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 Progressive Lena Dunham has a melt down (8)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Progressive Lena Dunham has a melt down

"The three hours I spent at the Javits Center Tuesday night, surrounded by campaign staffers and fellow surrogates for Hillary Clinton, are blurred and spotty. At a certain point it became clear something had gone horribly wrong. Celebrants' faces turned. The modeling had been incorrect.  I touched my face and realized I was crying. "Can we please go home?" I said to my boyfriend. I could tell he was having trouble breathing, and I could feel my chin breaking into hives." Hilarious to watch Progressives go down in defeat ! But Lena had more to say. "We believed that on November 9, they'd be licking their wounds while we celebrated. It is painful on a cellular level knowing those men got what they wanted, just as it's painful to know you are hated for daring to ask for what is yours. It's painful to know that white women, so unable to see the unity of female identity, so unable to look past their violent privilege, and so inoculated with hate for themselves, showed up to the polls for him, too."

Those evil "white women" had voted now that is very disturbing for the Progressives.
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Sounds like a case of, 'the people have voted'', the bastards.

Trump was voted President elect by the due process of American democracy and he must be permitted to pursue the policies upon which he was elected by the people of the United States.

'ANTI-DEMOCRATIC PROTESTS' either peacefully disruptive or violent, as we saw in Portland'' must be exposed for what they are and nipped in the bud before we see counter demonstrations and acts of 'tit for tat', brother against brother that inevitably turn deadly.

''HILLARY''was the reason why ''HILLARY'' lost the Presidential contest.

She has announced that she considers the F.B.I.s chief executive the reason why she lost the contest.

Such a fucking yarn.

It was her shamefully reckless and slovenly approach to her privileged position that resulted in the security of the nation being potentially compromised, not the F.B.I.s.

Such a 'sore loser' comment shows the true colours of this 'has been'.

She and her cohorts are now history and should step aside, gone are the days of the liberal elite, 'the times they are-a changing'.

This is not a black vs white, or a male vs female issue as the left tries to portray it; it is a repudiation of liberalism, period. It's a philosophical difference, that's all.

1 point

Poor Little Lena just carries the torch the narrative that must be told if it was not for the White Vote her Hillary would be President. Now why would Progressives want to suppress anyone's vote ?

1 point

So, you complain when someone accepts that they lost and you complain when someone riots. Make up your mind.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Lena is the one complaining about whites voting but Lena must have forget she is white. Rampant confusion controls the Progressive base.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

But, she isn't rioting. You don't like rioting. You don't like non rioting. You have to pick one for people to do.