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 Poll-What is your job. (44)

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casper3912(1556) pic

Poll-What is your job.

I'm curious about what type of jobs people on create debate have.

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2 points

I am a Workforce Development Specialist/Case worker in a hospital

2 points

I am the Director of a social work department at a major medical facility

1 point

I own my own construction company. Specialise in plumbing/electrician/gas work.

I'm a package handler, I put small boxes into bigger boxes basically.

In a couple years I'll be designing your next computer, phone, or electrical toy though.

1 point

To annoy the fuck out of people on the internet !

1 point

You're the only honest one here pal. .

1 point

I'm a student and stripper.

And sometimes I babysit.

Yes, it's a lovely mix XD

garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

Your a stripper, i bet thats really empower, or else degrading im not sure which.

1 point

It's just fun. Usually XD There are some nights that the guys get to be too much. I don't find it degrading at all, I enjoy it, and it's not like anyone is touching me. If anyone is suffering it's the men, and women, who can see but not touch. XD

What are you studying? *

1 point

English literature. Well... sort of. It's early and I'm just getting required classes out of the way first.

Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

Cough LIE cough hehe (about being a stripper...) .

casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point


what does it matter to you if she really is, or if just her create debate persona is?

Ive had plenty of jobs, currently i suppose im an engineer. I never worked as one, i worked as validation scientist for a while recently, but not as engineer. I have a masters in chemical process and biopharmaceutical engineering and im engaged in another masters degree programme in sustainable energy engineering.

I work for a company that sells chocolate fudge to other companies. I'm responsible for packing it for shipment. I guess you could call me a fudge packer.... wait..... ;)

garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

You dont need to say it Joe everyone already knows.Go watch some american gladiators.

What is it with your fascination with American gladiators? That show hasn't been on for years.

1 point

Does "job" have to be legal?

I'm actually still in education but jobs that I'ld like to have are:

Benifit Fraud

Prime Minister of the British Empire

President of the U.S.A(that's a bit unlikely because I'm not american)

Film writer

Owner of most of the media

King of Britain

and just a few more.