
Debate Info

Al Franken G. Gordon Liddy
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 Al Franken (1)
 G. Gordon Liddy (2)

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excon(18262) pic

Left wingers who misbehave get fired. Right wingers who misbehave get a talk show..


G. Gordon Liddy masterminded the Watergate break in.  He got a talk show..

Marc Fuhrman, anyone?

He's the cop who lied through his teeth in the OJ Simpson trial..  Simpson went free and Fuhrman got a talk show..

I just don't understand why the right wing slavers over these guys.  Will Matt Gaetz get a talk show too??  Proly.


Al Franken

Side Score: 2

G. Gordon Liddy

Side Score: 4
1 point

No sirree Bob, leftists deserve a fair crack of the whip.

Side: Al Franken
3 points

Ahh, Jeez, you left out Oliver North! He got a whole television series! ;-)

Side: G. Gordon Liddy
-1 points

Left wingers who misbehave get fired.

Almost every talk show host on tv is a left winger. Left wingers almost never get fired. This is one of your dumber posts.

Right wingers who misbehave get a talk show..


G. Gordon Liddy masterminded the Watergate break in. He got a talk show..

Your desperation to pretend the left doesn't run every bit of the system you claim is racist and oppresive is so deep and sick that you had to scratch and claw back to someone from before almost any of us were born. You're not only a dumbass, but now you are a dishonest dumbass.

I just don't understand why the right wing slavers over these guys. Will Matt Gaetz get a talk show too?? Proly.

The best you could do to attack a group that is clearly morally superior to your group was invent an imaginary scenario. God you're stupid.

Side: G. Gordon Liddy