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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 No. (5)

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YIsRisenLord(1202) pic

Should President Trump reopen, the American economy?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 6
2 points

Should President Trump reopen, the American economy?

Hello Y:

Well, of course he should.. But, he isn't the one who shut it down. The NBA did, and everybody else followed..

But, ok. Let's say Trump ordered the NBA to open. Given the state of the virus today, would you go to a game? Let's say Trump ordered all the restaurants to open up in your town. Given the state of the virus today, would you go out to eat???

I don't think you'd do either of those things.. Bottom line.. Trump isn't in charge of opening up shit.. The virus, and your common sense, is in charge.

I think poochy boy would go out.. They got some great Chinese food on his block..


Side: Yes.
Nommunist(37) Clarified
1 point

I challenge the coronavirus to a game of basketball. Winner gets to choose any host they want and loser has to stop infecting people. I would choose to infect Ivanka Trump's vagina. I would use her RNA to reproduce, and mutate into a penis shaped macro-virus.

Side: Yes.

Not right now, no. That would be a potential disaster. This disease is very serious, very contagious, and until the number of new cases begins to decline he's doing the right thing. We know from history how serious these pandemics can be. They can wipe out large portions of the human population. Over 300 million died of smallpox last century before a vaccine was found. Another 50 million were wiped out by Spanish flu.

Side: No.
1 point

I disagree. i have the right, to not be a prisoner, in my home. i am not sick, and have not committed a crime, so I have the right, to travel.

Side: Yes.
Inglenook(8) Disputed Banned
1 point

You have the right, but this just shows the folly of taking that civil liberty to its logical conclusion.

Wouldn't you agree that a pandemic tests the rigidity of your stance?

Side: No.
Inglenook(8) Disputed Banned
1 point

You have the right to do all of those things; but to look at this another way, this is the greatest example of global charity and goodwill I can think of.

80% of the global population are putting themselves through voluntary self-deprivation in order to protect the 20% of vulnerable and elderly who are in harm's way.

This is unprecedented and heart-warming and people of all religions and philosophies should applaud it.

Side: No.
YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I do respect you all, though. no hard, feelings?.,....................................................................

Side: Yes.
AlofRI(3294) Banned
1 point

If he believes money is more important than human lives, and he does, he WILL. After all, when he somehow manages to absorb a few billion$ from this "stimulus" He'll need to put people to work for low wages at Mara Lago …. and he won't have to go to illegals this time … so many will need a job he can start a whole new crew at slave wages! That is, if he is not imprisoned for criminal negligence, tax evasion, rape and fraud …. etc. ;-)

Once a crook, always a crook!

Side: No.
1 point

Don't play the victim. i have the right, to not be a prisoner, and if someone is sick they should stay home, but healthy people, have the fucking right, to travel. Take your big government god, and stick it. Yes I really would say that to a Republican, as well. both Parties, fucking suck.

Side: Yes.
Inglenook(8) Disputed Banned
2 points

You have the right, but if you get sick and require a ventilator or other life-saving equipment, you are adding to the overload at hospitals and potentially depriving others of that equipment. There will be an overload because no healthcare provider in the world could prepare for a pandemic of this magnitude, so as I see it, a reckless attitude towards self-isolation and self-distancing has consequences for other people's lives and potentially (in worst case scenario) your own.

I don't think this is a political position to take, more a human one.

Side: No.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified Banned
1 point

?????? I don't see ANY victimization in what I said. I certainly agree with your "rights". Don't forget, I have mine too.

I've tried to help you in the past. I have 4 daughters and I wouldn't like to see them in your frame of mind. You've obviously lost it …. to hate and anger. I'll say again, get some help, you need it badly. You don't even recognize a friend. You have me blocked. I think that is childish. If you don't want to listen to me, I don't want to listen to you, but I'm not a child, so argue with others. Good luck :-)

Side: Yes.