
Debate Info

Nahhhh Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Nahhhh (1)
 Trump can do no wrong (1)

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excon(18261) pic


Side Score: 1

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 1
1 point

Ah! Patriotism! "My only regret is that I have but one life to lose for my country!" :-(I'm going shopping! ;-)

To lose it in defense of the country is one thing, to give it away by not following common sense wasteful (not to mention idiotic). Be sure to take the kids with you, Tucker. My grandson is teaching at the High School you graduated from. Hopefully he implants a bit more common sense in them that you seem to have missed!

Side: Nahhhh
1 point

Shopping is patriotic..

Or shopping is just life even if a virus as deadly as the flu is floating around according to left wing media in February.

Staying home is treasonous..

Or it just means you trust authorities' overzealous panic because leftism is built on freaking out, so these maniacs seem normal to you. I just see maniacs and go get the Big Mac.

Would I feel different if people were dropping dead around me? Yes, but they aren't. In fact, autopsies suggest that this thing was in the US for months before anyone had even heard the word "Coronavirus", and we were just moving around fine, with nerry a care in the world...

And? That includes you. Rona was everywhere for months, and you were happily going about your business until the simpletons posing as experts told you to be mortified. I personally, looked around, saw nothing out of the ordinary happening around me, and went outside and fed the ducks and the dogs and took a drive around Lake Overholser. According to the left, I should have died. Instead, I came back home even sexier and smarter than I already was. I didn't believe it was possible, but alas, it happened.

Side: Trump can do no wrong