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Debate Score:41
Total Votes:54
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 Yes (12)
 No (12)

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Halfbaker(21) pic

Should we be allowed to eat humans?

I'ts an underdebated yet interesting subject, so let's debate it!


Side Score: 23


Side Score: 18
2 points

Lets eat the dead! So long as the corpse is fresh, we could cook them up. This potentially solves hunger. Also, this will solve the future issue of insufficient ground space.

Side: yes
2 points

If there were no food available, I'd have no problem with eating a corpse. If my family were starving, and there were no corpses available - I'd consider hunting humans.

Side: yes
2 points

If they're already dead, why not? I heard they taste bad though.

Some cultures still eat their dead, it's considered an honor.

And if you are say in a plane wreck in the Himalayas or something it may be the only way to survive.

In our society though, it may seem a bit rude to start chowing down at the funeral, you should at least wait until loved ones are no longer present... unless of course it's the Himalayas sitiuation.

Side: yes
2 points

Yes, if they are already dead and my family was starving. I definitely would resort to that.

Side: yes
2 points

Actually, I heard somewhere that humans are extremely healthy to eat. I don't know whether that's true or not, but...

I'll say yes, as long as the person said they were okay with it before they die. It may be a bit creepy, but we can get over that!

Side: yes
1 point

Why not??

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: yes
1 point

Hey why not?

If both parties consent it's ok!

There's nothing wrong with it!

You could enjoy it!

It's an infringement of human rights telling others they can't eat each other!

It's totalitarian and authoritarian not to be allowed to eat each other!

kmt... fucking idiots.

Side: yes

How about cows? What do you think about the consumption of cows?

Side: yes
NVYN(289) Disputed
0 points

Ok i don't think it should be allowed... but if I see a Totalitarian and a Authoritarian sitting next to each other, I'd encourage them to eat each other! And if I see other people eating Totalitarians and Authoritarians, I won't say anything either ;)

Side: No

In theory I agree. However, finding a human that isn't pumped full of chemicals and preservatives is going to be a tough ask. I don't think they'd be deemed safe due to the high amount of toxins. I'd quite happily eat Vegan though, it's almost the same as eating organic farmed animals...

Side: yes
0 points

Why not? We eat animals - aren't humans animals as well?

Some humans treat other humans as animals so why not go the whole way and eat them?

Side: yes

The reson we don't eat humans is because it is esy to transfer diseases through food. Since most diseases are specific to certain species, it is safer to eat species whose set of diseases doesn't affect us. Eating the mae species increaes the chance of getting sick.

BTW, I hear that people taste like pork, I happen to like pork ;)

How do I make a smiley with a toothy grin?

Side: No
1 point

I'm with you on this one.

But what if we cook humans really really well? I mean like in a stew with rosemary and thyme or in the oven on low heat overnight or something like that... Will that kill the disease?

Side: No

Maybe..., but why take a chance? I mean, it's not like we are going to get an orgasm or something out of the experience. ;)

Side: No
Levi11(4) Disputed
1 point

that would be nasty to eat a human how could you say you think it taste good

Side: yes

With the right spices and condiments, yeah, you could make it taste good. ;)

Side: yes
2 points

No, not for religious reasons or a false sense of self-righteousness, but rather because humans don't taste very good.

Side: No
1 point

Right, I hear ya! I mean just the thought of eating humans kinda creeps me out enough to make me reject even the best cinnamon cake that my aunt can bake!

Side: No
1 point

Good point. I taste like undercooked tofu.

But if your a starving person somewhere human flesh could be an important resource.

Side: yes
NVYN(289) Disputed
1 point

Ok, the fact that you know that you taste like undercooked tofu is interesting in itself! But that's not going to deter a starving friend if you're both stuck in the Himalayas without food and he's stronger than you... muuhaha!! muuhahahaha!!!

Now to my argument: Ok, if you're starving somewhere and you have to eat humans to survive (eww, right?) and noone can stop you, great! But that doesn't mean it should be allowed! If I was there, I'd probably say something about it... may be give you half the piece of chocolate I'd been hiding from you the whole time.

Side: No
1 point

Ok, may be I'd like to taste human once in my life time. I dunno, sounds like something you ought to try before you die... like climbing a mountain or having sex with a sheep out in the fresh open New Zealand meadows before sunset... hmmmm... anyways.... umm ok, because so many people have argued the YES side of the debate, I'm gonna go ahead and support the NO side... it's not as fun I know!

Like it or not humans are being consumed by other humans. This doesn't make it right though... I don't know what it is about cannibalism... it's just plain disgusting to even think about... movies exploit this well for entertainment purposes, though... Ok, no we shouldn't be allowed to eat humans because it's a bad thing. We aren't allowed to do bad things are we? We shouldn't be allowed to do bad things... Why is eating human a bad thing to do? It's just bad... actually is there a law against eating a dead corpse? I know it's illegal to make a person die... so if the person is already dead, can we go ahead and fire up the grill? I mean if we wanted to?

Side: No
1 point

Ok, the other reason why eating humans shouldn't be allowed is that it'll make the job of the post-mortem examiner quite difficult if he wants to ascertain the causes of death.

Think about it, if eating humans was allowed and if humans happen to taste delicious and was a highly sought after meat (high demand) thus became quite expensive (due to low supply because we all want to live a long life), then what's to stop witnesses to a murder taking a free chunk of the corpse when noone's looking? I mean an autopsy later on will have to deal with missing chunks and teeth marks everywhere!

It'll slow progress right down for any post-mortem examiner in a murder case...

Side: No

Maybe in extreme survival conditions such as events that took place in the "Alive", but eating humans is simply barbaric and disgusting, and the transfer of disease will likely heighten.

Side: No

Cannibalism is an abomination and it should be illegal everywhere.

Side: No