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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:9
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 Left vs Right (6)

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FerretHole(112) pic

Left vs Right

Economic Equality <> Economic Hierarchy
Social Equality <> Elitism
Democracy <> Centralization
Collectivism <> Individualism
Progressivism <> Traditionalism
Globalism <> Nativism
Materialism <> Idealism
Cooperation <> Competition 
Peace <> Violence
Liberal <> Moralistic 

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1 point

It can be boiled down further to three simple principles

Equality Hierarchy

Us Me

Rational Superstitious

1 point

Here is my theory as to why irrationalism and superstition, and being overly moralistic are inherent to the right. Because you need to be retarded, and think in terms of the subjective and/or socially constructed to allow others to rule you or to think you are in the right for doing it to others. But even if you are simply a power-hungry darwinistic psychopath who is actually rational about it you end up creating the mindset even if you don't follow it via how you indoctrinate society to follow your regime. These things are there to be taken advantage of by the hierarchy to control others, so the more equal society becomes the more room there is to be rational and progressive and socially liberal instead of having the opposite enforced.

BurritoLunch(6566) Disputed Banned
1 point

Here is my theory as to why irrationalism and superstition, and being overly moralistic are inherent to the right. Because you need to be retarded

Calling people retarded is no kind of explanation or argument. Obviously no, not everybody on the right is retarded. There are more complex factors which you aren't intelligent enough to explain.

1 point

In sport there will be winners and losers.

In the world of academia there will be those who will achieve better grades than their lesser intelligent peers.

In the competition for jobs there will be successful candidates and those whose ability falls short of what is required.

In politics there will be winners and losers.

Shrewd politicians will be aware of what the majority of the electorate want, and not what they think they should want.

That's the difference between winning and losing.

Flexibility and adaptability.

No point in bellyaching about losing.

Best to examine why you/your team failed and try to develop the necessary improvements to increase your chances for success in the future.

Maintaining a 'oh poor me' attitude, the whole world is out of step except me, will guarantee that you will stay at the bottom of the league of the society in which you live and continue to bellow negatively at everyone and everything around you.

Sad, very sad.

0 points

Regardless of any political dogma, life is, always has been and always be a competition.

As with all competitions there will be winners and losers and as always the losers will shout cheat and try to change the rules to suit the weak and less capable.

That's never going to work long term, or even medium term.

If all the money in the world was pooled and then divided equally among everyone, it wouldn't take long before the former wealthy had their riches back and life's losers would be bellowing about how unfair the world is.

Winners vs Losers.

Achievers vs Non-achievers.

Hard working risk takers vs Lazy, unimaginative dullards.

Leaders who can give direction vs those who run with the herd an need direction.

BurritoLunch(6566) Disputed Banned
1 point

Regardless of any political dogma, life is, always has been and always be a competition.

Ah, but that is not the full story, is it? Life is, always has been, and indeed should be a competition: AGAINST THE UNIVERSE. Life should not be a competition against life. That is stupid and aptly illustrates the type of mentality far right idiots like you seem to have. Unfortunately, I doubt it will ever stop until either you have wiped us out by force or we have wiped you out by education.