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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yay (5)
 Nay (2)

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link6065(740) pic

Should democracy and political voting be held on a voting site similar to this 1

In respect giving the people the power to vote on anything the government wants to do.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3
1 point

I think it would give power to the people and allow them to be able to decide as a majority and equal nation instead of elected officials lieing through there teeth to get the position of power then turning around and not doing anything the people wanted.

Side: Yay
1 point

It would be cheaper... but on the downside, crackers.

Side: Yay
HoldTheMayo(5913) Clarified
1 point

Do you have a problem with white people voting?

Side: Yay
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point


Side: Yay

You'd need mad security for them to even consider it. Everyone in the world would be trying to hack it.

Another thing (not necessarily bad), it would appeal to a different demographic - people who like to spend time online rather than in line. You could say it discriminates against old and poor people, or you could say it's just the next step in modernizing our elections.

Side: Nay
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

I support what your saying. Hacking would be a problem and you're right it is impossible to make fully secure. However, I think that birth certificate numbers and constant monitoring of servers would be sufficient. I mean, unless you know everything there is to know about computers it is nearly as impossible to not locate someone hacking into a system. Not only that, the UN could make it one of the first of world law that anyone caught hacking into any of these systems national or international would serve a hefty life or even death penalties.

Side: Yay
1 point

Another thing i just thought about security wise is that governments could distribute devices for this specific purpose. every device on the internet has an IP address. Only approved IP's from specific devices should and could be allowed onto servers. Something along the lines of IP ban. This issue of devices would allow everyone old or poor, smart and stupid to vote. Not like that doesn't already happen with current voting laws though. Also, it since this is a theoretical type of site there doesn't have to be any debating. It could simply detail what the government wants to do and place a vote. Debate could be for another place. and even if there was a debate under the vote the debate itself should not have anything to do with the actual vote. Also, once voted the position should be locked and those who are out of line cannot effect worthwhile change when a hostile majority faces them.

Side: Yay

the government all ready takes long enough on making decisions now add another 200 million people you have to please and what do you get a stand still government... say we get attacked by another counrty we wuld have to vote either do we go to war or do we surrender by the time a decsion is made we would be ruled by somebody else

Side: Nay
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

Not necessarily, being informed would be the deciding factor in that. There could also be deadlines for the voting system. Notifications now days can be sent out in an instant to all people all over the country. Something that serious could be voted upon in minutes rather then being a stand still. Also, national defense might not need a vote. On top of that, something regarding such things could be voted on well in advance of those things ever taking place.

Side: Yay