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Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 True (2)
 False (6)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Progressive / Leftist whack job !

U.S. Representative 
Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX)
believes it is time to make the elimination of the legal term used to describe people from another country, “Alien,” from our law books. Castro compared the term that has been used for decades to describe the immigration status of people entering this country legally or illegally to the words “lunatic” and “mentally retarded.”


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 11
2 points

Well it would seem that Mr. Castro does need to study English a bit more. In the context of immigration the word alien has no shared meaning with lunatic, or any other word that references mental illness. The term whack job does in fact apply to someone who wants to legally change the meaning of English words that they obviously do not understand in the first place. It might also apply to someone fixated on words that they don't like as do the famous "word police", since in that context it is slang for crazy.

Side: True
1 point

You misunderstood what he was saying (I think a problem with the way the article was written). He is saying that "alien" is slur like "retard" or "lunatic". As you have pointed out, the term alien is used in context. Shouldn't our laws be clear without context? Can't we write the laws so they can't be interpreted incorrectly when skewing the context?

I am not sure how you got the idea that he wanted to change the meaning of the word (that's on you). He said he wanted to replace one word with a more accurate word. How does that mean he wants to change the meaning of the original word?

Side: True

I don't see your point. How does this make him a whack job? He well may be one, but why does this example show that?

Side: False
2 points

I agree with representative Castro. We don't want to offend extraterrestrials. When aliens show up to Earth we don't want them to think they are illegals. We want them to feel welcomed and share their knowledge.

Side: False
2 points

Isn't it a great country that allows everyone to voice his/her opinion on ANYTHING?? Having an opinion that doesn't follow the conservative guideline does not, alone, make one a "whack-job". Following the conservative guideline DOES make you CLOSER to one!

Side: False
2 points

"Nowhere in their definition do they reference anything that is other than human."

I can't believe someone wrote this statement. I have used the word alien to reference creatures that weren't human my entire life. To write that the word alien never references something that isn't human would make me triple check my source. And guess what happens when you scroll down on the dictionary website. The other definitions of alien show up. Woah. That took a lot of research to find.

Side: False
1 point

It is just a term it is used to describe things foreign or new, it is not offensive. I don't hear people going around saying "Hey you dirty alien" it is not a slur it is just a word

-A hardcore leftist

Side: False
2 points

Good point. There are way worse words used.

Side: False