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True False
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:38
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 True (8)
 False (9)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Obama is breaking the country with his intelligence.


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 20
3 points

I really don't have much to say on this, I just really expected this debate to be made by Hellno2012, I was disappointed to see he didn't make it.

Side: True

Lol me to so I made it for him. I will make him Administrator.

Side: True
3 points

Bwhahaha! Well, he's breaking the country... that's for sure... The man is intelligent. He knows exactly what he's doing... he's bankrupting the country!

Side: True
2 points

I still want to see his college transcripts,that exposure sure didnt escape GWB. From what I've witnessed he knows what his teleprompter,and whomever prepares it tells him,hellish sad!

Side: True
6 points

Since when did intelligence become a bad thing?


Side: False
3 points

You mean how employment has increased every month since elected, how our GDP has increased, and how our debt as a nation has decreased as a percent of GDP?

Or the way the world no longer hates us?

Or how he hasn't started any unnecessary wars because he was trying to impress his daddy?

Yeah all that stuff suck >_>

Side: False
Hellno(17724) Disputed
3 points

Or the way the world no longer hates us?

Bwhahahaha! You haven't talked to Garry77777 or several other users on this site lately, have ya? The world hates us just as much or more then they did before.

P.S. And yes... I assume you are being sarcastic.

Side: True
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Oh, I'm not being sarcastic at all.

All of that stuff is true.

Crazy right? It's almost like you need to watch news in a different country to get past all the media doomsday bs, on either side.

Countries are far more willing to partner with Obama than they ever were with Bush in any world endeavor.

Why do you think conservatives are suddenly crying about us allowing france to help in Libya? When only a few years ago they were lying about how much France wanted to help in Iraq (you know coalition of the willing and all)

They had to change their mind about what they want because god-forbid they give Obama an ounce of credit.

Side: False
HonestAbe(11) Disputed
2 points

Do you seriously believe that we are better off since Obama was elected to office? Because that is what it sounds like you are saying.

I am pretty sure that just about no one is happy with the crushing debt that he has piled on us in the last two years. yeah, yeah Bush was a spendahaulic too, but Obama has spent Waaaaayyyy more than Bush ever did (not to mension that Obama criticized Bush for his spending. How the shoe is on the other foot now). If you look at the attached link to a chart of our debt as a percentage of GDP you will see that the national debt has not been this high as a percentage of GDP since WWII!! Our debt as a nation has done anything but go down as a percent of GDP!

Oh, so it is okay to start unnecessary wars because he wants to impress the global community?

Also I am not so sure about that "the world no longer hates us" thing either.

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: Obama is breaking the country period
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

I am pretty sure that just about no one is happy with the crushing debt that he has piled on us in the last two years.

The country already had a massive deficit before he was in office, and the 'massive spending' that Obama did do was to repair or prevent an even greater economic collapse. Had the automotive industries gone under unemployment would have spiked to 16.5%.

You can't really blame the economy on Obama, because the economy was shitty BEFORE he was in office, and often times it will take years for certain economic policies to take effect.

Side: False
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

The only difference between debt now and debt 4 years ago is we have less of it as a percent GDP and the GOP isn't telling their drones to get paranoid about it and buy gold ><

Also that every economic scholar says that a recession is when you are supposed to increase your debt, not decrease it.

But whatever, have fun being a pawn of right wing media. Unfortunately democrats actually vote for presidents (unlike midterms) so your filibuster orgy of silliness is about over and the economy will be soaring along by 2.5 into Obama's second term. I know that eeks conservatives, how everytime liberals have control over the economy we do great as a country. But look at it this way, republicans make more money when democrats are in charge too so it's a kind of win/lose for you.

Side: False
3 points

I think the country was broken before he got into office. Steering the nation's economy is like steering a helicopter with only one blade.

Side: False
1 point

How does the president alone break the country when he has no power to simply do as he wishes. He is not a king and this is not a monarchy. Laws and measures are done through congress. The president does have the gift of gab and the ability to persuade people, but he does not have the power to "bankrupt" the country.

Side: False
petal(11) Disputed
1 point

As if he and his agenda dont wield political pressure on the corrupt minions of Capitol Hill,puhlease........who represents the majority in Congress

Side: True

Obama is an idiot. Just look at his economic and foreign policy.

Side: False

It is now 2015 and President Obama continues to be a great President.

Side: False