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 Obama Holds Out For Work Place Violence In California (55)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Obama Holds Out For Work Place Violence In California

“It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know; it is also possible this was workplace-related,” Obama said, adding, “we don’t know why they did it.”Obama added that it was important to understand the “nature of the workplace relationship” between the individuals to fully understand the attacks, raising the possibility that it could be “mixed motives” for the attacks.The attacks were carried out at a facility for developmentally disabled adults by Syed Rezwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, a husband-and-wife team in California who were both heavily armed.

Why is it Obama can't call Radical Islamist terror attacks for what they are ?

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4 points

He spent more than 30,000 dollars on guns and bombs according to Fox news, plus he went to Saudi Arabia and had contact with people with extremist views and Obama still holds out hope for a workplace violence. Obama clearly is out of his league on handling Islamist radicals. He does not have a clue.

Btw, what was the vetting process on his wife, how did that turn out. Obviously we did not vet her properly, now did we. But yet, we have people who think we can properly vet 10,000 Syrian refugees with little background information.

1 point

You do realize she didn't immigrate for Syria, right?

Because if not, you haven't researched close enough, and if so, then the comparison is nonsensical as the vetting process is different.

foratag(257) Clarified
3 points

Of course, she was from Pakistan. What is the difference? She was a Muslim, and all Muslims need to be vetted to the fullest extent possible.

Did you really think I thought she was from Syria? Damn, you must think I am an idiot. And if so, why are you corresponding with me then.

shaash(434) Disputed
1 point

Oh yeah... Obama is the dumb one you say?

The same person that is trying to reform gun laws? Is it false that all the guns that were bought were legal? Nope. They were all legal. These people spent 30k on guns and no one even knew!

Something is definitely wrong. This could have been stopped. If you want a gun to defend yourself, get a $100 pistol with 6 bullets. You don't need a couple hundred AK-47's (which are legal to buy to defend yourself.

And even if you get them, it should be possible for the government to know that you bought a suspicious amount so they can keep tabs on you!Seriously what is wrong with people?!

And I agree, the vetting process was broken! But if she wasn't vetted properly, how did she get access to a gun?!

P.S. Never cite fox news when you are trying to make a point XD

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

What might be wrong with purchasing AK-47's ? Which you stated were legal. Were the weapons you claim legal in California ? Do you know this to be fact or is it just an assumption ? Because you didn't show a link to backup your claim of legality.

shaash(434) Disputed
1 point

And fyi, she wasnt even an immigrant. At least base your argument on facts! God, what are these fox news guys feeding you?!!

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Show proof she was not an immigrant. Was she an a American citizen ? Show a link to prove she wasn't an immigrant !

Obama was raised in a Muslim household (his dad was Muslim) in a Muslim country (Indonesia) and has said the calling to prayer is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, so he clearly has sympathies to the religion of pedobear worship.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

And yet his first statement on this was that it could be Islamic Terrorism...

daver(1770) Clarified
2 points

Got a link for that? He has never before put those words together.

3 points

And America holds out for a new POTUS.

4 points

Right on but we have about 400 plus days till the Idiot exits and no telling how much more damage the Mentally Disturbed Idiot can do.

2 points

Well, I didn't vote for him so it's not my fault.

3 points

Obama must be a closet Muslem to be such a total idiot for not admitting the obvious. He sounds just like many Left wing deniers on this site.

Obama has insulted Christians so many times but never does he insult Islamists. Ask yourself why!

2 points

Obama must be a closet Muslem to be such a total idiot for not admitting the obvious. He sounds just like many Left wing deniers on this site.

So the FBI are all closet Muslims? The police force of San Bernardino are closest Muslims?

daver(1770) Disputed
3 points

Well guess what the FBI just said kinda saw that admission coming if your eyes were open. Daaaaa 😜

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

Maybe you missed it... WHAT A SHOCK!

The police have been told from up above, to not say what they all know... that it is obviouisly terrorism.(this came from the horses mouth) Obama is the most corrupt insecure politician of my lifetime.

He told all Americans that the Benghazi killings was from a video when he knew it was not(all to help his election). He knows this is terrorism but the truth would hurt all his lies. He must drag it out until people move on to other news and then we will see a small mention of the obvious truth.

Are you truly that indoctrinated or do you just play the fool to deceive.

3 points

Make up your mind. Is he supposed to pretend he knows everything about the situation before he has the information or is he supposed to wait until he knows what actually happened?

2 points

Here is a picture of the jihadists.

Here is a time line of her doings.

1 arrived 7-14

2 married 8-14

3 got pregnant with anchor baby 9-14

4 visa expired 10-14

5 anchor baby born 6-15

6 mass murderer 12-15

She covered all of her tracks by getting knocked up. I doubt we would have deported a pregnant woman with an American father. That would not be the compassionate thing to do by us Americans. She was one bright young lady. She had this all figured out far, far, in advance.

Here is the kicker. This future jihadist baby, now an American citizen thanks to the 14th amendment, and having an American father, is now entitled to Social Security benefits for the next 18 years, courtesy of the US taxpayers. I don't think there are any exceptions to this rule, if someone knows please post it.

Depending on how long her daddy worked, the monthly amount can range from a couple of hundred to over a thousand. I can see it now someday.

This future jihadist asks how did mommy and daddy died. Answer: They died fighting the infidels. This baby jihadist, now 18, and with tons of money courtesy of the US taxpayer goes out and purchases guns and bombs and avenges mommy and daddies death in the name of Allah. At least we have something to look forward to. Too bad we can't ship her out Fed Ex to Pakistan and avoid any potential problems in the future.

Here is another article. syed-rizwan-farook-wife-tashfeen-malik-planned-attack/#ixzz3tNEjudHD

1 point

The term ''Muslim Terrorist'' is creeping into reports here in the U.K. Apparently an arsenal of weapons was found at the home of the assassins including pipe bombs and a variety of firearms. B.B.C., reports that evidence of contact with ''the filth'' ( Muslim terrorists) has been found on their social media site. Even if, or what is more likely, when, it is confirmed that the assassins were Muslim filth Obama and his cronies will continue to urge the American people to ''show compassion'' to the SO CALLED Muslim refugees and welcome what is in effect, the enemy onto U.S. soil. This reckless policy is the equivalent of injecting yourself and your family with a virulent strain of cancer. Is Obama profiting from the illegal trafficking of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants? The danger to which he is exposing the citizens of the United States is no less than criminal neglect of one of the prime responsibilities of his office.

1 point

The result of the FBI investigation will be exactly whatever Obama wants it to be. This will be the case regardless of the facts.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
2 points

I keep hearing this idea that the FBI is just the pawn of the office of the presidency, but what evidence do you base it on?

1 point

First, we have Obama blaming global warming, and now we have CAIR blaming Americans and the west for the terrorist attacks. At least some blame, they said.

I hope someone does not say something really stupid like blaming terrorism on radical Muslims who interpret the Koran in the wrong way. That would be a big no no. (sarcasm)

Also, Hillary came out for more extensive background checks on guns. Maybe she should instead ask for a more extensive and thorough procedure into the visa program on K-1. It is very thorough and extensive according to Mark Toner of the State Department. Maybe they should reevaluate it. I am willing to bet they didn't do personal interviews with her family, friends, co workers, employers inside of her home country, now did they. Did they tear her life upside down to find out if she was radical in any way. I think not.

An immigration lawyer said that a lot of our lifeblood depends on foreigners. I for one am willing to bet that if we stopped essentially all immigration this country would not only survive but continue to excel.

You can't resist trying to use a massacre for political purposes, can you?

Who cares that the FBI says its too early to tell.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Obama always uses a massacre for political purposes but you just refuse to see it because you are blinded by the light of the "BoyKing" Obama !

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

No, I do see it. He does. But clearly, so do you. Which makes your denunciation of him not only hypocritical, but downright funny.