
Debate Info

Yes, we should stop No, we shouldn't stop
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:27
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 Yes, we should stop (15)
 No, we shouldn't stop (11)

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CDEthan(48) pic

Should we stop poaching animals for their fur and bones?

Yes, we should stop

Side Score: 16

No, we shouldn't stop

Side Score: 11
1 point

Yes. Killing innocent animals for selfish needs is not a characteristic of an 'evolved' specie. What a pity mankind calls itself 'evolved'.

Side: Yes, we should stop
2 points

Isn't this called STEALING (LIGHTLY PUT, AS ANIMAL'S ARE MADE TO SUFFER BEFORE BEING ROBBED) as you are taking away something which belongs to another species??

Side: Yes, we should stop
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Killing innocent animals for selfish needs

Why are the animals innocent and why are our needs "selfish?"

not a characteristic of an 'evolved' specie.

On what grounds? Who is writing these characteristics for evolved species?

What a pity mankind calls itself 'evolved'.

Evolution is automatic. We do not need to call ourselves evolved in order to be evolved. We already are.

Side: No, we shouldn't stop
AryaOne(217) Disputed
1 point

Why are the animals innocent

Because the animals people like you kill for fur and bones, do NOT attack you. They are living their lives and you go and attack them.

why are our needs "selfish?"

Why is it wrong to steal?

We do not need to call ourselves evolved in order to be evolved. We already are.

Yeah, that's what I said. We are evolved. Proof: Killing animals for fun, sports, fur, leather, meat. Genocides, wars, occupation, plunder, colonization, nuclear bombs. All proofs of us being evolved.

By the way, do you know, 'humans are evolved' is said by humans? Nobody else says so? Nobody else can though....

Side: Yes, we should stop
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

You know absolutely bugger all about evolution, stop using it out of place.

Side: No, we shouldn't stop
AryaOne(217) Disputed
1 point

You are the one who is bringing 'evolution' when it's out of place here, duh!

Do you know there are other meanings to the word 'evolve' than the meaning in the charles darwin biological process of evolution?

Side: Yes, we should stop
AryaOne(217) Disputed
1 point

You are the one who is bringing 'evolution' when it's out of place here, duh!

Do you know there are other meanings to the word 'evolve' than the meaning in the charles darwin biological process of evolution?

Side: Yes, we should stop
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point



Killing innocent animals for selfish needs is not a characteristic of an 'evolved' specie

Apparently it is.



What a pity mankind calls itself 'evolved'.

Why does it matter what we call ourselves? Our labels only matter to ourselves, after all.

Side: No, we shouldn't stop

poaching is wrong, animals should be used for food and warmth. if a person kills an animal and does not use it for actually needs it should not even be legal.

Side: Yes, we should stop
1 point

We must stop poaching. Illegal hunting will cause a dramatic decrease in the animal's population and it'll be put under the endangered list. If it continues, the species all together will become extinct. Besides, the animals are probably very rare and should be left alone.

Side: Yes, we should stop
1 point

Yes, humans should stop poaching entirely. However I see nothing wrong with the fur, meat and bones usage of a (legally) killed animal.

Side: Yes, we should stop
1 point

it could be argued that hunting a species to extinction is wrong, if the species is an important part of its ecology, or that overhunting should not be allowed as it disturb the balance in the nature.

Side: Yes, we should stop

It is a cruel and inhumane practice. I get shook up whenever I see those brutal photos of animal poaching.

Side: Yes, we should stop
1 point

Fur can be used for warmth; a coat or sweater.

Bones can be used for art and utensils; to create a masterpiece with the bones of wolves, or to create a spoon if you live in a "4th or 5th world country"/live off the land and have no utensils.

What should be regulated is not the betterment people can use other animals for.

Other animals are on this earth for a reason. Obviously humans have evolved by living off the land and using animals for warmth, utensils, ect. Sure we're in the "modern times", however what's the problem with humans being predators towards other animals?

I'm not saying torture the animals and leave their bodies to rot in the sun without eating them or using some or all parts of their bodies and flesh, that's foolish, unnecessary and wasteful.

Side: No, we shouldn't stop