
Debate Info

Responsible leader. Hillary.
Debate Score:46
Total Votes:46
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 Responsible leader. (20)
 Hillary. (20)

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jolie(9809) pic

Should people vote for someone who can responsibly lead our country or Hillary?

Responsible leader.

Side Score: 23


Side Score: 23

And who is this mystery responsible leader?

Side: Responsible leader.
1 point

We don't have a responsible leader right now. .

Side: Responsible leader.
1 point

If you can't vote for a responsible leader, then at least vote for someone who will lead with minimal fuck ups (not Hillary).

Side: Responsible leader.
1 point

So what is your evidence that Hillary will make more than minimal fuck ups? Or that literally anyone wouldn't make more than minimal fuck ups? Can you see the future?

Side: Hillary.
1 point

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that she's a fuck up.

Side: Hillary.
1 point

If you can be fooled again by another liberal hack, there is really no benefit in you voting. The direction of our nation must not again be set by voters who don't know or understand the peril we face

Side: Responsible leader.
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

And what defines a "hack", in your opinion?

It seems like you think (if I am not mistaken) that one can not be "liberal" without being something akin to a "hack".

Side: Responsible leader.
1 point

Pretty much. Yeah.

Side: Responsible leader.
daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

Once again you are 100% correct.

Side: Responsible leader.
1 point

The only thing that can cause voters to be tricked by a liberal hack is if they run against a conservative stooge. We need a strong conservative and not the better ideology.

Side: Responsible leader.
1 point

I admit, I voted for Bill Clinton. I voted for Obama twice....then I seen the error of my way as a democrat and switched to the republican party. I'm not a far right conservative, but I am middle of the road conservative. Two years ago, I was all aboard the Hillary train. That changed over the past years. To be truthful, I wasn't very political, and I was raised by middle class hard working laborers. I was always told that democrats were for the working party, and that republicans were only for the rich. I just believed what I was told. Until recent turn of events, I was for Hillary. But then I did some digging and found out all of the lies, deceit, and corruption that the Clinton's have been involved in. My first issue with Hillary is the email scandal. Instead of fessing up, she just kept lying and lying. Next, is the Benghazi issue. I never even heard of it till last year. I had been living under a rock I guess... or just didn't care at the time. Then I read about her past as a lawyer and seen videos of her speaking. She helped rapist get away with child rape. She defended criminals. For what, money? a win? Makes you question if she had a concience. Then... I realized that for years she was against gay marriage, she was against this and that. Now all of the sudden, she has switched her beliefs. I understand opinions change... but values, well that is more than an opinon. Values are what makes a person's integrity. I could go on and on about all the discrepencies in her words. Not to mention her clearly failing health. How can anyone vote for anyone with as little integrity as Hillary? After all her lies have been exposed...people are still die hard Hillary supporters. I can't conceive why this is. Now to be honest, I have never liked Donald Trump. I've always considered him a spoiled, rich, arrogant, jerk. I believe all those things are true about him to this day. However, most of the US presidents have been arrogant, spoiled, rich jerks. So not much difference there. One of the first things that won me over, is...well, he is a billionaire. I imagine foreign countries trying to bribe someone that is already in the top 1%, would be less effective as say, Hillary, who has been proven to be founded by the United States of Arab Emirates and many other middle eastern mainly Islamic states. My other issue is, if she wasn't even capable of being the secretary of the US...without a major security issue, how much more danger could she put us in as the commander and chief? I feel that Hillary says what she thinks her supporters want to hear. I do not believe her to be genuine at all, honestly, I think she just wants to reach the presidency so that she can go down in history as the first woman president. For someone so supportive of feminist, her right hand lady is a muslim woman, which goes against everything feminism stands for. Donald does and says what he wants. He will not bend to anyone's will. I understand this in itself can be an issue, say if he wanted to take us to war...but I'd like to think he has more since than that, knowing that war would cost America trillions of dollars. What is wrong with wanting tight border control? Obviously none of you have experienced first hand the unfairness of illegal immigrants, but I have. My fiance is an immigrant from the UK...and he has to jump through hoops just to keep his temporary residency, not to mention thousands of dollars, while some of his illegal co-workers live off welfare, claiming 9 in their families, our family struggles to pay for the costly immigration court fees and to make ends meat since he cannot even work legally at this time. You wouldn't want a stranger in your backyard, helping themselves to the stuff you bought and paid for....but you would support open borders??? Have you seen what the migrants are doing in Europe, where my fiance is from? They are terrorizing the citizens. I kid you not, his daughter has been jumped by a group of Muslim girls, for wearing a tank top. She was minding her own business and taking the bus home from school, and they all got off the bus and jumped her. Her mom says that they can no longer visit London because it's so dangerous for them, that they rather not go. Everyone thinks its an exaggeration, but these migrants are unscreened, unvacinatted, and have completely different values than what our american constituion is. From experience over in Europe, I can tell you, they have no intention on intergrating. They will form thier own communities, grow and number, and then try to push out and dominate all the surrounding communities, bullying anyone that doesn't bend to their will. Shops constantly suffer vandalism where my fiances parents live, over stupid stuff like selling pork. The town he grew up in has turned to CRAP...only in the past 2 years because of these migrants. They get away with these crimes too. You cannot carry any weapon to defend yourself. I'm told several girls have been raped and sexually assaulted in the town, and the men all migrants, that did it, were not even prosecuted! Yet these girls would have been had they had a weapon on them. This brings me to my next point. This is what Hillary will do to America, if she were to take in 500% more migrants than we already have. Where are they all going to go? I guess if it's not in your neighborhood you don't care, not your problem. How considerate of fellow Americans is that? So why would you vote for someone that would do that to our country, who will lie and cheat to get her way, who says one thing and flips over the next day?

Side: Responsible leader.
2 points

Hillary is the ''best man'' for the job, figuratively speaking . She is a patriotic American and a hard working and very capable politician with a medium and long term strategy for her country to remain the foremost industrial and military power in the world. Vote for a better future, vote for Hillary.

Side: Hillary.
1 point

No, thanks. I think I'll vote for change.

Side: Hillary.
2 points

They do say that imitation is the best form of flattery. In this case it's down right plagiarism but I'll take what I can get. So ride my coat tails and let me know how you like the ride.

Side: Hillary.
1 point

It is flattery. I am quite liberal, but I do respect you. You are my favorite debater.

Side: Hillary.
1 point

It's time there was a woman in the Oval Office. I mean, by all accounts Bill's had one there on a number of occasions during his term in office, now it's Hillary's turn.

Side: Hillary.
The_Man(14) Disputed
1 point

I don't see that as a valid reason to put a person in the highest office of our government. I don't remember anyone using that argument to support Palin, and Hillary isn't going to be the only woman running in 2016.

Side: Responsible leader.
2 points

I hope one of Victoria's Secret models runs for president. I'd vote for that. She couldn't possibly screw it up any more than Obama has already done.

Side: Responsible leader.

Hillary is a responsible candidate. She would be a great leader for the United States as President.

Side: Hillary.
1 point

The irony with people who portray Trump is the responsible alternative to Clinton is his history is MORE rife with irresponsibility than hers is. Repeated bankruptcies, tax evasion, broken contracts, unpaid bills, inflammatory rhetoric, and on and on.

Do you realize that if Trump had been the Secretary of State and then had been nailed for private e-mail/servers and had said that's how he got things done - he's all about results - then the Trump boosters would be praising him for it instead of trying to put him in jail?

They would.

I'm not a Clinton supporter. I'm a moderate independent. I want balance in government. I want a government that isn't flat out stupid, saying ridiculous things, making gigantic lies, or squashing the little guys in this world. With Clinton you are less likely to have nuclear war, jackboot oppression, silencing of the press, and elevation of white supremacist isolationist bullsh!t. Period.

Side: Hillary.