
Debate Info

I agree. I disagree.
Debate Score:46
Total Votes:47
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 I agree. (27)
 I disagree. (18)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Real feminists support the unborn woman's right to choose.

I agree.

Side Score: 28

I disagree.

Side Score: 18
1 point

That is just crazy enough to work ;)

Side: I agree.
1 point

Ha, I know, right?.................................................................................

Side: I agree.
1 point

I would support you ;)

Side: I agree.
1 point

I totally agree. Real MEN also support a woman's right to choose.

Side: I agree.
1 point

Real feminists only hate men. They don't care about women.

Side: I disagree.
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

I am a feminist, and I love men. :)

Side: I agree.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You aren't a feminist or you are lying. It is a requirement of feminism.

Side: I disagree.
1 point

"Real feminists support the unborn woman's right to choose."

Are only women born ?

Side: I disagree.
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

No, of course not. I am just appealing to proabort "logic".........................................................................

Side: I agree.
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

"Real feminists support the unborn woman's right to choose."

An unborn woman has the right to choose ?

Side: I agree.
1 point

Your question is surely worded incorrectly or maybe a typo , how could an unborn woman haves rights or even choices ?

Side: I disagree.
1 point

That's what you support so you've identified yourself as a feminist. Happy with that?

Side: I disagree.

Right to choose what ?

Side: I disagree.

I agree with your point that Pro Abortion politicians do not care an ounce for women because they support killing even viable late term women babies.

Not only do they not support women, they support killing them!

What you can't grasp is that you are no better then them every time you vote for these radical no restriction pro abortion politicians.

You said you would never vote for a KKK member because you are not a racist, and that one issue of racism is a show stopper for you.

But when it comes to killing viable babies, you STILL vote for the very people who keep no restriction abortions legal for any reason.

If you truly think you are pro life, then take a stand against these extremist Pro bortion politicians. Otherwise, you are a phoney as others who claim to be pro life.

I guarantee you if voters made it clear to Democrats that they would no longer vote for them until they compromise with Republicans on Abortions, the Democrat Party would change in a heart beat! You have the ability to save lives.

Try living up to who you say you are.

Side: I disagree.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You are the pro abortion politics. Haha. You just attacked yourself.

Side: I agree.