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Debate Score:22
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DR-EVIL(17) pic

Kill fags

Fags are an abomination and need tortured now insteaed of later.


Side Score: 2


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2 points

Can you imagine how you would like it if some people were saying to kill you for some sin you may be committing?

Lets say for example, you slept with some other man's wife, or lets say you walked out on your wife for another woman. Would you want others sayng you should be killed?

According to the Bible, those are also sins. Do you think you deserve death for your sins?

Your's could be one type of hate resulting from extremist political correct politics that forces all State's and all public schools to bow to the LGBT mandates.

Terrorism is also a hate fostered from what they would call interference from the West.

There can never be any excuse for killing the innocent. Every innocent human being deserves the right to life, including our unborn.

I would hope that the constant divisive ideology from the Left would one day come to an end, and we could all get along by respecting our differences. It is not respect to try and force churches to allow Gay Sundy school teachers. It's not respect to force private Christian businesses to cater a Gay wedding reception.

It is not respect to call people fags when they are not harming others or trying to force their agendas on others. Calling Gays Fags is like calling Black people niggers, or calling Christians as zealots, etc.

It's pathetic to label all people the same.

To get respect, we must all earn that respect. We all deserve our right's to our beliefs as long as we are not forcing them on others..

Side: No
2 points

Legally you're on thin ice there Dr, Shithead.

Such an illegal ''hate statement'' could also be construed as likely to incite deadly violence.

Don't be surprised if you are visited by members of your local police force.

Do you think you'll like prison food and all the resentful ''fags'' you're likely to meet in the State penitentiary?

Side: No
1 point

Seems like laws are pretty arbitrary in America.

Such expressions come under free speech, and though site admin can ban him, there shouldn't really be much further implications.

Side: Yes
2 points

Well, living up to your name I guess but you seriously need help. How pathetic.

Side: No
1 point

Unless you're trolling, you need to seek professional help right now.

Side: No
1 point

How Christian of you. People like you are why I hate religion.

Side: No
1 point

Looks like mental therapy and intensive therapy will help this case, dude serously get help I dislike them but I do not want them dead atleast I see them as humans.

Side: No


You seem too emotional and passionate about it. I wonder why.

Why do you want that?

Though I'm almost certain that you are suffering, probably from some childhood trauma. I wouldn't be surprised if you've been crying here. Such feelings lead to all sorts of irrationalities.

Side: No
1 point

That's an ugly position. Unless you yourself happen to be in the closet and in that case you can probably start with yourself. Then all the rest of us, gay or straight, can go have a party to celebrate.

Side: No
1 point


Idiot spotted...


Side: No