
Debate Info

YES, show me the money NO, i love strangers too much
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:65
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 YES, show me the money (20)
 NO, i love strangers too much (25)

Debate Creator

westernslave(695) pic

My million dollar Question

over the years ive asked a lot of people this question...sort of a way to judge what kind of people they are. 

before you answer, i want you to really give it some thought, and picture the money stacked in front of you. think of all the good shit you could buy/etc....or problems it could solve.

***for 1 million tax free dollars/euros...would you agree to the instant deaths of 1 million human strangers randomly selected throughout the world. the moment you agree to keep the money, all of them would drop dead instantly with no pain or suffering?***

keep in mind...thats one life per dollar/euro.

and its not like you would see them die...or their families/friends suffering from the loses.

most people tell me no...but i know anybody with kids would most likely say yes if they had the chance. because we all know, most parents would do anything for their children. college, new house, cars....lots of smiles in exchange for some people you dont even know...many of which are probably bad people.

and think of this...imagine if that opportunity was offered to every single person on earth. would mankind cease to exist? you bet your ass it would. because people are very greedy and only care about themselves/loved ones.....sure there are a small number of saints...but for the most part, its a doggy dog world.

in away this question is already in effect as far as corporations/governments profitting off people dieing from their products or lies.


what would you do? try to be honest. and pretend you are the only one being offered this chance of a lifetime.




YES, show me the money

Side Score: 30

NO, i love strangers too much

Side Score: 32

id like to think id say no...but truth is, i hate most id probably take the money.

Side: YES, show me the money


Side: YES, show me the money
3 points

The people on the opposing side are over-thinking it. They need to realize that 1million dollars can cure any amount of guilt, so they should accept the offer.

Side: YES, show me the money

exactly, i also hear people often use "guilt" as there excuse to reject it...but like you say...the fun/joy of having that loot would help you quickly get over the "guilt"

how many of them feel guilty about all the harm their tax dollars contribute to. thats right you hypocritical bastards...those drones/wars/etc arent buying themselves

Side: YES, show me the money
11wolf(679) Disputed
1 point

I don't over think this at all. Also money cant fix everything like you want. Most people believe that it can. With me guilt isn't a problem with me its the people that will get killed. Im not a big fan on killings and I don't know why someone will even go through with this. Y'all just seem to care about yourselves and not care about others. Haven't you wonder who will get killed? What about what will happen when they die?

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
2 points

If something was powerful enough to kill a million people in the blink of an eye, it would no doubt come for me later on to get its money back considering it has no moral compass and a helluva lot of power.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
1 point

pretend karma is a would you take the money?

Side: YES, show me the money
Hitler(2364) Disputed
2 points

I don't get how that has any relevance.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
2 points


The reason I chose this side is not my love of strangers, but moreso the fact that I couldn't imagine the body count (think about all of the ward that have taken place). But, I sure would love a million dollars.

Also, it looked hard enough to do in the movie The Box (the 2009 movie with Cameron Diaz). In the movie she and her husband were faced with the choice of a million dollars for one life. Watch it, it will help you think about the magnitude of the question.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
westernslave(695) Clarified
1 point

i actually developed this question from that movie years ago. but one life/stranger? thats too easy

Side: YES, show me the money
2 points

I wouldn't because the way I had gotten the money would eat me to my core

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
1 point

since youve been a good little tax payer, how many deaths do you think your contributions have helped cause in one way or another?

Side: YES, show me the money
2 points

I don't love strangers in the sense you seem to be implying, as I can't really feel love for individuals that I do not know. However, I can appreciate that I am a stranger to 99.999% of people in the world so it's really a matter of perspective.

I would never be able to simply collect $1 million and keep it a secret. Money is not an issue for me, and the benefits the additional cash would produce could never outweigh the cost in my mind. There is absolutely no reason to justify hedonism while causing a million deaths at the same moment.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
1 point

tell that to: philip morris, anheuser busch, ronald mcdonald, the cia, the chemotherapy doctor, the FDA... and many other businessmen, they would love to kill you for a small profit.

joy and security is a pretty justifiable reason for hedonism.

keep in mind, roughly 150,000 people die per day anyways...whats another million at your "hands"? is it really going to matter? especially when that same day, close to 300k will be born.

but thats fine, if you want to lie and put yourself on "team hero" be my guest.

Side: YES, show me the money
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

You really don't understand. I don't need the benefits that an extra million dollars would give me. I'm not lying, I'm telling it like it is.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
2 points

Well I woukd have to say no. I rather be on the streets than let a person die. I think that too many people are dying for no good cause. There is already a problem with executions and this wont help at all. If it will kill all of those people then I wont take it. I see that some people don't care and would go through with this and I don't know why. I don't like all the wars and I wont like this.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much

No. That would be wrong IMHO. Why should random people have to die? if I took the money, my wrong deeds would come back on me.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
1 point

Guilt would have to make me say no. And I personally don't need that much money. I mean, yeah, it'd be nice to have that money, but not at that cost. I'm perfectly comfortable with the money I have now.

Side: NO, i love strangers too much
0 points

The moral question for this debate is too much to consider!

Would you like a million of people dropped dead for your million?!

If one of the person dropped dead is you,What do you feel?!

Side: NO, i love strangers too much