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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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YawnOfSnooze(39) pic

Libs defending Acosta is more of why we scoff at libs attacking Trump's temperme


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 2
1 point

Libs defending Acosta is more of why we scoff at libs attacking Trump's temperme

Hello Y:

The Constitution says the press is free - NOT just the press the president likes..

I thought right wingers LOVED the Constitution.. No, huh?


Side: Yes
Amarel(5669) Clarified
4 points

There’s really no reason he has to let everyone in no matter how disruptive.

How did the president put it? “You’re in my house”, “You’re not gonna get very far by interrupting me”, and “Shame on you”.

Side: Yes
Catdog(56) Disputed
1 point

The Constitution says the press is free - NOT just the press the president likes..

I thought right wingers LOVED the Constitution.. No, huh?

I took the OP to mean that if you defend Acosta's tone and temperment and like it, you can't attack Trump's tone and temperment without being a hypocrite.

Side: No
1 point

The Constitution says the press is free - NOT just the press the president likes..

I thought right wingers LOVED the Constitution.. No, huh?

Freedom of the press is not the same as access to the President. It's freedom of the press.

Side: No
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