
Debate Info

Yes, we should ban smoking No, we should not ban smoking
Debate Score:103
Total Votes:111
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 Yes, we should ban smoking (31)
 No, we should not ban smoking (21)

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stevenycis(7) pic

Should we ban smoking everywhere?

Yes, we should ban smoking

Side Score: 64

No, we should not ban smoking

Side Score: 39
9 points

Smoking not only harms the smoker, but other people around him. People have no right to harm others in any way.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
nocturnal123(43) Disputed
3 points

Smoking only harms those who choose to stay around it, if you dont like it, dont walk near it. You have the right to not smoke, we have the right to smoke. Why take away rights due to people being lazy? Rather than complaining about it, you could just as easily walk 10 feet to the left and not have to deal with it completely.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
ZozoLeeG101(2) Clarified
1 point

shouldn't your argument be in the "No we should not ban smoking" category?

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
3 points

Other people being fat harms me because I my tax money goes towards stupid programs to help them 'slim down.' So does that mean that we should ban fat people because they help to make me financially unstable?

Side: No, we should not ban smoking

We should ban smoking and you know what? people like to argue that it's a choice, but really every smoker I talked regrets smoking their first cigar. they all said that they smoked because their friends encouraged them to. From this I can say that if a cigar never existed everyone would stop smoking, why? because it's not there? no, because nothing can tempt them anymore.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
3 points

smoking harms your lungs and stunts their growth this hurts you and you and your body and can kill you and others

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

Although smoking is a choice that many people make, smoking causes different types of cancers and other illnesses many times leading to death. The government doesn't want people to commit suicide, so why allow people to kill themselves slowly.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

In all public places.

It infringes on the rights of others.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking

we live in a world where corporations don't see us people but consumers. If they did't they would stop making cigars but they continue to do so because they choose profit over our lives.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

Drugs harm humans when consumed. So does smoking, and so what if not as much, that is not the point. If it harms the body then it should not be done. Therefore it should be banned, everywhere.

The only reason smoking is not banned is because governments get a lot of money from it through taxing cigarettes. It's greed, essentially. Another example of idiots ruling our planet, ruling over us.

As long as governments get money from it they do not care that smoking is very bad for health.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

I believe that smoking should be banned. First, because it is very harmful for the smoker and to all people who is near with him. Second,reason is that, there are a lot of people who have an allergy on tobacco. For example i, when somebody is smoking near with me, my eyes start to scratch. Finally, smoking kills your inner organs and can affect on your future children. In addition, people you should appreciate your health, do not smoke!

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

I am doing an English paper on what we should change to make the world a better place and i think the ban of smoking would be a great subject. We all know that smoking is bad for your health, so I'm not going to go into that. But what about money? Buying fags everyday is just wasting money. You're paying for your death basically. Imagine what you could do with all the money that you've spent on cigarettes since you began to smoke. Imagine how better your life could be.

I don't know if you can comment on this, but if you can, would you mind writing some more ideas in why we should ban smoking as this would help me out a lot. Thanks

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

When you smoke, you could get hurt and the people around you can also get hurt.i think that smoking is bad for your body.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

Another reason i think we should ban smoking is because ,i mean, why even bother to waste so much of your money on

things that can get you addicted?

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

Some people might think that its their choice if they want to smoke or not, but once you get addicted its really hard to stop smoking, even though they want to stop.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

Its not just you that gets hurt. People all around you can get hurt too.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

If you think that banning drugs and smoking will effect you, then that's your problem you got involved with all that smoking,alcohol, and drugs.Many,many,many people will spared the possibility of getting addicted too.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

Smoking causes many disasters, not only destroy our prosperities ,but also our health.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals including 43 known cancer causing compounds and 400 other toxins. These cigarette ingredients include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic and DDT which can kill you.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

There are several reasons why smoking is harmful and I'm sure we could write an entire speech on that. But to keep focused, I believe we should ban smoking. A lot of people start smoking because of peer pressure.. because they see their friends smoking. It starts with one puff, but before he/she knows, they are addicted. Stopping smoking is also very difficult. Yes, smoking releases dopamine which makes us feel good. But why should we resort to such activities for short term rewards, but long term difficulties? By banning smoking, it prevents people from getting into such activities which could cause long term effects. Young people for example may not realize what they are getting themselves into.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

We should ban smoking...not even THAT!!!!! We should make it even ILLEGAL!!!!!

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

Smoking is really bad. It not only harms other people around you but also harms the environment. Why should smoking cigarettes be legal when smoking marijuana is not? After all, marijuana is proven to be not as bad for your health as nicotine is and is also found to help cure cancer.

Be the generation that ends smoking.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

Smoking should be banned everywhere. Non smokers, including children are subjected to second hand smoke due to the selfish needs of these filthy people who smoke. If you wanna kill yourself give me a gun and I'll put you out your misery. Smokers kill so many innocent people and should just be eliminated. You are all scum!

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

when people are smoking you can smell it, it smells weird and also band weed because it can actually hurts them to. When they smoke it lets other people think when they are older they are going to smoke too

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

we should ban smoking because it can harm your children or other children around you it can also harm your self because you could get lung cancer and you would have bad hygiene and its also highly addictive

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
6 points

Prohibition only tends to increase usage of a substance. Holland has cannabis legal, and it has one of the lowest usages in the world. There's no point wasting taxpayer money on putting in rules that will have a contradictory effect to its intent.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

Not necessarily, with legalization comes more overt commercialization. While the allure of the forbidden fruit is a factor, having companies manipulate people openly is one as well. The balence between these two factors is one issue which determines if usage would increase or decrease.

It should also be noted that tobacco(especially good quality tobacco) can not grow everywhere like cannabis, nor can it be easily made in many people's home; which makes illegal production and distribution more problematic.

Illegalization would make production costs and risk of production increase, resulting in higher costs and a higher incentive not to smoke.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
foil7(346) Disputed
1 point

Yeah sure, look at the amount of people smoking. Smoking cigarettes are highly addicting and just because you ban it doesn't mean that people are more likely to do it. At least when you ban it, the law-following people will not smoke.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
2 points

Although smoking can cause some serious health problems, every citizen of this country has the right to do what they want. Making a law stopping people to quit a habit is like making a law saying no one can chew their finger nails, completly ridiculous. By creating such laws like that it is opening a dangerous precedent for a stronge central government, which is exactly what the constitution tried to prevent by creating the checks and balances system.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

On the contrary, restrictive laws do not create a more unitary government; especially if such laws are instituted by numerous states or counties, etc. There are other methods besides a federal ban, and even if there is a federal ban congress does have the right to regulate commerce. This act of regulation would have to pass though the same checks and balances as any other law, and in no way would act to subvert such a system.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

we should ban smoking because it makes the world sick. Banning smoking has many advantages saving money, avoiding sickness and addiction. Smoking in public places like parks, should be the no. 1 place where smoking should be banned because kids can inhale the smoke from cigarettes

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
jimbo23(18) Disputed
3 points

In America we have civil liberties and independence. We do and always should have the CHOICE to save our money, avoid sickness and deal with addiction. I do agree that public places should be smoke free, however if someone wants have a smoke in private they have the liberty to do so.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
casper3912(1556) Clarified
1 point

Should parents be allowed to smoke around dependents, even if it is in private?

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
jefbgu(1) Disputed
1 point

my father tried to quit smoking for 66 years and it killed him. it was just too easy to get cigarettes from the corner store. using your logic, we should be free to consume any currently illegal drug and get addicted to crack or heroin. whats the problem with that . does it sound good to you. would you take crack

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
1 point

No. It's a choice, if someone wants to die sooner, then let them.

And it does NOT harm other people unless they're stupid enough to stand next to a smoker and breathe deeply. We have smoking rooms in certain areas and if a nonsmoker walks in there, that's their problem, most places don't even allow smoking at all indoors. So once again, if a nonsmoker is standing next to them outside, which is a very big place, that's once again, their problem.

It's a choice, let people keep it.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Should parents be allowed to smoke around dependents, even if it is in private?

Many people do not use smoking rooms, instead they stand by busy door ways and smoke, or next to crowded bus stops.

It is the choice of the smoker to pollute the air, why should they have that choice?

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
2 points

Some parents hit their children even though it's illegal, nothing can be done about what people do in their private lives. And good parents don't smoke with their children around, my mother never did, my friend doesn't smoke around her. GOOD parents and BAD parents are a different argument completely.

Most smokers don't stand by a doorway to smoke, and it's rude if they do. But many people do things they shouldn't do in public.

It's a choice, we also have the choice to use cars that pollute the air as well, and several other things people use. Choices are a good thing, it's freedom, and it's something I'd personally not want to lose, nor would I want to take it from anyone else either.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking

My girlfriend smokes and I hate it with a passion, nevertheless, it is her choice and I have to accept it... until I lock her in a small room for a month with no access to cigarettes ;)

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
1 point

We shouldn't as it will just make illegal marketing of cigarettes and we don't want this. Also, people can't just suddenly stop smoking if they have smoked all their life and are addicted, it will just mean they will break the law to get cigarettes and it is better that they legally buy them.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking

Smoking is the only thing that keeps me from ripping off dumbass muthafukas heads. If you were to ban smoking than you would take away money from the economy and increase the rate of murder due to me commiting 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 murders due to lack of delicious cancerful smoke in my lungs, its my decision and who is to say that im not allowed to do what makes me happy, thats like taking a little girls bike away from her because you dont like the color of the tassles on her handlebars. Smoking sections are adequit and if people dont like it than stay away. Thousand of jobs are also created due to people creating ciggarettes.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking

Why? It's their body, they can do what they want with it; no body should tell them otherwise. Why should we ban smoking? Because it isn't your personal preference? SO that means we should just ban everything that you don't like, purely because you don't like it? Yes, smoking is bad for you, but so is McDonalds; so does that mean we should ban that? Should we ban everything that can cause your body harm, purely for that reason? How about you idiots stop trying to dictate other people's lives and let them live it how they want it. I enjoy smoking, so I'm going to do it; if someone tells me it's gross I'll tell them to fuck off, because it's my choice. Those are the only two words that matter; MY CHOICE.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
1 point

No ....because if you did your research , when your addicted to something , like smoking , and it gets taken away from you , it can make you sick .

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
1 point

No. It's my right to kill my lungs. It's your right to not kill your lungs. Unless you are standing next to a smoker breathing in deeply as often as we smoke, you are fine. If you don't like the smell I'm sorry. It's your right to pass gas too. Should we take that away?

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
foil7(346) Disputed
1 point

It is also murder to kill someone else's lungs through second-hand smoke. It's people like you who are causing the lung cancer rate to go so high. I will never smoke but everyone who does smoke is giving me the effects of smoking such as emphysema and potential lung cancer. So go take another puff and take 10 minutes away from your life.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking

1. It wouldn't work. You'd just create a black market for it.

2. Private property should be out of the question unless the owner wishes to ban it.

3. Banning smoking outdoors isn't necessary. Just keep it away from entrances and windows.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
foil7(346) Disputed
1 point

That is not true. Banning smoking doesn't mean that people can't sell it. The United States is a free market and owners are allowed to sell anything they want, with a permit. People can still smoke privately and grow their own tobacco. It's just that smoking publicly should be banned. During the Prohibition Era, there were gangs and black markets everywhere because alcohol was banned completely. Therefore, what you are saying is not valid for people who want to smoke in private.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

If banning was the solution to smoking it would have been done long ago. Banning smoking everywhere wouldn't help. People are now smoking in areas where it is allowed. If smoking is banned people will not stop but will hide and do the same thing illegally. So this is not the solution to smoking and there is no use of banning smoking everywhere.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
foil7(346) Disputed
1 point

No government has ever tried it. If you never tried something how would you know what would happen.

Side: Yes, we should ban smoking
1 point

Banning smoking would mean preventing people of their own free wills. Yes, smoking is bad for you, but if a person tries to take a liberty from someone it will simply further the problem.

Even when people do support letting smoking be available to people, some believe that if it were violated they should call the cops or the CIA or some other authoritative organization. No, that should not happen. If you are witnessing your friend smoke right in front of your eyes, then you should be the one who tells them to stop. Not the FBI or the CIA. If they do not stop like you have told them to, resort to a doctor to help ease their addiction issue. It is much safer and helps your friend more than if you had called the authoritative power.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
1 point

There was once something called the 'Prohibition' in Chicago, which banned alcohol and liquor altogether from the city. and a few years later, gangs and criminals started selling liquor by the black market, and the Prohibition was also the time when the notorious Al Capone roamed the streets of Chicago.

The similar thing will happen when we ban smoking altogether. The black market will increase, gangs and criminals will have a great time.

And thus banning smoking altogether is inefficient.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking

To be fair, there should be designated smoking sections everywhere.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
1 point

I'm thoroughly against smoking, but I still believe individuals have rights to make decisions for themselves. You can indeed limit where smoking occurs, for public health protection. You can also hold smokers accountable for damages from second hand smoke. And you can make it expensive or inconvenient to do. But if after all of that someone still wants to go somewhere private and light up then I think it's their own business.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking
1 point

These types of vapes offer users a way to enjoy the act of vaping without the addictive properties of nicotine. They come in a variety of flavors and styles, and are often used as a way to help people quit smoking altogether. One of the main benefits of using vapes with no nicotine is that they can help reduce the health risks associated with smoking. Traditional cigarettes contain a number of harmful chemicals, but vapes with no nicotine eliminate many of these dangers.

Side: No, we should not ban smoking