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Debate Score:42
Total Votes:44
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olsen182(13) pic

Should smoking be allowed for kids at 18 or should it be raised to 21??

i think you shouldn't beable to smoke at age 18


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 28
1 point

Cigarettes should be illegal for any age. All they do is give you lung cancer and make you smell bad. Now marijuana, well that should be legal. I don't think it should be legal to smoke in public, however.

Side: yes
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Cigarettes should be illegal for any age. All they do is give you lung cancer and make you smell bad.


If I want to smell bad and die early, shouldn't that be my decision, not yours?

Side: No
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
3 points

If I want to smell bad and die early, shouldn't that be my decision, not yours?

I'm not sure if this kind of response holds well with an activity like smoking. Cigarette smoke doesn't just harm the smoker, it does injury to other people. Secondhand smoke kills, as a matter of fact. If a smoker wants to fill their body with carcinogens, then they can do it in the privacy of their own home or car. But the moment they use cigarettes in public, they are necessarily endangering others' health. So, while I don't think that cigarette smoking should be banned altogether, I do think, however, that it should be banned in the public sphere.

Side: yes
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
2 points

If you want to smell bad and die early, then something is seriously wrong with you. I reccommend therapy. Ask most smokers and they will tell you that they regret picking up the habit. Cigarette smoking causes many people to die each year. My grandfather had cancer due to smoking and was given a 10 percent chance of survival. Luckily he pulled through, although he is significantly weaker and skinnier. He can't even climb stairs on his own. I fear this will happen to the rest of my family as well, because most of them do smoke. My parents, my sisters, and my aunts and uncles all smoke, and every single one of them regret it. It not only affects the smoker, but the people around them as well. I was born prematurely due to my mom's smoking and I have health problems due to secondhand smoking. Why should others suffer because of someone elses bad habit?

Side: yes
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

Why would you choose to smoke for that reason? That's crazy.

Side: yes

Yes, it should be raised to 21 because it will help put an end to most of these bad health by drugs deaths.

Side: yes
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
3 points

Yes, it should be raised to 21 because it will help put an end to most of these bad health by drugs deaths.

Just like drinking age laws, prevent minors from drinking.

Side: No
0 points

i think 18 is to small of a age i think it should be raised to 21 because people shove shit up their nose or snort crap there not supposed to

Side: kids should be more responsible
4 points

Hell no and the drinking age should be dropped to 18... everything should be 18. Having said that, people shouldn't smoke because it's really stupid.

Side: No
3 points

If you are a legal adult at 18, then you should be able to decide if you want to smoke or not.

Side: No
2 points

Better education about smoking from an early age is better than further restrictions.

Side: No
2 points

Understandable that merchants shouldn't be allowed to sell to children who are under 18 since they are still dependent of a guardian AND smoking is proven to be bad for you, somehow.

But the idea of raising the smoking age to 21 is unjust. When you're 18, you're a legal adult. If the government wishes to recognize you as an adult, it shall treat you like an adult. We're old enough to make decisions, according to the legal world. So why do they still bar us from doing it?

Side: No
1 point

Why does it matter what the legal age to buy them is?

Teens get it no matter what, at a much younger age, one of my friends started smoking at twelve. If anything it should be illegal for them to smoke and have cigarettes, half the problem is they can stand outside with there friends and look "cool" but not get in trouble for it.

But that's just me, all my friends smoke and it's their choice

Side: No
1 point

I think smoking should be banned completely. First, we start off with public smoking to be illegal, then, once tobacco companies harass the governments enough to piss them off a lot, we shut them down for good.

Side: No
1 point

Cigarettes do not cause people to kill other people or does not cause your mind to be shifted in a state of intoxication like alcohol does so why should it be increased for the age of use? If the government wants to care about the health of the teenagers in this population, then they might as well try to improve health care and then tell people what to do to improve their health but dont try telling people how they should improve their health when your health care system is not even proper.

Side: No

Well, a man must have an occupation.

Side: No

In my opinion it shouldn't be changed. I think by the age of 18 you should be mature enough to decide whether you are gonna smoke or not. I am 16 and I've smoked for a couple years I know that I want to or if I don't want to. I just think that everybody I know that smokes started smoking before they were 18, so why put it off for the people that already smoke?

Side: No

The age should be raised to 21 just like for alcohol. A person is more mature at that age.

Side: no