
Debate Info

Debate Score:33
Total Votes:38
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 YES (4)
 No (18)

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Abbott(158) pic

Was The Shooting Sarahs Fault THE FIRST FEW WON'T MAKE SENSE!!!

I am kind of sick of sarah palin. SHUT UP.but noo she didn't and look wat she got her self into! and no i don't agree that the shooting was her fault but she is getting blamed for of it alot isn't she!












Side Score: 4


Side Score: 29
1 point

I think Sarah Has had her fare share of I-am-stupid-itus. no she as a person isn't stupid but some of her words are. I mean "i can see rusia from my house" come on sarah"

Side: YES Sarah STOP talking!
ThePyg(6706) Disputed Banned
3 points

She never said she could see Russia from her house...

part of a discussion on Russia, she MENTIONED that you could actually see Russia from Alaska on land... just as an interesting insight.

If you listen to her entire interview, THE WHOLE FUCKIN' THING is about Russian politics.

Side: no keep it up
2 points

She never said she could see Russia from her house...

No but Tina Fey did, Jesus they look identical.

Well the interview itself was a disaster, as Palin really wasn't prepared for the questions being asked for her. She was fairly inconsistent with finishing her thoughts, which made her look like a fool she isn't the only crazy one. I mean look at Joe Biden that man is a lunatic, and hardly anyone seems to notice.

However I just noticed that you are banned, therefore I will end with bringing you back up a point.

Side: No
1 point

Why were you banned for this? You're factually correct taken in context.

Plus even if she had said she could see Russia specifically, it still would not be the silliest thing she's said.

Anyway debate creator person. I agree with Pyg on about 10% of debates. But he consistently uses logic and keeps his arguments within the realm of real life, unlike the other independents or libertarian independents here. Instead of banning look up the actual interview. Trust me, seeing Russia is the least of her problems.

Side: No
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

She as a person is pretty damn stupid. I'm pretty sure an IQ test would confirm this.

Plus your tag's wrong. In spite of her being borderline retarded, the shooting had 0 to do with her, or right wing talk - as hateful as some of it has been, or whatever silly liberal conspiracy NewsMax is spinning.

It was one crazy dude that targeted her years ago because he has dimensia and probably a million other mental problems.

The point of this shooting is two fold... not that there is a point but what can be taken from it.

1. We can't be so PC we let someone every teacher, neighbor, and friend knew was insane through the cracks.

2. We can't be so Dirty Harry we think 31 fucking bullets in one gun is a good idea for any random person shopping in Wal-Mart to be allowed to pick up.

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

How does this relate to your debate question at all?

Side: No
1 point

Yes Sarah Palin did have congress women Gaby Giffords in the crosshairs of the target! Sarah Palin talked and someone who was insane answered her request in a behind the scenes fashion!!

Side: yes
3 points

No, her stupidity prevents people from voting for her. If she was to shut up, she would probably regain some popularity, and God help us if that happens.

Side: no keep it up
1 point

True True your soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo right

Side: no keep it up
2 points

While i may not agree with Sarah Palin on many of her opinions, i do not think it was her fault. Did she took the gun and put it in the killer's hands and then forced him to do it? No. Did she had any contact with the killer or had any knowledge of the incident before it could have taken place? No, then how can it be her fault? While her ideas as a politician are not always welcome in society, we seem to be forgetting that everyone has the right to freedom of speech.

Side: No
2 points

9/10 Strippers are smarter than Sarah Palin. And after her speach about the shooting, I'm pretty sure it's closer to 10/10 Strippers are smarter than Sarah Palin.

That said, no. And no one blamed her btw. She's just an attention whore.

There's a difference between, "hey, we're getting out of control with this partisan shit. Let's calm down with the targets and reload analogies, the shooting was one crazy dude, but it made us realize we're acting a little stupid."

That doesn't mean, "It's her fault."

But no, she had to make it about her because she's a typical attention whore, and instead of making a speach like "We know when we make analogies it's in the spirit of debate, but we need to remember we're one country..." etc.

She decides to pull more partisan bullshit.

Fuck her. Like GWB's mom said she needs to stay in Alaska.

Side: No
1 point

HEY DON'T BE DISSING STRIPPERS. STRIPERS ARE ACUALY SMART. I mean look what ever job is you get paid for work JUST work. stripers get paid for sex ...w8 that's prostotutes never mind. ( P.S. Iam only joking)

Side: No
2 points

lmao, you're right.

And if you knew what Strippers make for not even having sex in LV, you'd think they were rocket scientists for choosing their occupation. Most only need to work a couple days a week to make the payment on their jag :/

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Banned
1 point

"I suppose I could play their immature, unprofessional, waste-of-time game, too, by claiming these reporters and politicos are homophobe, child molesting, tax evading, anti-dentite, puppy-kicking, chain smoking porn producers"

-Sarah Palin

she referenced Seinfeld. nuff said.

Side: no keep it up
1 point

As much as I dislike her as a politician, I don't see any correlation between her and the shooting.

Side: No
1 point

the reason you see my name under yes is becaues the argument use to be something ealse

Side: No
1 point

Of course not, the person was obviously mentally ill. However, it does not mean that there are serious repercussions for the rhetoric out there.

Side: No
1 point

Damn politics...

Side: No
0 points

Sarah pailen had nothing to do with the Arizona shooting NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! SHe wasent even in Arizona. Leave her alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: No
Abbott(158) Disputed
1 point

First of all don't be useing caps like as if you didn't read the discription. Second the winning position IS NO so no one is picking on here if you didn't like that topic then don't debate on it

Side: yes