
Debate Info

It's a Sin! Wait!! Does it really matter?!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Does it really matter?! (7)

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ScorpioLady1(99) pic

Sex before marriage

Parents pressure kids about having sex until after they are married. Some people have sex before and maybe then get married. Why should it matter

It's a Sin! Wait!!

Side Score: 0

Does it really matter?!

Side Score: 7
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Sex before marriage. That is not stupid. I would highly recommend sex without marriage. Then, sex will flow like water.

Side: Does it really matter?!
1 point

Well since all you're sins are washed away when you repent, then I say the more the merrier.

Side: Does it really matter?!
1 point

True. If i was to try to speak on abstinence, God would strike me down. So repent and onward with life. Swim in the water!!!! Haha lolz.

Side: Does it really matter?!
1 point

in today's society I don't think it matters, I do how ever think parents should encourage safer sex than worrying about having sex after marriage

Side: Does it really matter?!
1 point

I agree today's society the main thing you see is knows as we speak someone is probably taking part in sex and arent married...

Side: Does it really matter?!

Is it wise to wait until after you're married to discover that you and your spouse are incompatible sexually?

Side: Does it really matter?!

A person has to try on the shoe first to see if it fits. Sensible logic!

Side: Does it really matter?!