been magical, but he certainly was someone with influence and intelligence: because of his decisions the bible was written, he has made a legacy for himself, and 2000 years later he is still worshipped.

What isn't awesome about that?

Side: True
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

No, there is no proof of Jesus, I'm afraid.

It is a grim fact, but so far, I have seen nothing but fakes and lies.

There has never been a Jesus, I don't think.

Perhaps there could have been, but there is certainly no evidence for it.

A sad fact, but one we must accept with heavy hearts.


I'm afraid there's no Santa either.

And the Tooth Fairy is a lie too.

Side: False
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
2 points

There is evidence of a historical Jesus, though not a divine Jesus. It is pretty unlikely that the four gospels completely invented Jesus, and then somehow this was believed by billions throughout the world. I'm confident there was a cool dude named Jesus around, just not the son of God.

Side: True

I'm pretty sure Jesus existed, though he clearly wasn't some kind of super hero, that stuff was written way after he died. You have to remember that the first gospel (Matthew) was actually written 55 years after Jesus supposedly died.

Based on how he appears in the bible, I reckon he was a great bloke, I agree with him on lots of points (socialism, loving thy neighbour, turning the other cheek etc.) and he led by good example, apart from when he raged a couple of times. I wish those creationist charlatans took Jesus' advice: "Thou shall not make thy fathers house a house of merchandise".

Side: True

Jesus is my home boy-------------------------------------------

Side: True
3 points

Jesus is dead, dead isn't awesome.

Side: False