
Debate Info

judges should be elected judges should not be elected
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 judges should be elected (1)
 judges should not be elected (3)

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Nivin96(5) pic

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Judges should be elected


Judges are elected by communities so that the judges can represents us. If they make a mistake, we can vote them out.

    Currently there are different rulings. Judges should be picked to have the same standards.



judges should be elected

Side Score: 1

judges should not be elected

Side Score: 4
Winning Side!
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2 points

Votes are already bought with free healthcare,citizenship and welfare checks, just imagine a judge having to pander to certain groups to get re-elected. No way. Community organizers would pressure them to judge certain ways, we have enough of that already. Keep it as is.

Side: judges should not be elected
1 point

I'm confused with this debate if you say straight off that judges are elected. And then you ask should judges be elected. Please clarify.

Side: judges should not be elected
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

Do you believe that judges should be elected, or picked by someone other than the public. Atleast, that's what I think they mean...

Side: judges should be elected
1 point

Absolutely not. If a judge has a reputation for being fair then people will naturally want their cases to be handled by said judge.

Politics is a game for the corrupt and if courts are made a game of politics then the most corrupt will find their ways to the top.

Side: judges should not be elected