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 Poland says it's safe because it has no illegal migrants (3)

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cabbagedrone(395) pic

Poland says it's safe because it has no illegal migrants

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1 point

That's because they all ran to UK, I wonder why.

1 point

They are safe, yes. They have seen that most of the Muslims immigrating won't integrate properly, which causes Muslim gangs to appear. They also listened to their people, who didn't want mass migration, while the European Union threatened Poland, nor Czechia, or Hungary to take in any immigrants from the Middle-east or Africa even if they don't want to or they would lose their voting rights. Why should they take in immigrants if they don't want to? They have the right to refuse and accept immigrants whenever they please.

I hate Islam and I hate Jews. I hope they fight each other to the death. I think the Poles are correct in resisting