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 Obama Is A Protectionist Of Islam (5)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Obama Is A Protectionist Of Islam

Why is it the Idiot in Chief can't call the Enemy for who they are ? Who shot up a Gay Bar in Orlando was it not a Islamic Terrorist ? 

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2 points

When a Idiot in Chief can't call the enemy for what it is then he supports the Actions of ISLAMIC TERRORIST !

He's too close to Islam to be objective. He grew up in a Muslim household in an Islamic country and has loyalties to the religion of pieces.

DS0330(267) Disputed
1 point

"He grew up in a Muslim household in an Islamic country and has loyalties to the religion of pieces."

Never knew this, is there something I don't know? He was born and lived in the U.S., and the U.S. is not an Islamic country.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

From 67 to 71 he lived in Indonesia before coming back to Hawaii.

Supporting Evidence: Obama Bio (

You couldnt even get a quote from obama that you could skew to push your narrative. You literally resorted to a fucking meme. Youre wholly useless on this site. You bring nothing of value to any discussion. Go fuck yourself

-2 points