
Debate Info

Lets do it ... not like that Lets not do it
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Lets do it ... not like that (6)
 Lets not do it (6)

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SprinkleVII(15) pic

Lets talk about sex ... Should there be comprehensive sex ed

Lets do it ... not like that

Side Score: 6

Lets not do it

Side Score: 6

With so much promiscuity, I think it is wise for high schools to mandate graphic sex education to the students and teach the students how drastically their lives will change when a young girl becomes pregnant.

Also, I think STDs must be discussed openly. Also, birth control must be emphasized. Abstinence is nice but plenty of students lie about it.

Side: Lets do it ... not like that
1 point

I agree sex education should start at a fairly young age in school so as to negate the effect of porn has on children's minds I think they lose a sense of normality

Side: Lets do it ... not like that
Foxglove(205) Disputed
1 point

I struggle to see why such young minds need acquaintance with an aspect of life that they have no business engaging in until they are much older. This outlook on sex education runs the risk of being counter-productive. Children’s minds are highly impressionable and to be introducing them to the concept of porn at all is to underestimate their propensity to put this new "knowledge" to practical application. The stage of childhood should be preserved as long as is necessary and this will only serve to truncate it.

Side: Lets not do it
1 point

NO NO NO NO NO. No parent, guardian, foster parent, grand parent or any person interested in their young child should want the state teaching their kids about sex in any way shape or form. This is a subject which should be left entirely to the home. At a very minimum, there should be an opt out for those who don't want it for their children. I hear things on the radio being taught in California, NY and other places schools, and on earth would a caring parent allow that to happen? I barely agree with public school, but if we must have it, then at least it needs to stick to reading, writing and arithmetic.

Sex education in state schools goes far beyond basic biology, which they would pick up in science anyway.

Side: Lets not do it
1 point

Wow. It'll just get them even more sexually aroused, thus increasing the number unplanned pregnancies by a vast amount!

Side: Lets not do it
SprinkleVII(15) Disputed
1 point

Reports by the WHO, NIH, and independent sources have shown that abstinence-only campaigns prove ineffective and can even increase unplanned pregnancies. WHO Report NIH Report Independent report

Side: Lets do it ... not like that
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Thanks for sharing.

Side: Lets not do it
1 point

I would like to support this side of the argument as, anything that is taught , gives rise to an urge of dwelling more on that subject, exploring, brainstorming and a load full of inquisitive clarifications.

By introducing sex education in schools , we are only making a child probably want to try something which is not meant for him at that age. Just like, once a concept of say, algebra is taught in school, children want to solve sums based on it; if at all sex education is introduced, you never know children may go ahead in doing things , they rightfully should not be indulging in! All said and done, we have chapters based on human reproduction taught in biology at school levels, I think that's adequate to quench the thirst of knowledge in that field! Plus, parents can educate their children about the subject by perhaps ,cracking some jokes on it, in the lightest spirit of course.

Side: Lets not do it
1 point

Lets not do it! This should only corrupt little innocent "impressionable" minds. That should be very bad on our part, expecting kids to mature faster than their normal pace and detract them from their paths. Totally bogus dude!

Side: Lets not do it