
Debate Info

Really? Bring the UN in...
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Really? (3)
 Bring the UN in... (2)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic


Side Score: 3

Bring the UN in...

Side Score: 2
1 point

Who tells more lies than our "President"? Brontoraptor, that's who! I don't personally know ONE "Lib" that hates the police and I don't hear ANY "Libs" that I don't know "personally" saying that they hate police. I have a MA Chief of Police and a K9 Deputy Sherriff in my family and I have NOTHING against a good policeman. There are MILLIONS of good policemen (and women ... and likely some in between), in the country, but, like all large groups there are some not so good. When you have a group that large that has the power of the law behind them, there are going to be some that USE, and ABUSE that power. Same with Lawyers. There are good ones and bad ones. Thinking that ALL, because they are "supporters of the law", simply MUST be trusted is extremely stupid! Any conservative (or lib) that thinks they can do no wrong has that problem! Apparently Bronto thinks they can do no wrong. Apparently Bronto does not know he has a problem. That shouldn't be too much of a surprise to anyone.

Side: Really?
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Inaccurate broad strokes aside, what do you think of the article ?

Side: Really?
1 point

I don't personally know ONE "Lib" that hates the police and I don't hear ANY "Libs" that I don't know "personally" saying that they hate police

Brontoraptor: Sure ya do.


Colin Kaepernick "Person of the Year"

Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem- 2017/03/gettyimages-603553684.jpg?w=575&quality;=90&strip;=info

Colin Kaepernick wears socks depicting cops as pigs-

"Media praise Colin Kaepernick"

Side: Bring the UN in...

• Democrats support no restriction abortions!

• ...but her emails!

• Hogwash!

• Jesus love're going to burn in hell!

• You fools!

• You spew lies and deception as always!

• Anti-Christian bigots!

• Republicans can do no wrong!

• Democrats can do no right!

• I masturbate to Donald Trump!


Side: Really?
1 point

Hello bront,

If the Chicago police can’t keep order, what’s wrong with bringing in experts?


Side: Bring the UN in...
1 point

Okay, I'm game Con. What happens if the "experts" say the problem is that bringing in too many immigrants from certain cultures leads to ghettos and gang on gang violence? What say you? Go with the experts?

Side: Really?