
Debate Info

Myspace Facebook
Debate Score:99
Total Votes:127
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 Myspace (12)
 Facebook (14)

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THEDert(228) pic

Myspace or Facebook

Which is the better social network?


Side Score: 40


Side Score: 59
6 points

My gut response is "better for what purpose?" because the two social networks have very different goals.

Personally, I'm trying to build connections with music and media, so MySpace is far better.

If I just wanted to hang with the old school crowd and reminisce over yester-years, I'd probably waste time on FB instead of MS.

Side: Music and Media at MySpace
1 point

Yes i like myspace because i believe the format and layout of myspace is way easier! i always get so confused on facebook. Also the customizing profiles with music and backgrounds is way better then anything of facebook.

Side: Myspace
5 points

Myspace because when I delete my account it doesn't bother me anymore and doesn't tell me:

"Though you're decided to delete your account, we're going to keep all of you're information

P.S. should have read the EULA bitches!!!"

Side: Facebook is creepy
xaeon(1095) Disputed
3 points

That's illegal in the UK, and I remember there being a bit of an uproar about it with UK privacy groups. I think it even went so far as to the government advising Facebook to comply with EU privacy laws.

Side: Facebook

My Space is for me but I should think Face book would serve the purposes of many others. I cannot make a strong argument against Face book and I wouldn't since I do not use it. What is available to me on My Space; music, videos, blogging, bulletins that reach everyone, photo albums, Photo-bucket, karaoke fun and friends are enough for me and I think the layout is terrific with so many options available for designs.

Side: Music and Media at MySpace
3 points

My experience with facebook:

"So-and-so is taking a shower!"

"Do you want to add UselessApplication to your profile?"

"Some_One_xxx added a new picture!!"

... times one thousand.

And then I received text messages from facebook after I canceled my account.

facebook:social networking::aol:isps.

Oh yeah, and the poke function makes me want to stab myself in the corneas.

Side: Facebook is creepy
3 points

Its easier to use and more prettiful. hahaha. its also more fun to design your profile and stuff.

Side: Myspace
3 points

I like that Myspace is more customizeable, so myspace. [:

Side: Myspace
2 points

Myspace... It has a whole array of things to put about yourself. Its easy to understand and handle. I love Myspace. Its the only one I use!

Side: Music and Media at MySpace
1 point

I have one of each. Myspace is fun. All about self expression.

Side: Myspace
0 points

Can I pick neither? If not I guess My Space

Side: Myspace
6 points

Facebook has better tools for business marketing.

Side: Facebook
6 points

Personally, I don't use social networking sites all that much. But generally I think that facebook has a better layout and looks much nicer. Myspace has become too cluttered and full of spammers and shitty bands. I would appreciate a simple social networking site, but there's no money in that.

Side: Facebook
6 points

Facebook doesn't support HTML, which is sometimes a pain, but overall it keeps the site cleaner (no more hard-to-read custom layouts) and safer (everything ranging from malicious pages to IP logging).

Side: HTML
waaykuul(325) Disputed
4 points

That article was talking about information being given out to advertisers. The original argument concerning safety was that HTML allows people such as hackers to add things to a profile page that could harm you (e.g. grabbing cookies and thus things like email logins) or your computer (e.g. virus).

Of course, I'm not advocating giving personal information to advertisers.

Side: HTML
4 points

I like Facebook better, but I've never really used MySpace. My opinion of MySpace is that it is for HS and younger kids. All the predators on it scare me. Since I am about 12 years out of HS, I like Facebook, I don't feel "too old" to use it. Although I probably am.

Side: Facebook

Facebook has a better/cleaner user interface. I can never find anything on my space; it's more like my clutter.

Side: fb
3 points

Facebook has much less ads.

Side: fb
2 points

Facebook is not so fun. All about apps. Love some of the game apps there tho.

Side: facebook
1 point

It doesn't have as many stupid advertisements

Side: facebook
0 points

I prefer FaceBook.

I have never cared for MySpace...but I do used Facebook, especially for business.

So Facebook it is


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Side: Facebook
0 points

only because i have never tried myspace!

Side: fb
0 points


Side: Facebook
2 points

I liked mob wars until I started getting into brutal fights with some people (I quit after level 16). Until then, I had fun [defeating everyone]. (I had a win-loss of ~200-4). I also "played smart" by buying lots of property early on so that I was earning about $80 million an hour at level 16. :)

But then things got sour. Having a small mob (6 whole people!), I was easy prey for others, even though I had the best weapons/armor/cars possible at the level. So some guys with enormous mob kept attacking me - each of them about three times an hour. Sad to say, I died a couple times before I decided to put them on the hitlist (quite cheap, actually :P). The cycle continued, with me killing them through the hitlist and them killing me by incessantly attacking me. Until I quit in disgust. >:[

And now I'm sure I'll be voted down for telling this story. =]

Side: mob wars