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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:32
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Ought a Catholic priest be legally permitted to adopt a child?

Do not discuss the Church's position. That is irrelevant to this debate, which is about whether or not a Catholic priest - a profession which has a long history of pedophilia - ought be allowed by law to adopt a child.


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 10

Not sure what the Catholic Church's position, but priests should permitted to adopt a child so long as the Vatican repeals prohibition of priest nuptials. If the church would allow priests to get married, the child molestation would drop because these men are bottled up and look for a outlet, and unfortunately, it is children who are vulnerable to these kinds of acts probably because children are easily manipulable.

Side: yes

Does it really matter? If a priest wants to adopt a child fine. Although he should be submitted to a thorough background check in light of the recent church scandals.

Side: yes
1 point

Let's not stop at letting a priest adopt; let them f#&@ing marry! I have never understood the Catholic church's reasoning for (a) why priests can't marry and (b) why women can't be priests. Who would it hurt if these two things were allowed?

Side: yes

If priests were allowed to marry then the church would have to pay for the welfare and upkeep of wives and children, providing houses that they can raise a family in to start. As it stands they can fit depending on the size of the accommodation two to three priests to a dwelling if not more.

Side: yes
1 point

I don't have a definate answer on this but I think they were allowed to marry for some time after the creation of the catholic church under Constantine. What I've heard, and granted this is taken off of wikianswers, is that it had to do with inheritance issues. Simply, the church wanted to keep the priests wealth and didn't want it going to his heirs.'t_Catholic_priests_allowed_to_marry

Side: yes
1 point

Well I definitely think they should be allowed to adopt. Yes,it's true that a good amount of catholic priest have committed some type of pedophilia,however,we cannot say that all Catholic priest are prone to doing so. Never let a group suffer from an individual's actions.

Side: yes

I think a Catholic priest would be an outstanding parent for a child.

Side: Yes

Yes, what is the problem about Catholic priest adopting a child??

Side: Yes

I believe if the Catholic Priest is not a homosexual - There would be a great chance that He was an excellent babysitter.

Bi-Sexual and Homosexual Pedophiles in nearly every case are very gently, loving, kind, passionate and tender -

Most Bi-Sexual and Homosexual Pedophiles do not force their will onto little boys. They simply, calmly and secretly begin to have fantasies that the little male child is of a female spirit or nature with male body parts - just like the nature in themselves..

They simply wish to open the door of the male and create, develop and install into the male child - a feminine spirit or a ladylike, soft, dainty, female, tender, womanly, effeminate character of the Bi-Sexual and Homosexual spirit

Wherein they satisfy their sexual lusts upon another male.

The adult man wants to take part in the sexual development of the child.

To Bi-Sexual and Homosexual men - this is the greatest lust, to open the sexual entryway and new trails and paths of a little boy. The child's male body is undeveloped and the Bi-Sexual and Homosexual male is attracted and wants to sexually bring on , stimulate induce the little male child and experience the sexual reaction with the child.

Just because a married fully grown Bi-Sexual man or priest denies that He is a Bi-Sexual - this does not mean that He is honest.

Your studies are based solely and completely on the themes. arguments, messages and assertions and CLAIMS of the studies of incoming statements of child molesters.

The Bi-Sexual and Homosexual Child molesters write the data and the scientific community pretends that the claims of pedophiles are facts.

A straight man does not feel attracted to a little boy. Even if a Bi-Sexual adult male is only attracted to little boys - He is still committing a Homosexual act.

it is not a heterosexual attraction.

This is the only facts that have evidence - not the foolish, deceptive and perverted and twisted studies that are based solely, entirely and completely upon the themes. arguments, messages and assertions and CLAIMS of the studies of incoming statements of child molesters and pedophiles who CLAIM that they are not Bi-Sexual and Homosexual.

The Bi-Sexual and Homosexual Child molesters write the data and the scientific community pretends that the claims of pedophiles are facts.

This is your only evidence ? - Of course, it is.

This is a Liberal Democrat Study Of Perverted Liberals - who are the most perverted people the USA has to offer.

Liberal Democrat voters have been harmful to little children regarding their sexuality.

With Liberal Democrats, they spend millions of dollars building great campaign propagandizing the idea that little children can know if they are Transgender or Gay / Homosexual / Female gender or male at a very, very early age. They set up programs and laws and mandates in order to cause a breakdown in their Conservative Republican political opponents and in the family structure and family unit, to attack the system by enacting and exaggerating the idea that children are being neglected and disrespected sexually because children have knowledge of their sexual preference and pre-knowledge about their gender and sexuality but the political opponents { Conservatives / Republicans } somehow have not accommodated the children's sexual needs.

The Liberal Democrat acts if a little child knows something about their sexual identity and the Liberal Democrats also acts as if THEY know something about the child's sexual identity.

But when a religious man molests a little boy, suddenly all of the Liberal Democrat fantasy and role-playing and - projection that they project onto the little children suddenly goes out the door and the Liberal Democrat finger ONLY points at the religion itself, instead of the homosexual lust that the adult male is forcing onto the male child.

Suddenly the child has no sexuality and awareness of His gender because He is suddenly too young and the religious person who molested the child also has no understanding about the sexual identity of Him / Herself. HERE THE FINGERS are always pointed to the religion = They pretend that a priest or religious homosexual man who hides His homosexuality to keep His religious status and job is somehow deserving a special privilege or a right that He deserves giving Him an exclusive right to His privacy about the fact that HE is a homosexual who is attracted to little boys. The Liberal Democrat demands that the religious child molester is exclusively, suddenly somehow been rendered as unable to understand anything about the Child’s male gender...

Which all makes it a Non-Homosexual act because the gay priest denies that He is gay.

And Roman Catholics also play along pretending that the man is simply confused or mentally unstable instead of acknowledging that He is a homosexual.

Liberal Democrats demand that sex act involving a man and a little boy is somehow suddenly not a homosexual act committed by the adult when the man is a part of a religion.

And the child molester’s sexuality is hidden in concealment, confidentiality, isolation, retreat and privacy and confusion and unfamiliarity because He is too religious to be a real homosexual even in eyes of the Roman Catholics around Him. We see that Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats and Atheists have aligned themselves against The Bible and Christians and Conservatives as they ignore the differences between themselves. The core of their very perverted goals that are goals that attempt to destroy the Bible Believing Christians.

This same overpowering force is what unites them against The Truth and God.

The goal is to hide the fact that rape of children destroys their sexuality and is harmful and manipulating and controlling = as Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats and Atheists all use this as a tool to control and maintain power and manipulation as also Muslims follow Mohammad who raped a nine-year-old little child. Mohammad knew full and well the sexual gender of the little female child that he molested.

Liberal Democrat and Roman Catholics have no problem with this at all. ROMAN CATHOLICS kiss the Quran and pray with Muslims facing Mecca and defend Islam and this molestation and rape event is easily forgotten and put behind them, As long as Catholics continue to play along and remain silent and complicit and ROLE PLAY assimilate and cooperate with the Liberal Democrat that the fantasy that all adult male on boy sexual rape or molestation encounters are not of a homosexual nature and pretend that the Priests homosexuality has nothing to do with it. then Roman Catholics will always be the darling of the left and Muslims will always be the contact and lens and example that the Left will use to represent the Biblical marriage of Abraham.

American Liberals simply love and use and abuse the sexual manipulation that molesting children causes and Roman Catholics, Muslims, and Liberal Democrats are ok with being deeply and diversely and variously involved in sexually confusing children and the negativity and mental abuse and confusion and spiritual DESTRUCTION it has upon them and the Bible Believing, Conservative Families, Ideas, Principles and Religious natures from the Bible.

As they cover and hide the fact that the molester is, in fact, a homosexual or Bi-Sexual.. The door is always left open as the molester can never be profiled or identified as anything but a RELIGIOUS MAN. As the Democrat Party spends millions of dollars building great campaigns propagandizing the idea that little children and adults can know if children are Transgender or Gay / Homosexual / Female gender or male, at a very, very early age. But when a gay man knows that the boy is a male gender and is trying to force a FEMALE GENDER on the boy suddenly it is not really sexual but an act of an attraction to the innocence, pureness and unawareness and confusion and ignorance of little child, to the enjoyment of the man who is actually in FACT, a homosexual or a Bi - sexual or both.

And because the pedophile denies His OWN SEXUAL IDENTITY - The studies are based solely, entirely and completely upon the themes. arguments, messages and assertions and CLAIMS of the studies of incoming statements of child molesters and pedophiles who CLAIM that they are not Bi-Sexual and Homosexual.

What a perverted society - the people who are Democrat voters.

Side: Yes
1 point

Bi-Sexual and Homosexual Pedophiles in nearly every case are very gently, loving, kind, passionate and tender

I see. Raping kids is passionate and tender?

Side: No
2 points

Raping kids is passionate and tender?

No. But you do it nonetheless.

Side: Yes

I see what You are saying - this is very sickening.

But - In the view of the pedophile, child molester, in the majority of most cases, the pedophile is very passionate and loving and calm and non-violent about His / Her act of molestation.

The act itself, in the consideration, view, eyes, and mindset of the molester is seen as an act of love and passion. They literally believe that what they are doing is a loving action and if You hear the testimonies and descriptions of the victims and the child molesters -

They describe how the act was carried out with truly perverted and evil methods - but yet the molestation takes place under calm and slow-moving methodical affectionate and so forth - ECT......

I have read and seen the reports and watched some of the documentaries and reports available and I know how these perverts work and the Method, Mode, Modi, Mod, Motor and Motive in which their horrible acts are determined and driven and acted out and thrust upon their victims.

But I see what You are saying.

I did not intend to agree that the passion and loving, tenderness and affections of molesters were of a moral or true love or done with unperverted motives.

Someone who truly loves a child, I agree totally, would never even think of doing such an unspeakable thing. Thank You for pointing that out. I was simply explaining the perverted minds of the majority of these perpetrators.

Side: Yes

Pretending to not understand what someone is saying is not uncommon.

Of course, most child molesters act in a loving and passionate way.

This is how they succeed in achieving their plan to molest an innocent child.

They often pretend to be just as confused as the child and in a passionate exploration - as if they are learning something new from the child.

Side: Yes
1 point

Just for the fun of it, I'd like to argue that Catholic priests should be disallowed since analogous reasoning is often used to deny homosexual couples the right to adopt a child.

Of course, unlike homosexuality, the priest is guaranteed to mind-rape the child with his religion as well.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Of course, unlike homosexuality, the priest is guaranteed to mind-rape the child with his religion as well.

And what about the first amendment?

Side: yes
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

And what about the first amendment?

True, there aren't any provisions against mind-rape, just laws against physical rape.

Side: No

No. It is a recipe for indoctrination.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

"Article 9 – Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

"1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, and to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance."

Side: yes
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

"1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, and to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance."

I'm lost, are you arguing that molesting a child as a Catholic priest is a religiously reserved right protected by Article 9?

Maybe you're arguing that adopting a child is a form of belief that is protected under freedom of beliefs.

Side: No

Is a single person allowed to adopt? ,

Side: No
1 point

They should be allowed to marry and have kids. Where in the bible does it say that they can't?

Side: No