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RSS BlindPirate

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
2 points

Personally I think when people say that ADHD is a bull shit excuse, i think THAT'S bull shit. ADHD is a chemical imbalance in the brain. I myself am diagnosed with it, and actually know the struggle of trying to sit in school for six hours and trying to pay attention. Which is why most children with the disorder have there biggest troubles in school. So until you have lived a day with the disorder I dont ever want to hear how it is a Bull Shit excuse again.

1 point

Saying that people can not have a sex change surgery is like saying people shouldnt be able to get a nose job. Everyone has the right to chose what kind of surgeries they want, what they do in there medical life is no concern with the outside world, Just because they have a sligtly un common surgery does not make them any different from the rest of the world just like someone having knee surgery because of an accident doesnt change them, there is no difference.

1 point

Just to fill you in the funds that are supporting the military ar the same funds that are keeping you safe and protected at the moment. People fight everyday for you with the most up to date weopons and most qualified people, with out that money, you have no protection, and all the countries that are not our allies will have the perfect opurtunity to attack, good luck surviving that one. Space exploration is a useless science nowadays. We have already discovered that no other planet in our universe could substain a life force, if there were to be a planet that could, it would most definetly be out of our galaxy, making it impossible to transport people before they would all die, unless babies are born strategically.

2 points

yes. In this decade Elementary aged kids have the biggest risks involving kidknapper, by having a cell phone they would have the abilty to contact higher athourity, with out it, i hate to say it, but they are simply screwed.

2 points

Although smoking can cause some serious health problems, every citizen of this country has the right to do what they want. Making a law stopping people to quit a habit is like making a law saying no one can chew their finger nails, completly ridiculous. By creating such laws like that it is opening a dangerous precedent for a stronge central government, which is exactly what the constitution tried to prevent by creating the checks and balances system.

1 point

I believe that aslong as the porn is uploaed to the internet by the person in it or given consent by the person it it, it is perfectly acceptable to be uploaded. Although many people are against this, we do have this right under the first amendment, freedom of speech, this i considerd non verbal speech.

1 point

I have one word ...Colenbine. Two students came to the school with guns and shot many of there peers and teachers, and then shot them selves. The one thing that saved more kids lives from the guns was that a student was able to call poilce with a CELL PHONE. And how in the world can carrying cellphones in school even come remotly close to killing anybody.

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