
Debate Info

Perfect idea/Yes!!! No! very bad idea.
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Perfect idea/Yes!!! (5)
 No! very bad idea. (7)

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dammeejay(37) pic


Habeas copus is an old legal mechanism that prevents the Government from arbitrarily or unlawfully detaining it citizens.should this right to habeas corpus be restricted in an attempt to combat terrorism?

Perfect idea/Yes!!!

Side Score: 6

No! very bad idea.

Side Score: 7
1 point

Its should be restricted in the face of new and dangerous threat which terrorism poses. A man isn't a criminal until found guilty by the court of law,before being convicted by the court,he has a right not to be detained for a period of time,less than 24 hours. The man,if granted bail could do more havoc in the society without getting caught.Most of this terrorist are ready to give up their life for it.I say Habeas corpus should be restricted for the purpose of combating terrorism. http://


Side: Perfect idea/Yes!!!
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Can't they be detained indefinitely as an "enemy combatant" already?

Side: Perfect idea/Yes!!!
1 point

They can if the right to hebeas corpus be retricted. All in the attempt to combat terrorism. its a perfect idea.

Side: Perfect idea/Yes!!!
1 point

When we willfully abolish our own rights in the name of combating terrorism, we have done more harm to ourselves than terrorism ever could do without us. We become complicit in the terrorist agenda.

Side: No! very bad idea.
dammeejay(37) Disputed
1 point

I wouldn't put it as "abolishing our rights" its basically restricting the right to unlawful detention, for the benefit of the society.

Side: Perfect idea/Yes!!!
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Which abolishes the right to be presumed innocent before guilty, the right to due process, etc. Habeas corpus does not exist independent of other rights. Moreover, suspension of the right is effectively abolishment since there is no longer any guarantee to it; it is a privilege rather than an actual right.

Side: No! very bad idea.
1 point

If we have found a suspected terrorist and there is evidence against then is it really losing rights to hold the person in jail before and during the trial?

Side: No! very bad idea.
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Yes, it absolutely is. It presumes guilt before innocence and sets a dangerous precedent for detaining people without an adequate standard of evidence. If there were evidence adequate for detention then this would not be a case of restricted/violated habeas corpus.

Side: Perfect idea/Yes!!!