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Debate Score:43
Total Votes:51
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Srom(12206) pic

Should we use the guillotine to execute people?


Side Score: 31


Side Score: 12
3 points

Personally, I never supported death penalty. But if i were to choose which death penalty, i will support this.

The guillotine was actually a far advance way of execution. It is painless, quick, and can be done in public to scare off those who has plans.

Side: Yes
IzetFazlinov(177) Clarified
2 points

Hehehe , Iran all the way .........................................

Side: Yes
2 points

It seems like it's too messy when we have alternative methods. Though I guess it would be cheaper.

Side: Yes
2 points

For the following...

Rape and selected sex crimes

Murder of a minor



Side: Yes
doomcave(66) Disputed
2 points

why pedophiles it is there sexual orientation that they like kids

Side: No

If the peson in question has committed several rapes murders and theift then it is perfectly ok to tourch the person because they have caused just as much trouble and pain

Side: Yes
1 point

It is less painful than current execution methods. It is also much faster. It would be bloody though.

Might make more sense to hang people. Of course, if you are going to make a killing machine, get an engineer to do it.

Side: Yes

The guillotine is barbaric and the guillotine is a form of Capital Punishment.

Side: No

While it's probably a painless way to die, it's pretty barbaric and just meant to shock and degrade.

Side: No
ChadOnSunday(1863) Clarified
1 point

Well the electric chair is still used in the US... it's hard to imagine a form of execution more shocking than that.

Side: Yes

And when the guy flips the switch, he can say "I just made a killing in the shock market!"

Side: No

OK, who's the downvoter who thinks the guillotine is not barbaric?

Side: No
0 points

The blood goes everywhere.

Side: No
0 points

Well to me execution is wrong anyway I do not think that killing a person for a crime is at all moral. They don't learn from it and in a way is hypocritical (depending on crime) but the guiloteen was shown in front of lots of people and I'm sure no one wants there death to be done publically.

Side: No
0 points

There's a reason for civilisation moving away from the use of the guillotine. Firstly, it's unnecessary to chop off someone's head for a crime for the sake of a public sensation. This was made popular in France for public executions to install fear into people. In the modern day, this would compromise our humanity and decency for condoning such methods for an execution.

Also, I like to highlight the health & safety aspect from infection control of the bio-fluids (with or without infections like HIV or aids).

Side: No
0 points

I am totally against the death penalty unless there is an immediate threat to life or civil liberties.

Side: No