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Debate Score:44
Total Votes:45
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Srom(12120) pic

Should children be told not to talk to strangers?


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 24
1 point

Children may speak to strangers but I strongly recommend that their parents or guardians must be present.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes not worth the risk. But not drastically otherwise your children wouldn't be able to order a simple meal because they shouldn't talk to strangers which would include waitresses/waiters. But they should definitely be taught to not take anything from a stranger unless the parents are present.

Side: Yes

In today's society, I think it is wise to teach children not to talk to strangers.

Side: Yes
2 points

A blanket prohibition against talking to strangers may adversely affect the child's ability to function in society. A store clerk is a stranger, a police officer is a stranger, and most teachers are strangers. While this sort of prohibition may make sense for very young children, we must begin teaching them how to discern when a situation is potentially dangerous as soon as possible. Of course we should teach them to err on the side of caution.....

Side: No

i don't think so, surely that just creates paranoid people who think everyone's out to get them.. teaching them to be careful yes, but teaching them that strangers are all bad when in fact only a very small percentage are can't be a good thing

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You believe in the Illuminati, you are paranoid. Strange advice coming from you then.

Side: Yes
1 point

My god, just because I believe in the illuminati doesn't mean I'm paranoid, if I was paranoid I'd probably be a shut in and no offence but I've probably got more of a social life than someone who hides behind a cartoon character

Side: No
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
1 point

This is an ad hominem argument. You argument doesn't contradict his point, so why are you disputing?

Side: No

I don't think it prevents a pedophile to molest them. I mean come on..

Pedophile: come on little girl, I got candy.

Girl: I'm not supposed to talk to strangers

Pedophile: Well.. I guess I give up then.

That's not how it works. The pedophile won't give up.

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

You think that the paedophile will just grab her or something?

Paedophiles are usually the father or other male relative. However, if they're a stranger theres usually a period of grooming in which the paedophile gains the trust of the child. Teaching a child that they shouldn't talk to strangers stops this progression.

Side: Yes
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

And this has what to do with my argument? The debate says '' should children talk to strangers'' .. and the only reason I find why a child shouldn't talk to a strangers is in case the stranger is a pedophile. Which is dumb... since like you said yourself, the stranger won't give up just because the kid won't talk.

Side: Yes

I don't think talking to strangers will cause them to get kidnapped, if they want it enough, they'll find a way to kidnap the kid.

For a comedic point, every friend you have now, was once a stranger, so not talking to strangers means you'll be forever alone.

Side: No

Can't be afraid of everything. There is a fine line.-----------

Side: No

Its sad isnt it? We tell our children to avoid strangers instead of trusting them

Side: No
1 point

I remember reading a study that stated that when a child is taught not to speak to strangers, he develops a kind of fear for them. This fear of strangers, no matter how small, turns into a hate of strangers. You know who are the "strangers" in adulthood? Foreigners. Children who are taught to stay away from strangers are more likely to develop of a fear or hatred or unnecessary dislike for most foreigners. I'd rather teach my children to be wary of strangers that to straight up avoid them.

Side: No

FEAR,paranoid,great thing's to teach your kid's,now i know why the're ain't any 18-21 year old's protesting againt's their governments,incase there is a paedophile in the crowd

Side: No