
Debate Info

convict dismiss
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 dismiss (2)

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JustIgnoreMe(4290) pic

Shot in stomach, charged with manslaughter

A pregnant woman got into a fight and was shot in the stomach, which killed her unborn child.
It was deemed that she started the fight, therefore she has been charged with manslaughter.
Should the case proceed or be dismissed?


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2 points

Absolutely ridiculous.

How can you charge someone for being shot? That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Did she ask to be shot?

Side: dismiss
2 points

The logic goes:

Woman 1 starts verbal argument with woman 2 (the pregnant one), about the paternity of 2's child.

2, while highly hormonal and visibly pregnant (but unarmed), goes at one and presumably grabs her by the hair or some such thing. A relatively minor spate.

1 pulls a gun and due to ridiculous stand-your-ground laws that have no concevpt of context or reasonable force, shoots 2 in her pregnant stomach, killing her child and endangering 2's life.

2 panics and goes to the nearest store to find people to help.

1 is arrested.

1 is released with all charges dropped.

2 is arrested and charged with negligent manslaughter for "putting her unborn baby in danger".

'Murica, where there are no limits to the ridiculous extent to which they will push a principle.

'Murica, where common sense is a thing of the distant past.

'Murica, where a jealous wench can bait an unarmed pregnant woman and shoot her in the uterus, without charge.

Side: dismiss